Chapter 369
Wen Liangdong took the file, paused, glanced at Su Chen, took a deep breath, and then slowly opened the file.

Wen Liangdong felt that he hadn't been so nervous for a long time.

"Future Group, New Year Survey Form, Overall Evaluation: Average!"


As soon as he glanced at it, Wen Liangdong was shocked.

generally?What is general?
Future Group has experienced explosive development in the past six months, which can even be regarded as a miracle in the eyes of outsiders.

Such a result, in Su Chen's eyes, is actually average?
beat?Or Liwei?
Wen Liangdong was in a complicated mood for a while.

Resisting the emotional turmoil, Wen Liangdong continued to look down.

The first thing that catches the eye is his evaluation.

"Wen Liangdong, position: Vice Chairman and CEO of Future Group, in the past year, no corruption and bribery, no slack in work, active work, good performance.

Disadvantages: I like to drink at work, and I have been in trouble twice because of this; I like to change female secretaries, and my life is not good.

He is too strict with his subordinates and somewhat harsh with his employees.

Overall evaluation: 85 points! "


Wen Liangdong's heart twitched violently.

How can this be?How could Su Chen know so clearly about himself?Could it be that Su Chen has an undercover agent in the company?
This is certain, but what shocked him was that he didn't know it at all.

You must know that only a few people around him know about his drinking accident, and these people are all his confidantes who have been with him for several years, and he poached them from the old company.

These people should not be bought by Su Chen.

But if not?How did Su Chen know?
Wen Liangdong felt a little cold in his heart for a while!
While eating grapes, Su Chen kowtowed melon seeds. Seeing Wen Liang Dongchuan's face changed drastically, he smiled lightly and didn't say anything.

The information in Wen Liangdong's hand was bought by Su Chen with money. As for the seller, it must be the system.

In the system mall, there is only what you can't think of, and there is nothing you can't buy.

The reason why he bought this was also to remind Wen Liangdong that just because I don't care about you doesn't mean I don't understand you.

Sometimes overindulgence is not a good thing.

If Su Chen casually fooled Wen Liangdong in the matter of assessment, it would be fine once or twice.

If there are too many times, even if Wen Liangdong is loyal, there will be problems.

Su Chen wouldn't do the kind of thing where he would blame the sheep for being ungrateful in the end.

A slap can't make a sound, everything has two sides.Su Chen didn't want those gossips to happen to her.

Wen Liangdong continued to watch, the more he watched, the more surprised he became.

This information is very detailed, even down to every leader in the company.

What worries Wen Liangdong the most is that there are actually 23 traitors in this document, eleven of which he does not know at all, and two officials even became managers, and one of them even infiltrated Jiangnan Laboratory immediately , to be the outreach cadre of the laboratory.

Wen Liangdong suddenly broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, he knew better than anyone how important the Jiangnan Laboratory was.

The safety of Jiangnan Laboratory is not only related to Future Group, but also related to the development of the country.

Even during this period of time, a leader was discussing with him about the security issues of the government's assisted defense management of the Jiangnan Laboratory.

Such an important place, once a traitor infiltrates, the consequences will be disastrous.

Wen Liangdong read the traitor's information carefully, and his brain was buzzing instantly.

This is not an ordinary traitor, but a spy of the enemy country!
Wen Liangdong slapped the documents on the table, gasping for breath in fright.

It's not that he is timid, but that this matter is too big.

It's too big for a group CEO like him to handle.

Su Chen was enjoying his meal, seeing that Wen Liangdong was frightened like this, he was also taken aback.

He has read the information, and generally speaking, he is still very satisfied with Wen Liangdong, at least the company not only has no major problems in his hands, but has also initially completed Zhenghe, and the management is in order.

As for these traitors, Su Chen didn't really care about them, or he had already expected them.

The big tree attracts the wind, and the future group is moving too fast. Most of the company's leaders are basically outsiders. It is inevitable that some spies get mixed in. This is very normal.

In fact, the main responsibility for this matter lies with him. The main reason is that his pace is too fast, and he does not give Wen Liangdong the opportunity to cultivate talents at all, so he can only recruit from outside.

After pouring Wen Liangdong a cup of tea, Su Chen said softly, "Okay, what's the matter? As for it?"

Wen Liangdong raised his head in surprise, looked at Su Chen, and said bitterly: "Boss, sir, I have let you down!"

Su Chen shook his head. "Nothing, old Wen, as I said, you have been doing very well. Don't worry, drink tea first, let's talk slowly!"

Seeing that Su Chen really didn't blame him, Wen Liangdong couldn't help but feel warmer, picked up his teacup, and took a big gulp.

Su Chen brought the document over, opened it, looked at Wen Liangdong, and said in a gentle voice: "Old Wen, in general, I am quite satisfied with you in the past six months. To tell you the truth, I know very well that in the past six months you can It’s pretty good to have achieved this level. For such a big company, my pace is so fast. If you can keep up, it’s a great achievement. It’s definitely not as good as you. On this basis, there are some minor problems. It's all minor issues!"

When Wen Liangdong saw Su Chen's sincerity, let alone be moved.

To be honest, he once complained about Su Chen, as Su Chen said, he left too fast, half a year, just half a year, a small company with a registered capital of 1000 million has grown into the world's top [-] .

Although Su Chen took a lot of credit, especially the Wang Group and Jiangnan Laboratory, it has to be admitted that Wen Liangdong played a huge role in it that cannot be ignored.

If it wasn't for Wen Liangdong's support at the head office, constantly cleaning up the mess for Su Chen, it would be impossible for the future group to have the current scale.

Based on this alone, Wen Liangdong is a great achievement.

And Wen Liangdong himself knew his suffering, he thought that Su Chen "couldn't see" or didn't care, but he didn't expect Su Chen to keep it in his heart.

Just based on Su Chen's words, Wen Liangdong's loyalty to Su Chen has directly reached the level of diehard loyalty, and it is the kind that will not betray unless there is an accident of insane persecution.

Seeing that Wen Liangdong's loyalty has become MAX, Su Chen was really happy while being surprised.

Wen Liangdong's role in Su Chen is self-evident, with Wen Liangdong around, Su Chen has such a chic life today.

For Wen Liangdong, no amount of kindness can be overstated.

Of course, when dealing with subordinates, the criticism should still be criticized.

Su Chen took a sip of tea calmly, and then continued: "Old Wen, I remember all your achievements, but I also have to talk to you about some things about you."

Wen Liangdong's heart skipped a beat, knowing that he was going to be criticized.

However, his heart to Su Chen has become a diehard loyalty, and he won't have extra thoughts if he criticizes a little.

(End of this chapter)

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