I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 358 Ignition, Eternal Light

Chapter 358 Ignition, Eternal Light

"Hold the grass, is it real or fake? It can't be a lie, right? Our country has developed controllable nuclear fusion?"

"Impossible, whoever spread the news is too stupid, right? Anyone with a little IQ can see that this is impossible!"

"Some people want to rise up and think crazy? Controlled nuclear fusion is a problem in the world. Even the United States and European countries have no research results. How can Hua Guo succeed in research? It's just a dream!"

"How can it be impossible? Grass, what year is this? Why are there still Banana Man? This is the news released by CCTV officials themselves. Can it be fake?"

"Although I still don't believe it, as a Chinese, I definitely hope that the ignition will be successful!"

"Hehe, what a beautiful thing to think about! Upstairs, if the ignition is successful this time, I'll do a belly dance!"

"Fuck off, you only think about good things. Xiang in my country is noble, and you still want to cheat? Do you deserve it?"

"Anyway! I hope the ignition is successful!"



In the United States, in a super laboratory, a group of engineers in protective suits are pointing at a super big iron ball, talking from time to time.

Suddenly, a dense sound of footsteps suddenly sounded in the laboratory, interrupting everyone's discussion.

A group of bigwigs looked at the visitor with displeasure.

One of the old men with an extremely serious face stepped forward and asked in a cold voice, "John, you better have a reason for me not to punish you!"

"Professor, please read this news first!"

The visitor simply said.

The old man frowned and took the phone, flicked it up and down a few times, then raised his head, frowned and looked at the young man with an extremely unfriendly expression, "John, have I been too lax in managing you recently? You can't get enough of this kind of rubbish news. Show it to me too?"

"But, professor, this is the official announcement from Huaguo!"

"So what? The media in our country still allow us to log in to Mars every day! But have you ever seen a piece of iron go up to the sky?"

"No! Professor, I don't think Huaguo's official media will target them indiscriminately."

"They what? Are you trying to tell me? Is the news here true? Are you trying to say that they are about to successfully ignite a nuclear fusion when we all know nothing about it? Do you think Am I so easy to lie, or is today April Fool's Day?"


"You! Get out!"

John turned his face several times, and after looking at the professor for the last time, he left the laboratory with an angry expression on his face!

"Oh, old man, what's the matter?"

An old man next to the professor asked.

The professor shook his head helplessly.

"The kid told me just now that Huaguo officially announced that their controllable nuclear fusion reactor was ignited today!"

"Oh? Are they crazy? Or do they celebrate April Fools' Day too?"

"Who knows! Ignore them, let's continue. We hope that we can complete this experiment before the end of the year. If this idea is correct, we may be able to conduct the first ignition within five years!"

"Well, man, you're always so upbeat!"

Europe, a laboratory.

"Turner, what's the news today?" a professor asked over a cup of coffee.

"Yes, professor, just now Huaguo officially announced that their controllable nuclear fusion reactor was ignited today!"

"Huh? Quack quack quack quack! Oh my, that's the funniest thing I've heard today!"

"I also find it incredible, and professor, it is said that they will broadcast live!"

"Huh? Are they crazy?"

"Who knows?"

"This is interesting, help me find their live broadcast, I want to watch it!"

"But professor, you have another experiment in a while!"

"Go to hell with that damn experiment! I've said it all, this road won't work, and they still have to insist. If you waste time like this, even if there are another ten years, don't even think about the first ignition!"

"Okay, professor, I'll help you find a live broadcast!"

At the same time, almost all regions in the world that are concerned about controllable nuclear fusion and have advanced technology have received this news.

Similarly, for this news, doubts and ridicules accounted for most of the speeches. Not to mention foreign countries, even domestically, there were not many positive remarks. At most, it was prayers and cheers!

To this end, the official pressure is extremely high.

It is said that because of this live broadcast, the upper echelons have become arguing.

Almost half of the bigwigs did not agree to leak the news in advance, because they did not trust Jiangnan Lab at all.

In the end, it was the boss who made the final decision before the resolution was passed.

But obviously, the boss is also staring at the supreme pressure this time.

But maybe it was out of trust in Su Chen, or maybe it was because of some unknown reasons, the high-level officials of Huaguo supported Su Chen in this experiment.

Almost at the same time, the media across the country of Huaguo were on standby collectively, just to fight this battle well.

If the ignition is successful, then needless to say, it must be a national celebration, and all media networks must be the first to cheer for this event.

If the ignition fails, then the national media must also have the right to divert the attention of public opinion, and suppress the negative impact of this incident as much as possible!
That morning, when the senior leaders gathered in Lingluowan, Jiangzhou, Su Chen was the last one to arrive.

After Su Chen arrived, he had a brief meeting with the experimenters and senior leaders of the Jiangnan Laboratory headed by Leng Mo.

In fact, there is nothing to say at this time, so I can only bite the bullet and go all out!

The senior leaders gave strong support and did not intervene in anything. They just helped to maintain order, did a good job in logistical support, and waited for the results.

Su Chen didn't follow suit, and left everything to Leng Mo.

As for Leng Mo, he would be even calmer.

Su Chen didn't pick up his name casually. As a robot, although Leng Mo already has some human emotions, some emotions are still incomprehensible.

For example, feeling of nervousness, etc., Leng Mo couldn't feel it at all.

As a robot, he has personally checked all the links of the experiment several times, and he has confirmed that everything is safe.

Therefore, Leng Mo is almost the most calm existence among all the people.

At 09:30 in the morning, the live broadcast had already started for half an hour, and there was a lot of hype on the Internet, but surprisingly, the number of people watching the live broadcast had reached 3000 million!
This is already an extremely terrifying thing.

It can be seen that even though they are extremely disbelieving in this news, as the sons and daughters of the Hua Kingdom, the people still gave the greatest support silently.

At ten o'clock in the morning, it's time for ignition!
Following the time teller's soft shout, everyone's hearts were tugged violently.

A big leader held a microphone and said in a deep voice with trembling lips: "Light it up!"

Then, Leng Mo, standing on the test bench, pressed the start button without hesitation!
Afterwards, after a brief silence that made people palpitate, an eternal light, the hottest energy in this galaxy, was quietly ignited on this small Lingluo Bay.
(End of this chapter)

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