I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 406 Late Night BBQ

Chapter 406 Late Night BBQ
Su residence, the main hall.

Su Chen and a few girls sat around the oven, and Su Chen sat in the middle of the barbecue. The girls helped him, talking and laughing, and Gu Qingyu was responsible for feeding Su Chen drinks and fruits. From then on, she became very clingy to Su Chen.

Fortunately, apart from her, the other women in the family are inconvenient. It is considered that she has caught up with her good time, and no one is competing with him.

On the stove, the grilled golden meat skewers are covered with a layer of glistening oil droplets. From time to time, oil droplets fall on the coals, causing the sound of sizzling, and at the same time exuding a unique smell of barbecue and barbecue. An alluring aroma blended with burning fruit charcoal.

After a while, after the meat skewers were slightly burnt, Su Chen picked up a brush and brushed a layer of oil on the meat skewers, then began to sprinkle various seasonings evenly in sequence, and finally, grilled the seasonings until they tasted good , more than forty skewers will be considered a success!
"Oh, it's so fragrant! Husband, are you alright?"

Guo Xiaoshi stared at the barbecue with her big eyes, swallowing her saliva like a kitten begging for food.

Zhang Huan was also greedy, muttering: "This barbecue is delicious, but it's too gluttonous when it's cooked!"

"Okay!" Su Chen smiled and distributed more than forty skewers to the five girls. The skewers were long and the pieces of meat were big. Each of the five girls got six or seven skewers, which was enough to eat for a while.

Gu Qingyu was assigned more than a dozen strings, because he still had to take care of Su Chen.

After dividing the meat skewers, Su Chen picked up two skewers and grilled them again, and explained: "This is also one of the wonderful things about barbecue. Watching the process of making barbecue can whet your appetite." When the appetite is widened, the appetite will be stronger, and the food in the mouth will be more delicious. And the barbecue must be eaten and baked immediately, and it cannot be allowed to cool. Once it is cold, the taste will be completely bad. Already!"

"Really!" Tang Qiong said while eating: "I didn't like meat very much after I was pregnant, but now I have an appetite after eating barbecue!"

Gu Qingya was amused. "Why does it sound like your pregnancy reaction is so unscrupulous? You surrendered after a barbecue?"

"Pfft!" The girls giggled at Gu Qingya's words.

Su Chen couldn't help but smile, maybe because the boss of the Su family was about to be born, Gu Qingya's personality became more and more cheerful.

The girls were chatting and laughing, only Gu Qingyu was lying on Su Chen's back, with a pile of food beside him, feeding Su Chen from time to time, serving him comfortably.

Tang Qiong looked interesting, and couldn't help laughing: "Sister, looking at our Xiaoyu's positive attitude, I'm afraid she is trying to usurp the throne?"

Tang Qiong and Gu Qingyu were originally best friends, and they had a good relationship with Gu Qingya before, so they just made such misleading jokes.

Sure enough, when Gu Qingya heard the words, she didn't care at all, but after glancing at Gu Qingyu, she said helplessly: "This girl is a ghost, husband, you have to be careful, show courteousness for nothing, rape or steal!"

"Gu Qingya, you're slandering me!" Gu Qingyu yelled without fear of Gu Qingyu at all, and even acted like a baby to Su Chen after the yelling. "Husband, look at my eldest sister bullying me!"

Su Chen chuckled, knowing that the two sisters were joking, but he lightly pecked Gu Qingya's pretty face, and then said softly: "That's your elder sister, please be respectful, it's okay to be reasonable, you can't call her name directly, I apologize to your elder sister! "

"Don't!" Gu Qingya rolled her eyes and said, "Honey, I don't dare to take what this girl owes me, who knows if she will get revenge behind her back!"

"Gu Qingya, you're slandering me out of thin air again! Hmph! But for my husband's sake, I'm ignoring you! Just a little bit!"

The other women should have been sour when they watched the interaction between their sisters, after all, they had no other sisters.

But in fact, the girls are already used to it, and Gu Qingya has indeed treated each of the other girls as her own younger sister. If anyone is disobedient, it will be a real beating!

Therefore, from an emotional point of view, the other girls were also treated as real sisters with Gu Qingya, and Gu Qingya didn't have anything special.

After Gu Qingyu scolded Gu Qingya, she joined Guo Xiaoshi and Zhang Huan.

Seeing this, the two women immediately ran away.

"What are you doing?"

"That's right! Stay away from us!"

Guo Xiaoshi and Zhang Huan looked wary.

Gu Qingyu's expression suddenly became sad and indignant.

"Third sister and fourth sister, do you want to be so realistic?"

"Get out!" Guo Xiaoshi rolled her eyes and said, "Don't think that we don't know what you're going to do? If you offend the eldest sister, you must have the courage to bear the consequences. Don't think that we will take the blame for you."

"Only four! Xiao Wu's heart is very bad!" Zhang Huan said while eating the meat skewers.

Seeing this, Gu Qingyu rolled her eyes, and then said: "Oh, you think too much, am I the kind of person who doesn't give justice? Hey! By the way, I forgot to tell you, the batch of pendants my husband made last time, I seem to have grabbed quite a few!"

Zhang Huan and Guo Xiaoshi were taken aback for a moment, and then came over one after another. "Old five, you said this. Are you planning to make a move?"

"It depends on the situation. If I get beaten up later, I'm sure I won't be in the mood to talk about it!"

When Guo Xiaoshi heard this, she immediately turned her head and said, "Elder Sister, I think we should be forgiving and forgiving. Fifth Younger Sister knows she's wrong, so you can spare Eldest Sister this beating!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Zhang Huan echoed, "Eldest sister, beating people is also very tiring. It's a physical labor. I don't think you should do it. You are inconvenient. Let Fifth Sister be an example!"

Lu Qingya laughed out of anger.

"Look at how promising you two are, how many pendants were bought?" After finishing speaking, he looked at Gu Qingyu and said, "Old Wu, send three pendants to my room later, I want Hetian jade!"

"Come on!" Knowing that she would not be beaten, Gu Qingyu breathed a sigh of relief and laughed.

Su Chen was speechless.

"Are you stupid? You caused the trouble yourself, and you even lost your baby, so you're quite happy?"

Gu Qingyu giggled, leaned close to Su Chen's ear and whispered softly: "My husband, you don't understand, this protest is a protest, and avoiding beating is refraining from beating. These are two different things and should not be confused!"

"Just do it! If you continue like this, don't look for me when you are poor and useless!"

"No, I'll just look for you. Who makes me the youngest? Who do you love if you don't love me?"

When Su Chen heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry.

After all, it is a best friend, Tang Qiong chimed in and said: "The old five is right, husband, don't you love the old five? Who do you love? Is there a new sister in the family?"

Hearing this, the girls became energetic.

Su Chen was speechless.

"Second brother, I have nothing to say! I think you are itchy! Then Xu Binghua was introduced to me by you, and now you are blaming me?"

"Huh?" The girls ignored Su Chen's complaints and asked curiously, "Husband, according to what you mean, are you really going to accept her?"

This time even Gu Qingya was refreshed.

Someone is going to enter the house, which is a big deal.

Su Chen was extremely helpless and sighed.

"You guys just made it out of nothing! When did I have such a meaning? Don't think that I won't dare to revive my husband just because you are pregnant!"

"Oops, dizzy!"

Seeing Su Chen "getting angry", the girls retreated strategically together.


"I want to vomit!"

Guo Xiaoshi and Zhang Huan explained casually while eating meat skewers.

Su Chen: "."

(End of this chapter)

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