I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 378 Fireworks and New Year Taste

Chapter 378 Fireworks and New Year Taste
After seeing off the two generals, Su Chen had just returned to the yard when someone reported that Fatty Yu, the three of them and two middle-aged men came to the door.

Su Chen had no choice but to wait for them in the yard.

"Ah! Boss, you actually came out to greet us in person? It's a great honor!"

Fatty Yu rushed over with a look of emotion, but Su Chen directly dodged him.

"Go away, you brat is getting thicker!"

Fatty Yu jumped at nothing, turned around, looked at Su Chen with resentment, and then said to Su Pan: "Xiao Pan, it's over, brother doesn't love us anymore!"

"Get out, who made you humiliate yourself!" Su Pan gave Fatty Yu a blank look, and didn't want to talk to him at all.

"Okay, there's business!" After all, Xu Zhen was steady, looked at Su Chen, and introduced: "Chen'er, this is my father, and this is Xiaopan's third uncle!"

When Su Chen heard the words, he hurriedly said hello: "Uncle! Third Uncle!"

The two hurriedly waved their hands and said, "Sir, let's talk about it separately! I heard that you call the third brother Yu the third brother, so you might as well call us that!"

Hearing this, Su Chen awkwardly looked at the three of Xu Zhen who were even more embarrassed.

Boss Xu waved his hand and said, "Sir, don't worry about them, let's have our own opinions!"

"Success! Then listen to the third brother!"

"Hahaha, that's right! I heard that Mr. is a straightforward person, and if I knew this, we would have gone to the door!" Su Boss laughed.

Su Lao San has a lively temper and looks like an old dude!
Boss Xu really has the same temperament as Xu Zhen, calm and coquettish.

"Okay, it's cold outside, let's go inside and talk!"

Su Chen said, leading everyone to the main courtyard.

"Boss, I see that the main hall of your middle courtyard is open. I heard that your main hall is a golden cave. Why don't you take me in to have a look?"

Of the three families, Yu's family didn't have any elders, so Fatty Yu was more relaxed.

Su Chen waved his hand and said: "At that time, you had to see the place where outsiders were entertained. But let's say it first, the things inside are not allowed to be touched, and I only have that little wealth!"

Fatty Yu rolled his eyes. "You just believe me!"

After finishing speaking, he went to the main courtyard, but didn't really go in.

On the way, Xu Xiaodong hurried over, this is to see if Su Chen has orders.

"Call Qingya and the others over, and then tell the kitchen that the extra meal for lunch today is of a higher standard. Let's take out some of my spare ingredients and cook them!"


Xu Xiaodong agreed in a low voice, and then walked away in a low-key manner.

Xu Xiaodong is well versed in the way of housekeeping, he should be public when he should be public, and he should be low-key when he should be low-key.And it can always show up when Su Chen needs it.

I have to say that Su Chen is more and more satisfied with Xu Xiaodong, and it is really easy to use.

A group of people entered the main hall of the main courtyard. The fire in the fireplace in the main hall was always burning, but it was very warm.

The housekeeping girl who had already dressed in daily clothes filled the main hall with melons, pears, peaches, tea and snacks, and the group of people took their seats one after another.

They are not outsiders. At first, Su Chen, Boss Xu, and Su Laosan were a little strange, but they got acquainted after a while.

Once you are familiar with it, it will be easy to handle, and everyone will not be restrained.

As for Fatty Yu and the other three, they didn't need Su Chen's instructions, they went to rummage through the boxes and cabinets by themselves, and the three of them never regarded themselves as outsiders.

Seeing the three of them being so presumptuous in Su's house, Boss Xu and San Lao wanted to reprimand them at first, but they immediately understood and smiled.

"Big brother, third brother, to tell you the truth, I really have something to do with inviting you here this time!"

"Damn!" Su Laosan unceremoniously peeled the orange and said, "I said, sir, you and us are not polite about our relationship. We are a family. If you have something to say, you can say it. No matter what, our brothers will definitely Find a way to help you!"

Boss Xu followed suit and nodded.

In fact, they knew that Su Chen would not do too much. Su Chen was famous for his patriotism.

As long as you don't do bad things, the rest of the things are nothing to the three families.

"Then let me just say, that's right. Our country has banned fireworks and firecrackers since the last century. This issue is for environmental protection, and for safety! I'm right!"

Xu Boss and Su Laosan nodded, this is well known.

Yu Gu continued: "It is definitely right to ban fireworks and firecrackers, but you also know that this Chinese New Year does not have firecrackers, it really loses the taste of the New Year, and the taste of the New Year is not as good as it is every year. If it continues like this , then the New Year will become more and more like a formality!"

Su Laosan patted the table and said: "Who says it's not! Now the Chinese New Year is getting more and more boring. It's not like when we were young, although we were a little poor, but when the Chinese New Year came, it was a lively event. We wore new clothes, set off firecrackers, and asked for New Year's money. Tsk tsk, when I was a child, I was looking forward to the Chinese New Year.

But now, the more the Chinese New Year comes, the more things will happen, and the worse the mood will be, this."

Su Laosan was talking, but he was in a bad mood, so he shut up.

Boss Xu also sighed, "There is no other way!"

"That's not necessarily the case. There is always a solution. Now that the Jiangnan Laboratory has solved the problem of electrical pollution, the environmental problems in our country will be improved a lot.

The second is that I don't know if you know that I brought back a group of people who are rushing to build air purification reactors in various parts of the imperial capital.

Once you have it, the air quality in the imperial capital will no longer be a problem! "

When Su Lao San heard the words, he immediately slapped his hands and said: "I know about this, and it has alarmed the big leaders. I just didn't know that you, sir, did it. We thought it was another gimmick."

As Su Laosan said, he suddenly became excited. "Sir, does your air purification reactor really work?"

"For sure, as long as the reactor is completed, within three months, I can guarantee that the air quality in the imperial capital will return to what it was at the beginning of the last century!"

"Hiss~! This is good news! Doesn't that mean that we can set off firecrackers this year?"

Su Lao San's words alarmed San Xiao, and they all came over.

"What? Can we set off fireworks?"

"real or fake?"

Su Chen nodded and said: "That's why I came here today. The current situation is that if you want to cancel the ban on fireworks and firecrackers above, you must first prove that my air purification reactor works well.

But the construction of my air purification reactor takes time, I asked them, it will take at least another week, and it will be almost Chinese New Year by then, and it will be too late to start operation again!
So what I mean is, can you discuss this matter with the higher-ups first, and make a decision in advance. It is best for me to cancel the ban immediately besides reporting the results, so as to give the people a few days to buy fireworks and firecrackers. time. "

"That's fine!" Su Laosan thought for a while and said, "As long as your side is fine, our environmental protection department should be fine.

But there is another problem now, that is, because fireworks and firecrackers are banned in cities across the country, there are very few vendors selling fireworks and firecrackers. Once the ban is lifted on July 26, people will have nowhere to buy them even if they want to buy them. ! "

"This is easy to handle. There are still quite a few fireworks factories across the country. After all, fireworks and firecrackers are not banned in rural areas. You can find these manufacturers and start stocking up now. As long as the money is in place, you can produce as many fireworks as you want!"

(End of this chapter)

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