Chapter 435 Eighth Building

The entertainment city is just behind the museum. The museum is a super large three-story hall between the entertainment city and the Yuanmingyuan-style fountain square.

When you leave the museum, you can see the red walls and green tiles like those in the Forbidden City, as high as the gate tower.

The entire entertainment city is surrounded by this kind of red wall, just like the capital of the Qing emperor in the Forbidden City.

Entering the city gate, you will be greeted with lively atmosphere.After a whole morning of fermentation, a large number of tourists gathered in the entertainment city.

But more importantly, the entertainment city was already very lively. In order to restore the atmosphere of history as much as possible, Su Chen hired more than 500 people scattered throughout the entertainment city to act as servants, buddies, and even ordinary people and passers-by. .

And in the same way, once you enter the door, there are clothing changing rooms on the left and right sides. There are all kinds of clothing in the Qing Dynasty, including court clothing, dignitaries, traffickers, monks, priests, watchmen and beggars, etc., and what you want. Tickets can be picked up for free.The clothes here are relatively low-cost clothes, so they are all disposable and given away for free.

If you want to dress well, you need to pay extra. As long as you have money, there are 98% imitations of ancient emperor's clothing here.You can also not change clothes. There are entertainment facilities in the entertainment city, but for consumption, if you wear a lot of Qing Dynasty clothing, you can get a [-]% discount. If you wear modern clothes, there is no discount.

The reason for this is to make all tourists more immersive.

The clothing changing room is large enough for 200 people to change clothes at the same time, and there are tens of thousands of lockers inside, which can store personal items.

Su Chen and the girls had already changed their clothes, so naturally they didn't need to change again. After verifying the tickets, the group really entered the entertainment city.

As soon as you enter the entertainment city, you will see all kinds of shops, such as tailor shop, pharmacy, medical center, framed calligraphy and painting shop, antique shop, cultural play shop, porcelain lacquer shop, bookstore, flower shop, furniture shop, etc. There are even fortune-telling stalls and rouge powder shops.

Moreover, the items sold in these shops are as antique as possible. For example, the tailor shop only sells Qing Dynasty-style antique clothes, and all of them are handmade. As long as it is Qing Dynasty clothing, everything can be made here.

The pharmacy is only a traditional Chinese medicine store. For this reason, Su Chen specially invited seven masters of traditional Chinese medicine to sit in the medical hall next to the pharmacy. Since it is to promote traditional culture, Chinese medicine is naturally counted as one of them.

In addition, bookstores sell classics of Chinese history and literature, furniture stores sell Chinese-style furniture, and rouge powder shops sell cosmetics packaged in the shape of rouge in the old days.

It is worth mentioning that these cosmetics all come from the system, and the effect is 100 years ahead of this era.In other words, sleeping here to buy cosmetics is definitely a profit.

All the shops in the entertainment city are owned by the Museum City itself, and the shopkeepers and servants inside are just sales agents.Su Chen didn't expect these shops to make much money, it was purely to exaggerate the atmosphere.

Of course, Su Chen can also guarantee that any product in all the shops in the museum city is worth the money, because these products all come from the system, and the products produced by the system must be high-quality products.

Originally, Su Chen didn't intend to make a difference in the price, because the museum city is a drop in the bucket for Su Chen's book, and it doesn't matter.

If it's purely for the promotion of national culture, Su Chen doesn't need to make money at all, even if he can lose money, Su Chen doesn't care.

But Su Chen has a bigger purpose, which is to test whether the concept of museum city can be successful.If the concept works, museums across the country could be transformed into museum cities.

In this way, not only can the large and small museums across the country turn around their profits and losses, but also promote national culture in a more comprehensive way.

So this question goes back to the previous "Zigong Redemption".

Since Su Chen wants to seek a business model, he can't pretend to be lofty.

Of course, Su Chen can do it, even if he makes a profit from it, he can guarantee that all the commodities sold by all tourists in the Museum City are worth the money.

"Honey, there are so many interesting shops here, where should we go first?" Guo Xiaoshi asked excitedly.

"Let's go eat first? Aren't you hungry?"

"I'm really hungry! Then let's go!"

The girls followed suit.

Su Chen recruited a carriage, which is the kind of wooden carriage drawn by horses in the Qing Dynasty. Of course, the comfort of the carriage here must have increased several levels, but even so, you can still find some feeling of riding a carriage.

A family of six, uh, now there are seven members, and the family of seven got into the carriage.

"Honey, where are we going?" Gu Qingya asked curiously.

"Let's go to Zhimei Building first!"

"Zhimeilou?" All the girls were a little confused.

Jiang Yan, who studies history, brightened her eyes and said, "Su Suchen, is it the Zhimei Building in the Eighth Building?"

"Hee hee, Sixth Sister, you have to call me husband!" Gu Qingyu said mischievously.

Jiang Yan's pretty face blushed immediately, but she didn't refute. On the contrary, she was very happy when Gu Qingyu called her Sixth Sister.

Su Chen also smiled.

"That's right, it's the Zhimei Building in the Eighth Building!"

"Husband, what is the Eighth Building?" Zhang Huan asked curiously.

Su Chen didn't explain, but instead looked at Jiang Yan and said, "Yan Yan, please explain!"

"Ah?" Jiang Yanqiao blushed even more, Su Chen actually called her "Yanyan", which caught her off guard but was extremely happy.

"Okay!" Jiang Yan calmed down, and said: "The eight buildings are the folk names of the eight top restaurants in the imperial capital in the Qing Dynasty. The "eight buildings" refer to Zhimei Building, Dongxing Building, Taifeng Building, Hongxing Building, Xinfeng Building, Anfu Building and Jicui Building. reputation.

Zhimeilou, formerly known as Zhimeizhai, started out as a Suzhou-style restaurant, and its business has been very good.Emperor Qianlong's imperial chef Jing Qi was hired as the chief chef after leaving the palace, which made Zhimei Zhai's dishes famous for combining the essence of northern and southern cuisines and the quintessence of imperial cuisine and folk cuisine. "

"Wow!" Gu Qingyu applauded. "Sixth sister, are you too good? Can you memorize so many materials?"

Jiang Yan said embarrassedly: "I have a good memory since I was a child, so I learned history."

"Awesome! It's really amazing!" Gu Qingya followed suit and praised: "Liu Mei is simply a talented woman. You guys learn from Liu Mei, and read more books at ordinary times. Don't just ask questions about everything you encounter!"

The girls suddenly became flustered, and automatically ignored Gu Qingya's words.

The girls are used to Gu Qingya's nagging.On the contrary, Jiang Yan was still a little unaccustomed, so she said a few words of low-key modesty.

Guo Xiaoshi was afraid of Gu Qingya's nagging, so after Jiang Yan finished speaking, she hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Honey, you won't take out the eighth building in the entertainment city, will you?"

(End of this chapter)

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