I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 413 "Kangxi Southern Tour Map"

Chapter 413 "Kangxi Southern Tour Map"

"Teachers, how are you doing? Is this jade seal a national treasure?"

Su Chen stood aside and said calmly.

Su Chen's tone was very flat, without showing off at all.In fact, Su Chen's mentality has already been experienced. He has seen too many such scenes, and he doesn't feel like showing off at all.

If it wasn't for the sake of taking care of these bosses and grabbing a wave of babies by the way, Su Chen wouldn't be showing off like this at all.

It doesn't make any sense at all.

However, the more indifferent Su Chen was, the more ashamed the group of bosses became.

Thinking about how arrogant he was just now, a group of big shots didn't want to talk anymore.

At this time, someone has been shaken.

I believe that Su Chen can come up with five or even thirteen national treasures!

After all, the two items that Su Chen took out just now were beyond their imagination.

"Ahem!" Elder Wu stood up, looked at Su Chen, and said, "Xiao Su, change one!"

"it is good!"

Su Chen's expression didn't change at all, he nodded lightly, then took the jade seal away, and after a while, he brought back two treasures.

This time it was replaced by two paintings.

Two very long paintings!

The expectations of all the bosses are already overwhelmed. Seeing that what Su Chen took out this time is actually a painting, the sense of anticipation is beyond words.

There are many paintings in the Qing Dynasty, but not many can be regarded as national treasures.

I just don't know what the painting in Su Chen's hand is.

Su Chen first took out a roll and handed it to the big guys.

A group of big shots spread out carefully, and after just showing their heads, some big shots recognized it at a glance.

"This taste, this scene, is this Kangxi's southern tour map?"

"What? Kangxi's southern tour map? True or false?"

"What book? What volume?"

"It's incredible! It's actually a picture of Kangxi's southern tour?"

"Kangxi Southern Tour Map" is a large-scale historical picture scroll with the theme of Emperor Kangxi's southern tour. There are twelve volumes in total, with a total length of 213 meters.It shows the mountains, rivers, cities, places of interest, etc. that Emperor Kangxi passed on his second southern tour from the time he left the capital to the time he passed.There are more than [-] characters painted, thousands of cattle, horses, dogs, sheep and other livestock, rivers and mountains, city government offices, Qu Street Luyan, and pawn shops.

"Kangxi Southern Tour" inherits the historical tradition of long-scroll genre paintings in my country, absorbs the essence of "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" and other excellent works, and has a breakthrough in the unity of form and content.Its appearance is the first of its kind in such works as "Qianlong's Southern Inspection Tour" and "Gusu Prosperity".It has precious historical value and artistic value, and it is not too much to call it a national treasure.

Of course, the premise is that "Kangxi Southern Tour Map" is complete.

There are actually two versions of "Kangxi's Southern Inspection Tour", namely the silk version and the manuscript version.The silk version is the original version, and the manuscript version is the paper version.

It's a pity that the fate of these two versions of the southern tour map is similar to that of "Yongle Dadian", and both are seriously lost.

There are only five volumes of the Southern Tour Map on silk in China, and another five volumes are lost in various museums abroad.The manuscript is even worse, only two volumes and a few fragments survive.

"Kangxi Southern Tour Map" is the same as "Qingming Shanghe Tu", which not only has high artistic value, but also has high cultural value and historical research value. If "Kangxi Southern Tour Map" is complete, its value is definitely no less than "Along the River During the Qingming Festival".

That's why all the bosses are so excited, and can't wait to see what version and which volume it is.

Several professors fully unfolded the scroll with extremely quick hands and feet, and then a dozen people all jumped on it, regardless of whether they studied calligraphy or painting, they were all appreciating it seriously.

This kind of national treasure, whether you understand it or not, just looking at it can make people pleasing to the eye.

After a while, a slightly trembling voice suddenly came out.

"This is a version that seems to have never been seen before!"

"What?" Mr. Wu asked excitedly, "Old Chen, are you sure?"

"No mistake! I just studied Ming and Qing calligraphy and painting. I must have studied national treasures like "Kangxi's Southern Tour Map" countless times.

There are ten volumes of the Southern Tour Map on silk, among which the first, ninth, tenth, No.11 and No.12 volumes are hidden in the Palace Museum. I have seen them many times. The volume is now in the National Museum, the third and sixth volumes are in the United States, the seventh volume is in the Maple Leaf Country, and the fifth and eighth volumes are missing.

And if I'm not mistaken, this should be the fifth volume of the Southern Tour Map that has long since disappeared! "

"Hiss~! Since Old Chen said so, there must be nothing wrong with this matter!"

"This is a big discovery! It is actually a version that has long been lost. If this news gets out, it will definitely cause a sensation in the whole world!"

"Hey, what a pity, what a pity! If the eighth volume can also appear in this world, it would be perfect!"

"If that's the case, then I will definitely suggest to the higher-ups to redeem the lost five volumes from abroad at all costs!"

"Yeah, what a pity!"

As soon as these words came out, the group of bigwigs fell silent.

"Cough cough cough!" At this moment, Su Chen coughed lightly and spoke again.

"Then what, I have something to say!"

A group of professors hurriedly raised their heads, looked at Su Chen, and looked at the scroll left in Su Chen's hand. Mr. Wu suddenly said: "Xiao Su, don't tell me, what you are holding in your hand is the eighth volume of the Southern Tour Picture !"

For a moment, all the bosses stared at Su Chen.

Su Chen hurriedly said: "That's not true!"

The professors were instantly disappointed.

"However, the eighth volume of the Southern Tour Map is indeed in my hands!"

"What?" All the professors exclaimed in unison, looked up again, and looked at Su Chen in astonishment, with disbelief on their faces.

Su Chen rubbed his nose and said: "I mean, I have the eighth volume of the Southern Tour Map, and not only the eighth volume, I also redeemed all the five volumes that were lost abroad. Now I have Seven scrolls of the Southern Tour Map!"


A professor seemed too shocked and swallowed hard.

Elder Wu was also numb from the shocked expression, his hands trembling a little.

"Xiao Su, you can't joke about this kind of thing!"

Hearing this, Su Chen turned his eyes, and suddenly smiled and said, "Mr. Wu, how about this, let's make another bet. If I have seven volumes of authentic Southern Tour Maps on silk, then you can help me copy the other five volumes of Southern Tour Maps." Come here and let the Kangxi Southern Tour Map be completely restored!"

"No problem!" Mr. Wu said without hesitation: "As long as you have the remaining authentic paintings of the Southern Tour, I will personally go to the museum to help you draw them. Authentic!"

"Yes, and us, we will help too!"

"Don't worry, kid, let's go together, even if it's Baldy Liu, he wouldn't dare to lose face!"

A lot of bigwigs expressed their opinions one after another.

The corner of Su Chen's mouth curled up, and his goal was achieved.

"Okay, since that's the case, everyone come with me!"

As Su Chen said, he carefully rolled up the unfolded map of the Southern Tour, and then led everyone back to the National Treasure Collection Room.

A group of big brothers dare not neglect, follow closely!

(End of this chapter)

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