I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 375 Internal Year-End Summary

Chapter 375 Internal Year-End Summary
"Okay, that's enough!"

Youngest Yu looked at the jade essence in Su Chen's hand excitedly, but at the same time felt a little regretful.

Su Chen made it very clear that the medicinal power in the jade essence is not unlimited.Moreover, the jade essence can now strengthen ordinary fighters, which is enough to show the preciousness of the jade essence.

In this way, Yujing can't just relieve the alcoholism of the bosses.

Every time they drink a cup, what they drink may be a fighter's strengthening opportunity, and what they drink is their future.

No boss dares to be so extravagant, and he can't say it!
After talking about everything, Su Chen gave Yu Laosan a full five yuan of jade essence, and together with the prescription of medicine and tonic.

All the bigwigs thanked Su Chen a thousand times, and left their names and contact information one after another. From now on, they will be contacts, although Su Chen doesn't need it.

After that, all the big shots didn't stay long, and they left the base with the Tiangandi detachment.

Before leaving, these bosses tried their best to get close to the members of the Tiangandi Detachment, chatting about family matters.

Everyone knows that from now on, every member of the Tiangandi Detachment will be a treasure of the country, and every one of them can be snapped up by the bosses.

What worries these bigwigs even more is that they may not be able to keep the Tiangandi detachment.

Because obviously, for such a powerful fighter, it is best to stay in the imperial capital and live directly in the city.

Regardless of the peace of the imperial capital, the task here is also the heaviest. Only by staying in the center of the imperial capital can the Heavenly Stems and Earth Detachment play its greatest role.

They are getting close now, and they just want to second one or two in the future to help their own army train a simplified version of martial arts masters.

Third Yu was left by Su Chen to ask a few words.

"Third brother, do you know the bosses of the navy and air force, preferably those who are in charge of scientific research, such as the research and development of aircraft carriers and fighter jets?"

Oldest Yu scratched his head, thought for a while and said, "I know you know, but you're not familiar with them, you're not one of us!"

"Exactly, what I want is outsiders, we are too publicized now, it is better to let some things out, sometimes take a step back and open up the world.

You go back and ask the old men for me, bring my words to you, and then ask them to introduce me to the two big men of the navy and air force! "

"Success! Don't worry, sir, I will definitely bring the message to you!"

"Okay, let's go. Don't worry too much about the Heavenly Stems and Earth Detachment. If you don't get it this time, you will have another chance in the future!"

Yu Laosan instantly heard Su Chen's voice, and his eyes lit up.

Blackly smirked at Su Chen.

"Thank you sir!"

"Okay, my family, you're welcome!"

Yu Laosan nodded, then took his leave and left.

After everyone left, Su Chen called Gao Qing and Gao Cheng.

"Is everything packed?"

"Boss, packed up, ready to go at any time."

"Well, have you decided?"

"It's decided!" Gao Qing said: "Boss, let Gao Cheng go to the museum. Gao Cheng is young and has no worse experience in security than me, so he is qualified for the position of museum security captain."

Su Chen nodded. "Then Cheng, Gao Cheng, you can take the team away at the right time and place. Xiaodong will follow you and help you settle down these people's clothing, food, housing and transportation. There was no task a year ago. You just need to appease them. If you need anything, just tell Xiaodong." .I will reschedule the specific tasks after the next year!"

"Yes! Boss, don't worry, I promise I won't let you down!"

"Well! Work hard, and try to find a good wife next year. Only when you are all married and established, can I really feel at ease!"

When Gao Cheng heard this, a rare shyness appeared on his resolute face.

Seeing this, Su Chen smiled knowingly.

After going home and having lunch, Su Chen called all the people in the Su residence to hold a family meeting in the east wing of the central courtyard.

The East Wing of the Intermediate Court is unoccupied. This is the place where family meetings are held every day. However, in the past, Guo Xiaoshi or Zhang Huan presided over the meeting, but this time it was Su Chen.

The entire east wing room has been opened up, and the three rooms have been connected to form a hall.

Su Chen and the girls were sitting in the innermost part of the wing room, with hundreds of armchairs next to each other below, the layout was similar to a movie theater.

In fact, this East Wing Room was originally a place to give benefits to the Su family. There is a huge projector above the place where Su Chen and others are located. Whenever a good movie is released, Guo Xiaoshi or Zhang Huan will organize everyone to come in groups. Watch movies in the east wing.

So the decoration here is very high-grade, and it is a small movie theater when the lights are turned off.

On the main seat, Su Chen faced the microphone with a calm expression.

The people below all sat upright.

Su Chen seldom holds meetings for everyone, but it doesn't mean that they are not afraid of Su Chen. On the contrary, they know very well who has the final say in this family.

In this family, if they offended the other wives, it would be fine to say a few soft words and beg for mercy.

But if someone makes Su Chen unhappy, there is no need for Su Chen to open his mouth, someone will naturally fire them without showing any kindness.

The salaries and benefits of the Su residence are top-notch in the entire Huaguo. Not only are the salaries high, but also all kinds of benefits are available, and they are occasionally allowed to eat, drink and have fun.

There is a saying outside, that it is better to be a nanny of the Su family than to be the CEO of the company!

This shows how popular the Su family's position is.

The Dingdun Company and the housekeeping company that serve the Su family all take the position of the Su family as the year-end bonus.In other words, being able to get a position in the Su family is worth more than the year-end 10,000+ grand prize.

And only the best employees can enter the Su residence.

So everyone cherishes their work very much. The more they cherish, the more they are afraid of losing, and the more they are afraid of losing, the more they are in awe!

Unless there are some people who are careless, in the Su family, you really can't find a second or fifth kid who doesn't know what to do or what to do.

Su Chen is still very satisfied with his family, so he is very gentle when speaking.

"Let me tell you, I seldom hold meetings for you. This time it's the end of the year, and the group company is doing internal summaries. Then our big family, with hundreds of people, has to sum up, right? But don't worry, the content of the summaries It's relaxing, basically it's a good thing, everyone relaxes!"

As soon as Su Chen's words came out, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time looked forward to it even more. As the head of the family, what would Su Chen sum up!
"First of all, let's talk about the organization problem! The people in our family have been integrated several times before, but due to various circumstances, the family has been constantly changing in the past six months. There are still changes until now. No, the security side has changed everything. A group of people.

Fortunately, this change should be the last one. The structure of our family is basically like this. Therefore, a few years ago, I will carry out the final integration of your respective positions! "

After Su Chen finished speaking, the people below became nervous again.

mmp Yo!Is this what you said it's okay?It's all integrated into the establishment and the position has been changed. Isn't this a big deal?
This is obviously what everyone cares about the most!

Su Chen didn't care about the expression below, but directly said: "I basically have a grasp of your situation, I won't say much about the year-end summary of personal performance, and your new housekeeper will give you a meeting to summarize. Just tell me about your duties and appointments!"

(End of this chapter)

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