I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 386 New Year's Eve

Chapter 386 New Year's Eve
Just as he was talking, Luan Yunping came back.

Lao Guo handed him a stack of membership cards, and Luan Yunping took it understandingly.

A group of apprentices looked at Luan Yunping, the corners of their eyes were shining.

They didn't think about the glory black cards just now, because they knew that those black cards would not be their turn.

But these Star Diamond Cards and Zijin Cards are different. With their status, as long as Luan Yunping is willing to distribute them, they must be there.

Once you have this membership card, it doesn't matter how much money you can save, or where you are eligible to go chic, just posting it and pretending to compare it can attract a large number of fans.

Lao Guo saw the expressions of the disciples, but didn't say anything. Human nature, as long as it is not excessive, can be understood.

"By the way, how are you chatting with those nobles and ladies of the family?"

This is what Lao Guo cares about. Su Chen has worked so hard to build a stage for them, and Lao Guo will definitely care about it.

"Very good, Master. Those people have a good temper, are easy to talk to, and are very enthusiastic. We have exchanged contact information with them!"

"Yes, Master, they even asked us to hang out tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!"

"Master, who are they!"

After hearing this, Lao Guo was very relieved, and then briefly told these apprentices about the three families.

The apprentices were stunned when they heard this, they never expected that the young masters and ladies who were joking with them at night were so powerful.

"This is the painstaking work of you Mr. Big, so that you have something to rely on. You should get along well with these friends, and they will be your contacts in the future.

But you have to remember that a network is a network, but you also have to pay attention to propriety.You can take advantage of difficulties, but this cannot be the capital for your lawless and evil. If I know that you follow them or lead them on evil paths, then don't blame Master for being ruthless!

Yun Ping, you have to give them a good lesson in terms of propriety, this matter must not be dirty! "

Luan Yunping nodded and said, "Master, don't worry!"

"Well, the last thing is, go back and practice the basic skills, including Guo Qilin and Yue Yunpeng. After the year, I will give you a big test. Anyone who fails the test will stop you from business for at least one month, and at most one or two years. show!"


All the disciples trembled instantly.

My mother, if you can't pass, stop the commercial show?Isn't this too strict?
Even Yue Yunpeng and Guo Qilin's liver trembled. Although they were shining stars outside, at home, they were still in awe of Lao Guo.

And they all know Lao Guo, that's true.

If the commercial show is really suspended, in this information-rich Internet society, it’s okay to disappear for a month or two. If it disappears for a year or two, then coming out again is almost equivalent to starting all over again.

The consequences are too serious.

Even Yu Qiang looked sideways, but Yu Qiang could understand Lao Guo's approach.

Lao Guo often said that in this era, the flow of popularity is only temporary. Once you are out of breath, you are nothing.And the only thing that can really make you survive is your own true ability.

These apprentices of the Deyun Society are all extraordinary in terms of popularity.But in terms of basic skills, there are really few who can really satisfy Lao Guo.

Lao Guo made this determination this time, probably because he wanted to give these young apprentices a blow in the head!

At the same time, the three major families are also holding a meeting.

It was Yu Laosan who spoke.

"Shuiliang, Xiaopan, and the town, I'll give each of you a Glory Black Card! Don't worry about the others, the remaining membership cards must be handed over to the old man. As for how the old man distributes them, that's out of our control! "

The girls watched eagerly, but dared not speak.

"Don't be depressed, too." Eldest Xu said in a gentle manner, "How was your chat with those boys from the Deyun Club today?"

"Very good! We are also Deyun girls now!"

"Yeah, they're really interesting, and they have good personalities!"

Several girls said one after another.

"Then have a good time with them, and it will be good for you to get along well.

But I have a few words to say first.

First, don’t engage in crooked ways. Whether it’s them or you, it’s okay to be friends and help each other, but don’t use your brains, otherwise, if you find one and deal with the other, you will never be lenient.

Second, contact with them is enough, don't be too deliberate, and don't be too enthusiastic, they are not blind, and Mr. Su is not blind.In other words, you'd better not have any small thoughts, otherwise, you still won't be lighthearted.

Finally, here is my advice for you, don't be too stingy, look more broadly, and use your brains more in everything.Also don't have the temper of a young lady, you are daughters of aristocratic families, but this only represents your background, not your advantage.Remember, the lower you place yourself, the higher your vision will be! "

"Not bad!" Su Laosan nodded. "What you Third Uncle Xu want to say is also what I want to say!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Listen carefully!" Yu Laosan nodded in agreement!

The next day, early in the morning, all the apprentices of the Deyun Society left one after another, and Lao Guo, Yu Qiang, Yu Laosan and others also left, but Yue Yunpeng and others made an appointment with Fatty and others, and went back to the next door today The resort has a lot of fun, get together and get in touch with each other.

This is the tacit consent of both parents.

It was already ten o'clock in the morning when Su Chen's family came home. The main reason was that the girls got up too late, and Su Chen and the elder got up very early.

As soon as the family came home, they found that the house was being cleaned in full swing.

Today is the 24th of the twelfth lunar month, which is the day to sweep the dust.

Su's house is usually very clean, but as a custom, it still has to go through a process.

Therefore, the Su family also went to battle in person. The study and basement of the main courtyard are not convenient for ordinary people to enter, especially the treasure room, which can only be done by Su Chen himself.

Not to mention, I haven't worked for a long time, and this job is really comfortable.

It was rare for all the girls to work diligently, one by one worked with enthusiasm, and Gu Fu Gu Mu sat in the center to direct.

A large family, more than 200 people, worked until after three o'clock in the afternoon to clean up the entire yard from the inside to the outside.

Not to mention, the courtyard house after tidying up really feels a lot cleaner, and it looks very bright.

The home is clean and bright, and very comfortable to live in.

In the next few days, Su Chen stopped running around and stayed at home preparing for the New Year.

25. Make tofu! 26. Cut the New Year's meat!
Su Chen specially asked someone to buy five pigs, and planned to kill them on New Year's Day!

27, cleanse guilt disease! 28. Paste window grilles!
29, Little New Year's Eve!The whole family is waiting for the New Year's Eve!Most of the people in Su Zhai will stay in Su Zhai for the New Year, and those who didn't stay have found replacements.

On the night of the 29th, the Su residence fell into silence, as if it was gathering strength for tomorrow's excitement.But outside, it was still very lively.

After many people's efforts, the country finally lifted the ban on setting off fireworks.

As soon as the ban was lifted, the entire imperial capital, and even the entire Hua Kingdom, became lively!

(End of this chapter)

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