I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 353 Conquest, permanent residence

Chapter 353 Conquest, permanent residence

After Ren Lao's words fell, the two presidents hurriedly picked up the glory black card and looked at it carefully.

Seeing this, the two suddenly found some differences.

First of all, the material of the black card is jadeite, so it cannot be completely engraved by machine like other membership cards, and must be engraved by hand.

As for the black card in the hands of the two, it looks like it was carved by humans, because the fonts on it are extremely elegant and free and easy, and the structure of each font is extremely exquisite. It is dull, and it is not a work of machine carving at first glance.

Such characters, not to mention machine engraving, even handwriting, may not be able to write like this, let alone engraving?
All the people here are people who know calligraphy. At first glance, this is not a quack style, but a real calligraphy work.

Besides the first time, the pattern on the black card is also carved lifelike, and there are pictures and texts on both sides.

You must know that the emerald black card is very thin, about the same thickness as an ordinary membership card.

This kind of jadeite must be extremely brittle, and if you carve on it, a little force may break the jadeite.

However, there is not the slightest crack on this glory black card, and the pattern is also carved with clear bumps. With this skill alone, it is not something ordinary people can do.

Looking at it now, such a small card alone is estimated to be worth tens of millions!
The most important thing is that each version of these black cards is different and unique in the world, and the name of the cardholder is engraved on it, which makes the membership card itself an extremely valuable collectible.

After the two presidents got to know each other, they once again thanked Su Chen earnestly.

Su Chen waved his hand and said: "It's serious, it's all about game production. It was Xiaoshi who found me and pestered me to help her make a batch of membership cards, so there are these works.

I made these membership cards for you in advance, and I originally planned to give them to you, so I directly engraved your names, and the rest are more ordinary, without exclusive names, whoever buys them and sends them to them.

You may keep this well, if you lose it and reissue it, you will have no name.Mr. Ren knows that I am quite lazy, and this time it is rare for me to be diligent! "

When Mr. Ren heard this, he smiled and chimed in.

The two bosses are also in a good mood. Their names are on it, which means that Su Chen knew them before, and he still misses them and recognizes them. This makes them feel very happy and even a little honored.

Even the two of them haven't realized this. You must know that before entering the door, the two of them were very dissatisfied with Su Chen.

But now, he was almost conquered by Su Chen.

Even Su Chen didn't do anything.

After eating, Su Chen took the three of them to visit the Jingyuan seriously.

Then, needless to say, originally they came to Jingyuan just to make friends with Su Chen, but after visiting Jingyuan, the three big bosses all decided to rent a room in Jingyuan all the year round, and they will live in Jingyuan when they come to Jiangzhou in the future.

The reason for this is that, first, they must have been conquered by the environment and services of Jingyuan. There are not many places like Jingyuan in the entire Huaguo, and they are basically not open to the outside world. Even if they are open, they are only for people to visit. people live in.

It's not like Jingyuan, where you can live casually, and the best food in the world is always ready.

Such a good place, even the three big bosses who are used to luxury can hardly refuse.

And the second point, even if the three of them soon realize that with the attraction of Jingyuan, this place will soon become a gathering place for bigwigs, and it is very likely that this place will become a good place for business talks and interpersonal communication in the future. It is necessary to have a seat here.

Naturally, Su Chen would not refuse, and took the three of them to open three rooms for them on the top floor of the attic in the southeast corner of Jingxin Building!

These three rooms are directly registered in the register, and no one else will be allowed to stay except for the three of them in the future.

In fact, the three of them preferred the Jingxin Building, but Su Chen rejected it.

The fifth floor of Jingxin Building is his, and the entire fourth floor has only four rooms. At that time, the sign of Jingyuan did not allow long-term rental, and the environment of the remaining three floors is not as good as here.

The three bosses were just talking, seeing Su Chen's arrangement, they didn't have any objections.

Moreover, the three of them were extremely satisfied with the decoration of the guest room in the attic. Even if they were used to luxury and extreme service, they couldn't fault it here.

In these attics in Jingyuan, besides guest rooms, there are actually some other facilities on each floor.

The characteristic is that each floor has five small meeting rooms and one large meeting room.

On the first floor of each loft, there is also a super-large meeting room.

These meeting rooms have been specially decorated, not only super soundproof, but also have extremely comprehensive internal facilities, all kinds of high-tech equipment, basically can meet all the needs of the meeting room, and are specially prepared for those company executives to hold meetings.

At this moment, Su Chen and the three of them came to a small conference room on the fifth floor.

These meeting rooms have different styles, especially these small meeting rooms, which are basically arranged in a warm and close to life.

The conference room where the four people are located is like a tea room.

In the middle of the meeting room is a super-large and long tea table with a whole rosewood structure.

On the tea table, various lifelike mythical beasts are carved, flying dragons and phoenixes, and basalt throwing beads.

As soon as the switch is turned on, the mist rises on the tea table, which looks like a fairyland. Coupled with the surrounding antique environment layout, the whole meeting room is full of immortality and the artistic conception is super beautiful.

Su Chen sat at the main seat and made tea for the three of them himself. The three of them took a sip each, and then heaved a sigh of relief, each with a bit of enjoyment.

"This is really a good place!"

The old horse admired it sincerely.

"Yeah, I really want to live forever!" Elder Ren sighed.

Su Chen chuckled. "Then live here. You are semi-retired. If you have anything to do, you can leave it to Brother Ren and let him handle it. You can stop worrying about it!"

"Hey, it's okay not to worry, I've been busy all my life, and I can't take it easy!"

What Mr. Ren said made both the old horse and the pony sigh.

It stands to reason that at their age, their merits and virtues have been completed, they have achieved what they should have, and they can enjoy the rest of the time to their heart's content and enjoy their grandchildren!

But just like Mr. Ren said, they have been busy all their lives, they are used to the treacherous shopping malls, they are used to busy calculations, and all of a sudden, they can't rest at all.

Lao Ma has always wanted to step down as a director of Ali, but only he knows.

This resignation is only superficial. As long as he is still alive, the real caller of Ali can only be him, and if something happens to Ali, he still needs to go back to take charge of the overall situation.

These cannot be pushed away or avoided.

Su Chen looked at the three of them, and knew what they were thinking, shook his head, wanted to say something, but didn't say it.

Why is he not so?

I always wanted to be free and unrestrained, but what happened?

(End of this chapter)

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