Chapter 35 Twelve Zodiac Signs?

Su Chen put Picasso's "The Dove and the Pea" in the display cabinets on the walls around the exhibition hall. There is a wall in the exhibition hall dedicated to storing calligraphy and painting, and there are even free picture frames.

Afterwards, Su Chen placed the blue-and-white blue-and-white jar of Lao Tzu's exit map near the edge of the exhibition hall.Although Yuan blue and white made Mr. Su very excited, but to Su Chen, it was not the most precious. Not to mention anything else, the red sandalwood table and chair with nine dragon patterns of Qing Dynasty Qianlong in the study outside was not inferior to Yuan blue and white in terms of value. The two are equal.

What Su Chen is most looking forward to is the two national treasures rewarded by the system.

Rubbing his hands together, Su Chen called out the system interface and extracted the two national treasures rewarded by the mission.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the bronze heads of the twelve zodiac animals, which are national treasures, including dragon heads, snake heads, sheep heads, chicken heads, and dog heads!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Nine Dragon Sword, a national treasure!"


Su Chen listened to the system prompt, his eyes widened, and after a while, he spit out two words in shock.


It stands to reason that Su Chen is also a person of status and status now, so he should pay attention to his personal qualities.But sometimes when I am so shocked, I can only express my heart by shouting.

Su Chen originally thought that his heart was strong enough. After all, even if he got Picasso's painting and Yuan blue and white flowers, Su Chen was not very excited, but he was still excited when he saw the two new national treasures.

And it was the kind that was trembling with excitement!
No way, these two treasures are too precious!

Not to mention the Nine Dragons Sword, it was Emperor Qianlong's favorite and most precious sword. Not to mention its magnificence, its symbolic meaning alone is enough to call it a national treasure.

The Nine Dragon Sword is said to have been buried with Qianlong in the underground palace of Yuling.Later, it was excavated by a certain warlord and given to someone. Finally, in an air crash, the Nine Dragon Sword disappeared completely.

It is also said that the remnant sword of the Nine Dragons Sword was found in someone's tomb later, but it was just a rusty iron sword, and it was not certain that it was the Nine Dragons Sword. Therefore, the Nine Dragons Sword has since become a legend.

Therefore, its preciousness is self-evident, and it is definitely a national treasure among national treasures.To put it inappropriately, if the Nine Dragons Sword goes to the auction house, the transaction price will be at least tens of dollars!
However, the Nine Dragon Sword is not the reason for Su Chen's excitement. Although the Nine Dragon Sword is good, he is far inferior to the bronze head of the twelve zodiac signs.

That's the Chinese zodiac!It is the most precious existence among the cultural relics lost overseas by the country, and it embodies the regret of countless Chinese people at home and abroad for the country's lost cultural relics.

Not to mention anything else, people can get nearly [-] million box office for making movies with just one name, which shows its preciousness.

Although the reviews of this movie are not very good, and the box office is relatively not particularly high, but this movie can achieve this box office. The Chinese people's emotional sustenance for the bronze head of the zodiac is worth at least half of the credit.

The preciousness of the bronze head of the twelve zodiac signs is self-evident. As far as its craftsmanship is concerned, it represents the peak level of the Qing Dynasty's craftsmanship. The copper it uses is an alloy copper specially refined for the court, which contains many precious Metal, with a deep color and a smooth inner surface, has survived wind and rain without rusting, which is a must.

The twelve zodiac bronze heads not only represent the pinnacle craftsmanship of the country's old age, but also justify the name of Chinese craftsmanship.It is also a symbol of national prosperity.

Nowadays, China's position in the world has gradually returned to the center of the world, and it has once again stood on the top of power. On this occasion, if the country can still gather the bronze heads of the twelve zodiac signs, it will have a great impact on the confidence of the people and the image of the country. to an immeasurable positive effect.

Prior to this, four bronze heads of the twelve zodiac signs were completely missing, and one dragon head was obtained by a Chinese, but the exact whereabouts were unknown.In other words, Chinese people have given up any hope of collecting the bronze heads of the twelve zodiac signs, and this has become an obsession of extraordinary people.

But now, Su Chen actually got the five missing bronze heads, that is to say, the grand gathering of the twelve zodiac bronze heads is just around the corner, how can Su Chen not be excited?
If this news gets out, the whole of China, and even the whole world will be boiling!

The sensational effect it caused is no less than a movie that has won tens of billions of box office!

Su Chen came out of the basement limp all over.

He didn't extract the copper head and the Nine Dragons sword, and the system didn't force the extraction time anyway.

Although the basement exhibition hall is safe, Su Chen can't believe it completely.

No matter how much attention is paid to the bronze heads of the twelve zodiac signs.And in the whole world, there is probably no place that is safer than the system space.

Therefore, Su Chen resisted the desire to appreciate the cultural relics and see them quickly, and forced himself to temporarily forget about it.

Su Chen does not plan to extract the twelve zodiac signs for the time being. If he extracts it now, once someone finds out, there is only one way to hand it in.

The twelve zodiac signs are different from other cultural relics, and the country will never allow individuals to keep them privately at this level of cultural relics.

If Su Chen didn't want to build a museum, he would hand it over. Anyway, in the end, these cultural relics had to belong to the state, so he had nothing to be reluctant about.

But now that Su Chenzhi is building the best museum in the world, the first appearance of the twelve zodiac bronze heads must be reserved for future museums. At that time, his museum would definitely be famous all over the world with the prestige of the twelve zodiac signs.

Although there are many national treasures in China, the bronze head of the twelve zodiac animals is definitely the top level of reputation abroad, and there are very few who can be compared with him. popularity.

Of course, this level of national treasure is something that Su Chen wants to fight for with his life!

In order to restrain the desire to extract the national treasure, Su Chen didn't even extract the Nine Dragon Sword for the time being, and went back to the main courtyard with a stiff body, forcing himself not to think about anything about the national treasure.

Fortunately, as soon as Su Chen came out, he heard voices coming from the front yard.After a while, Guo Xiaoshi and Han Yao walked in from the Chaoshou corridor talking and laughing.

As soon as the two came in, they immediately became serious when they saw Su Chen.

Now it's not like yesterday, yesterday they were guests, and they could get along with Su Chen as friends.

But now, both of them have become employees of Su Chen and have officially entered the job.Now the relationship between each other is the superior and inferior, and the rules that should be observed must be observed.

In the morning, Guo Xiaoshi said that he wanted to recommend someone to Su Chen, but in fact the person he recommended was Han Yao.

Han Yao is the one with the best grades and the most outstanding abilities among the four sisters.Moreover, Han Yao has two years of experience in managing a company before she graduated from college, because Han Yao worshiped a master when she was a freshman, and her ability today is all cultivated by her master.

So although Han Yao has just graduated from university, her abilities are not inferior to those of some big corporate executives.

As for Han Yao, in fact, she has not officially joined the job, and is currently only in the internship stage.

In the internship stage, even if the company inspects her, she is also inspecting the company at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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