Chapter 404

Xu Binghua's scalp felt numb all of a sudden.

Xu's mother calmed down, which was what he expected.But what Mother Xu said after she calmed down made Xu Binghua even more desperate!
Actually starting to settle accounts from the root, this is drawing from the bottom of the pot!
Xu Binghua was in a state of confusion, but she didn't dare to disobey, so she could only bite the bullet and nodded: "Yes, Mom, you are right!"

Xu's mother's complexion improved a lot, she looked at Xu Binghua seriously, and then said seriously: "Huahua, as parents, any decision we make to interfere with you must be for your own good, of course, some may be ours. Extreme, but as your parents, we will definitely not harm you, do you agree with this?"

Xu Binghua instantly had goosebumps all over her body, and nodded quickly.

At this time, you can't hesitate, no matter how confused your heart is, you can't hesitate, otherwise this matter will be dead before the discussion is over!
Xu's father was terrified when he heard it, and sat upright beside Xu's mother, with an extremely serious expression!

Seeing Xu Binghua nodding happily, Mother Xu's expression improved a lot, and she continued: "Since you know everything, I'll just say it straight.

We all grew up, and I also have puberty, and I understand that you don't want your life to be arranged by others, and you want to live your own way.

Yes, although I disagree intellectually, but emotionally, I support you.And you are lucky to be born in a family like ours.With me and your dad here, as long as you don't die or squander, no matter what you do, we can guarantee that you will have nothing to worry about.They won't be like parents in ordinary families, working hard to train you so that you can have a good future on your own.From this point of view, you should be lucky!
So, what traditional culture do you want to learn from an early age, poetry, poetry, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.Neither of us objected. Although the road after learning these things will be difficult, but with me and your dad here, I promise to make arrangements for you.

We won't interfere with what you do, but the premise is that what you do can't go too far!
Xu Binghua, whether it’s piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry and poetry, or talented women from the imperial capital, these hobbies are at least the right way, and they are good things left by our ancestors. If you can become the successor, your parents will definitely support you , and proud of you.

But what about internet celebrities?What kind of people is that?Showing off her arms and legs, she made a pose in front of thousands of smelly men, just to earn some rewards.This kind of behavior is called a live broadcast at a good level, and isn't it just a show begging at a bad level?

Xu Binghua, we have worked so hard to raise you, is it just to make you show off your agricultural resources to please others and make money?Your dad and I are not so poor that we have to rely on you to beg for food! "

Xu's mother said the last, almost scolding.

Xu Binghua was stunned by the scolding.

Father Xu was also a little dumb.

The father and daughter were silent for a moment, and after a few eye contact, Father Xu said helplessly, "Then what, wife, calm down. Can I say something?"

When Xu's mother heard this, she looked at Xu's father in surprise, and said, "Aren't you usually able to hide as far away as possible when you encounter this kind of thing? Now you actually speak up on your own initiative? It's rare!"

Father Xu smiled wryly. "Honey, look at what you said, it's a matter of my daughter's life, no matter how unreliable I am, I won't pretend I don't know, right?"

"You still have a little conscience. You can talk about it too! I want to hear what you have to say? You always say that I am domineering, but today I will let you see whether I am a democratic person or not. You two can stand Let's see if you can convince me!"

"Wife, look at what you said, no matter what happens, I'm definitely on your side!" Xu's father was not fooled at all, and the girl's eyes for help were ignored.

No matter how caring the little padded jacket is, it is not as important as the daughter-in-law.

"Cut! That's fine, just say something if you have something to say!" Xu's mother rolled her eyes at Xu's father, but the corners of her mouth curled up, and her tone of voice became much more relaxed.

"Honey, I think you may have misunderstood the profession of internet celebrity." Father Xu calmly analyzed, "I admit that those people you mentioned exist, although they are all for the sake of life, and we don't discriminate against them, but as parents , will definitely not agree with his daughter to do such a thing.

However, my wife, now is the Internet age, internet celebrities can develop into a formal profession, there must be a reason for their existence, and most of the internet celebrities in this world are still very good, at least many of them have real talents , are also good! "

When Xu's mother heard this, she nodded thoughtfully, obviously realizing that she was a bit extreme.

Xu's mother doesn't know much about the Internet, and most of the word Internet celebrity comes from hearsay.Compared with the gossip, Xu's mother definitely believed in her husband.

Seeing this, Xu Binghua thought that Mother Xu had changed her attitude, and said excitedly, "Mom, do you agree?"

"Who said that? You think too much."

Xu Binghua's complexion changed again. "But."

"But what?" Xu's mother said lightly: "If what your father said is true, I can apologize for my ignorance. But you want to become an Internet celebrity, but it is absolutely impossible.

I don't care what kind of career Internet celebrities are now, how great they are.All I know is that the gossip I've heard from my neighbors doesn't have a good opinion of Internet celebrities, and I basically don't praise them.It can be seen that the reputation of Internet celebrities is definitely not very good.

You are a girl with a reputation as big as the sky!Unless the whole world can justify the name of Internet celebrities, otherwise, you will never even think about it in this life! "

Xu Binghua was a little desperate when she heard the words.

What Xu's mother said made sense, and she couldn't refute it.Even if he insists on going his own way, he must also consider his parents.At least they can't let their parents be ashamed to tell others about their daughter's career when they go out!
Father Xu also made a rare statement.

"Huahua, your mother talks a lot. I absolutely support your mother's opinion on this matter. If you want to be famous, be a celebrity. Yes, I can let you join the military art troupe. Isn't this starting point better than being an Internet celebrity?"

Xu Binghua's face darkened, and she sighed silently.Nodding his head, he agreed with Xu's father and Xu's mother.But she still couldn't forget the museum city in her heart.

Father Xu's expression changed when he saw this, and he suddenly said, "Binghua, why do you suddenly want to be an Internet celebrity?"

"It's nothing, I was just invited by a friend!" Xu Binghua was in a bad mood, so she just said casually.

Father Xu's expression turned serious, even a little angry.

How dare someone trick his only daughter into becoming an internet celebrity?Xu's father immediately thought of the conspiracy, and felt that this matter was not simple.

Xu's father took a deep breath, looked at Xu's mother, and then said, "Oh? What friend? Do I know your mother?"

Xu Binghua was not in a high mood and kept her head down, so she didn't see any difference in Xu's father and Xu's mother's expression.Hearing Gu's father's culture, Xu Binghua thought of Su Chen, and was in a bad mood for a while.

"I know, of course I know, people also told me that as long as I mention his name to you, you will definitely make me an Internet celebrity, hum, what a big lie!"

Xu Binghua complained.

Father Xu's expression became more solemn, forced a smile, and said, "Oh? There is such a thing? Who is he? What's his name? Dad will clean him up for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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