I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 437 Chinese food rules, jumping clown

Chapter 437 Chinese food rules, jumping clown

When mentioning Xiaoyueyue, Lao Guo's face was flushed.

It can be seen that he is very satisfied with Xiao Yueyue.

However, Su Chen also felt a deep pain from the depths of Lao Guo's eyes.

Xiao Yueyue is an apprentice who makes him very satisfied, but he is not the best apprentice he has cultivated.

That incident was a big one back then, so Su Chen naturally knew about it, and he could tell that Lao Guo still couldn't let go of this incident.

What Lao Guo couldn't let go of was not his hatred for that villain. What Lao Guo regretted most was probably regretting why he didn't teach him how to be a man.

Originally, he could have been better, because he really got the true biography of Lao Guo, and he is also an apprentice who is most like Lao Guo.

Speaking of it, if the villain can develop better after leaving the Deyun Club, Lao Guo may be sad, but he will not be so regretful.On the contrary, the more unsatisfactory the bad guy was, the more Lao Guo felt that he hadn't done well at the beginning.

Lao Guo is a great master of a generation, especially for his understanding of human relationships and sophistication.But he is human after all, and it is impossible to pursue the truth in everything. Sometimes, my husband understands many things himself, but he just can't let go.


Maybe because of the sadness, Lao Guo drank the wine in his glass in one gulp.

Yu Qian, who was on the side, patted Lao Guo on the shoulder, there was no persuasion, only wordless company.Just like when Lao Guo sang Weiyang Palace on stage, Yu Qiang was beside him, silently guarding each other.

The atmosphere suddenly became dull.

The girls were puzzled and looked at Su Chen.Su Chen shook his head at the girls and said nothing.

As I said just now, Lao Guo understands better than anyone else, and he doesn't need others to explain.

Sure enough, after a while, Lao Guo withdrew his emotions and smiled.Smiling like a silly fat boy next door.

"Chen'er, I have to toast you." Lao Guo raised his glass suddenly.

Su Chen didn't speak, but also raised his glass and listened attentively.

"I have to thank you for finding a way out for traditional opera."

Su Chen had a drink with Lao Guo and said, "What I can do is limited after all. It depends on you to truly inherit traditional art."

"This is our job, as it should be."

After Lao Guo finished speaking, he and Su Chen looked at each other and smiled, then drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

As soon as you talk, the dishes are ready.

It is said that eating Western food is very particular, there are appetizers, main meals, and desserts.But in fact, compared with our ancestors, the table rules of western food are not worth mentioning at all.

In particular, tasting the Manchu Banquet is even more particular.

Su Chen not only perfectly copied the Manchu and Han banquets, but also improved the court etiquette and passed it down.

According to the rules of the Manchu Banquet, the first course is tea table tea, which is the pre-dinner drink. The pre-dinner drink here is white jade milk tea.

Afterwards, go up in turn, serve dim sum, save a box of first product, Sixi dried fruit, and Four sweet preserves.All kinds of dim sum.

Su Chen didn't let the girls eat, but asked the maids to pack everything.Yes, the service staff here are the maids and Ouchi guards.

Because the eunuch was a bit indecent, Su Chen asked someone to replace him with an Ouchi guard.

After the dim sum, there are five appetizers, namely: Longfeng Chengxiang, Hongzi chicken shredded cucumber, Fuzi braised pork loin, Wanzi spicy tripe shreds, Nianzi mushroom hair dish,
After that, there are four kinds of dumplings and four kinds of pickles.

After some tasting, the real banquet has just begun, entering the stage of worshiping the ring pulp: that is, a music-accompanied banquet, with Manchu and Han court ladies standing quietly on both sides, and the main course begins.

For the main course, there are [-] dishes in total, including soup, pastry, imperial dishes, fruits and tea after meals, divided into [-] groups, and served in sequence.

The girls were dazzled by seeing it, but they ate it with great joy.

Each of these dishes is meticulously crafted by the chef. From ingredients, to knife work, to cooking, every link requires perfection. Only with such meticulous work can the best dishes be made.

Lao Guo and Yu Qiang were extremely impressed.

Especially Lao Guo, he is not good at eating, but he is very interested in this kind of traditional culture.

Lao Guo bluntly said that he fell in love with the entertainment city as soon as he entered the entertainment city.Because here, he found the cultural atmosphere of his ancestors.

And when everyone was eating happily, a low-key figure appeared at the door, and Su Chen happened to see it.

Seeing this person, Su Chen was startled, then whispered a few words in Gu Qingya's ear, then got up and walked to the door.

"What's up!"

Su Chen asked who came.

This person is Gu's personal security guard, and Su Chen knows him.

"Mr. Su, there is something we feel is necessary to tell you that your father-in-law seems to be making things difficult!"

"What?" Su Chen was startled at first, and then hurriedly said, "Tell me about the specific situation."

"Yes, the other party seems to be some experts and professors in the imperial capital. The leader seems to be the deputy curator of the museum, and he has some background. He organized a group of people to put pressure on your father-in-law to return the museum in the imperial palace. Those Qing Dynasty cultural relics!"

"Hehe! Such a thing actually happened? How daring! They don't know who I am? Where is Professor Wu? Is he not here?"

"Professor Wu is also there, but he didn't let your father-in-law inform you. He kept talking to him, as if he didn't want to make things worse, and for some reason, he didn't mention you to the other party!"

"Oh? This is interesting!" Su Chen's eyes flickered with coldness. "Where are they?"

"It's in the room opposite you. At first they wanted to sit in your room, and the deputy curator seemed dissatisfied because he didn't eat in the best private room."

"Really? Hehe" Su Chen smiled coldly. "You did a good job!"

Su Chen patted the security guard's shoulder appreciatively, then turned around and went straight to the opposite bakery.

An Bao's face flushed with excitement, as if he had won a super prize.

In the private room, seeing Su Chen leave suddenly, all the girls were puzzled.

Gu Qingya looked outside, was stunned, and ran out directly, stopping the security guard who was about to leave.

She also knew this person, after all, he was protecting Gu's father, so it was impossible for Gu Qingya not to know him.

Then, under the pressure of Gu Qingya, Anbao explained the matter again.

After the girls heard this, Qiqi's face changed, and he was very angry.

But no one proposed to go there, because they believed in Su Chen and were afraid of causing trouble to Su Chen.

In the end, Jiang Yan proposed a way to let the security guard video with her, and then let the security guard go back and broadcast live.

This proposal was unanimously agreed by all the girls, and Gu Qingya happily gave Jiang Yan a thankful look.

Jiang Yan was very happy. Since he agreed to Su Chen, he had to find a way to integrate into this big family. At first, she thought it would be difficult, and he might even suffer a little. After all, it was always played like this in TV dramas.

But she didn't expect it to be so easy. The main reason is that the girls have super good personalities and treat her very well. There is no intrigue between them. This kind of family atmosphere makes her extremely satisfied and happy.

Up to now, the last trace of doubt in Jiang Yan's heart is gone.

As for the security, no one asked her opinion at all.The security guards didn't dare to complain.This is the proprietress!
The Su family all have a consensus that if you offend the boss, you still have a chance to repent, but if you offend the boss's wife, you basically have to resign!

The loss of resigning from the Su family's position is comparable to not getting a college diploma.

(End of this chapter)

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