Chapter 373 Pattern
"Ahem, Mr. Su, let's find a place to talk?"

There were too many people, and Yu Laosan's desire to eat alone was immediately extinguished.

No choice but to take a step back.

Su Chen nodded and led everyone to the base meeting room.

Youngest Yu followed Su Chen closely, leaving the others a few steps behind, and then complained to Su Chen in a low voice: "Sir, why didn't you tell me in advance, otherwise there would be nothing to do with them today!"

Su Chen played with the jade leaf in his hand, and said casually: "Didn't I tell you? Do you believe me?"

Third Yu coughed in embarrassment. Speaking of which, Su Chen really told him that it's really not Su Chen's fault.

"Sir, you didn't say it carefully, I thought you were joking with me."

"Oh? You mean, I'm to blame for this?"

Yu Laosan's complexion changed instantly, and cold sweat broke out in a flash.

"No, no, I dare not! Sir, I am obsessed! I was wrong! I was wrong!"

Su Chen's kindness to Yu, Su, and Xu's family can no longer be described in words. It is difficult for the three families to repay it. Generations of the three families must remember Su Chen's kindness.

To the three families, Su Chen not only has the grace of saving lives, but also the grace of supporting and supporting them.It is not an exaggeration at all that Su Chen has at least half of the credit for the three families to have the current fame and status.

Therefore, the juniors of the three families are all respectful to Su Chen.Third Yu's obsession dared to complain about Su Chen, and this matter would be heard by Mr. Yu, who would drive Mr. Yu out of the house.

No wonder Yu Laosan was so nervous.

Su Chen was speechless.

"Third brother, I was just joking. Why are you so anxious? Why don't you dare to be fat? In your eyes, I am the kind of person who cares about everything?"

Third Yu gave a wry smile.

"Sir, I know what you mean. I also know that you are lenient, but you don't care, it doesn't mean my old man doesn't care!"

"If you don't tell him, it's over? Can I still sue you? Come on, don't think about it. The reason why I didn't tell you this is because your current position can't afford such a big credit. On the contrary, it is easy to be choked. Moreover, your prospects are already very broad now, don't always think about your own one-acre three-point land, the pattern should be bigger.

Believe me, a small person will never become a big person.If you can't understand this sentence, even if you go up in the future, you will suffer a lot! "

Yu Laosan suddenly seemed to be enlightened, and his whole body was shocked again.

In fact, what Su Chen said is very simple. It's just because Yu Laosan has been too smooth in the past six months, which caused him to be blinded by smoothness and desire. Usually, he has a high position and authority, and no one dares to speak of him. Now Su Chenyi reminded him , suddenly woke up.

They are all generals, they cannot be stupid.

Yu Laosan's eyes gradually became clear, and he looked at Su Chen full of gratitude.

"Sir, Jing Yan has been taught!"

Su Chen nodded, and stopped talking. Instead, he changed the subject and said, "By the way, which department is in charge of setting off fireworks and firecrackers?"

Hearing this, the third brother Yu hurriedly said, "It is under the joint management of multiple departments such as fire protection, safety supervision, and public security!"

"Well, is there anyone at home who can talk?"

"Yes! The eldest of the Xu family is the leader of the Ministry of Public Security. The third child of the Su family is currently working in the environmental protection department."

"Well, ask them for me, if I have time a year ago, I'll treat them to dinner!"

"Okay, I'll contact them when I get back!"

Yu Laosan nodded and agreed without hesitation.

For the three families, Su Chen's request would basically not be rejected as long as it did not seriously violate the principle.

And with Su Chen's current low position, inviting the second generation of the three families to dinner is to give them face, saying that they are inviting them to dinner is actually just letting them come to the door on their own initiative.

While speaking, a group of people came to the conference room.

After taking their seats, Su Chen didn't hold back, and said bluntly: "The training of those people outside is actually a combination of drug nourishment and extreme exercise. This was very common in ancient times.

As the saying goes, the poor do not practice martial arts, and the rich do not teach.This is the reason why the ancients have so many master legends, that is, the ancients used the power to nourish the body and achieve the effect of strengthening the body.And these medicines are usually very expensive, and ordinary people cannot afford them.

So it gradually led to the gradual loss of the nourishing formula of these medicines, so that now, no one even knows that the medicine can nourish the body and practice martial arts. "

Hearing the words, all the big men in the army suddenly realized, and at the same time felt a little bit embarrassed.

Thanks to the 5000-year-old history and culture of Huaguo, some of the good things left by our ancestors have been lost, even such important things as nourishing the body with medicines have been lost.

Have to say, it's a tragedy.

"Sir, that is to say, you have a prescription in your hand now?"

The person who asked the question was the third brother Yu. He and Su Chen were the only ones in this room who knew each other well. The others didn't know Su Chen very well. They only knew that Su Chen was a super boss and couldn't be messed with, so the big bosses basically didn't speak. I am afraid that misfortune will come out of my mouth.

It's not easy to be a general. Those bad-tempered and simple-minded villains probably only exist in novels.

Su Chen nodded. "I have the formula, and I can give it to you. I even handed over how to train to the people outside. As long as they have the medicine, they can be teachers to train others."

All the big shots were overjoyed when they heard the words, only Yu Laosan remained solemn.

He knew that if things were really that simple, Su Chen wouldn't waste so much talking.

Sure enough, after Su Chen paused, he continued: "Although there is a formula, the medicinal materials are a big problem. Not to mention anything else, there are medicinal materials such as tiger bone, leopard marrow, and century-old ginseng in the formula. These things are known all over the world. Extremely lacking, can you get it yourself?"

The big guys fell silent for a moment.

Good guy, tiger bone and leopard marrow!Why not talk about dragon liver and phoenix marrow?
Tigers and leopards are all nationally protected animals, unless they are bred in captivity.

A big guy thought of this, and hurriedly asked: "Sir, is it okay to raise it?"

"Yes!" Su Chen nodded. "As long as it has medicinal properties, artificially raised ones are fine, and ginseng and the like can also reduce the age requirement.

But correspondingly, the effect of body training will be very poor. The same amount of medicine, the effect is estimated to be only one-tenth of those outside! "

"That's fine too!"

A big guy said excitedly.

As long as it is effective, it is not required that all special forces soldiers become martial arts masters.

For a master like those guys out there, a small portion is enough!
"However! If that's the case, wouldn't those people outside be the only group of martial arts masters?"

Su Chen nodded. "What I want to say is this. They are all made by me using my special and exclusive secret recipe. The medicinal materials of these secret recipes are even rarer, and I only found a small part. All of them are used on them.

So those people outside should use it with caution, I will supply some more medicinal materials in the future, and try to let them practice for three months.

As for the future, don't worry, I'll let the lab find a way to see if the formula can be improved through genetic means! "

After Su Chen finished speaking, all the big bosses said gratefully: "Mr. Gao Yi, I will thank you for your kindness."

(End of this chapter)

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