I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 439 Ignore!Astronomical bills!

Chapter 439 Ignore!Astronomical bills!
"Bang! You spit blood!"

Professor Sun Qing trembled with anger.

"I spitting blood?" Su Chen's eyes suddenly turned cold. "Let us return the bronze first-class national treasure of the twelve zodiac signs for free, is it you who said?"

"That's right! I said it?" Sun Qing said coldly.

"It's fine if you admit it. Then let me ask you, I bought these national treasures from abroad with reasonable and legal money. Why do you want me to return them?"

When Sun Qing heard this, his expression suddenly became a little unnatural, but he still said firmly: "The country does not allow private possession of national treasures."

"You are talking about cultural relics. As I said just now, I bought these from abroad, which are reasonable and legal!"

"Don't be ignorant of good and evil, national treasures belong to the country!"

"What? Moral kidnapping if it doesn't make sense? Is the next step going to continue extortion?"

Sun Qing was going crazy.

"I'm not extorting!"

"I don't admit it, who said that one hundred thousand pieces of other cultural relics were purchased from my museum? If you find one of the cultural relics in my museum that is worth less than 100 million, I can give it to you.

10 yuan to buy my antiques with an average value of tens of millions, what are you extorting? "

When Sun Qing heard this, his complexion became even worse. "That's just a negotiation. You can disagree, but you can't slander us."

"I slander you?" Su Chen smiled disdainfully, turned his head and said to the security guard who had been following Father Gu, "Let him listen to the recording."

Su Chen has no problem. The security record has no recording. Su Chen has confidence in his own people. He believes that as a professional security guard, he will definitely do these things.

Sure enough, after Su Chen finished speaking, the security guard took out an extremely professional recording instrument from his arms. This instrument can not only clearly record any sound within a range of [-] meters, but also automatically filter out noises and automatically collect human voices.Of course, if you need other sounds, you can also set them yourself.

Moreover, this recording device will automatically save it in the cloud after recording. As long as it is successfully recorded by him, even if the recording device is destroyed, the data can still be recovered from the cloud.

The security guard just played a few simple operations on the recording equipment, and then directly released the voice that Su Chen wanted to hear the most.

"Huh? Dissatisfied? That means you don't know good from bad! Xiao Gu, you should know who we are. It's no exaggeration to say that as long as I say a word, you can shut down your museum city. Do you believe it?"

Su Chen glanced at the security guard appreciatively, then turned to look at Sun Qing, and said, "It's your voice, right?"

Sun Qing's face became completely gloomy. He didn't expect that the other party would dare to record.

Staring at Su Chen fiercely, Sun Qing said in a gloomy voice, "Young man, do you know that you are playing with fire?"

"Are you trying to threaten me?"

Sun Qing gritted his teeth and said, "I hope you will think carefully before making a decision."

Su Chen was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled.Shaking his head, he stopped talking to Sun Qing, but turned to look at Father Gu and Elder Wu. "Dad, Mr. Wu, have you eaten the food and wine here?"

The two elders shook their heads together.

Liangliang has been threatened just now, how could he be in the mood to eat and drink.

"Then let's go, Qingya and the others are just opposite, let's go there to eat."

The two elders had no objections, and they didn't want to stay in this room for a long time.

After Su Chen finished speaking, he got up and left. When he left, he didn't even look at Sun Qing and the others.

This kind of disregard made Sun Qing and the others even more angry.

However, among those present, except for Sun Qing, no one dared to speak. After all, everyone is not stupid. Talking too much in this kind of situation can easily get you into it if you are not careful.


As soon as Su Chen and others left, Sun Qing slammed the table hard.

"What a star museum, I can't finish talking to them! Let's go first."

Sun Qing greeted everyone, left the private room, and went straight downstairs, wanting to leave directly.

However, he was stopped in the lobby at the entrance.

"Hello, gentlemen, you haven't paid for the private room yet, who will pay?"

The one who spoke was the manager of Zhimeizhai who had been waiting here for a long time. He had been waiting here since Su Chen ordered him to do so.

"Pay the bill?" Sun Qing's expression turned extremely bright. "What order?"

The manager's smile faded away. "You guys haven't paid for the consumption in the private rooms of local brands, don't you guys want to admit it?"

"What? Isn't your boss surnamed Gu paying for that table?"

Sun Qing has always called Gu's father Xiao Gu, so much so that until now, he doesn't even know Gu's father's name.

The manager was silent for a moment, then suddenly said seriously: "Sir, our boss is named Su!"

When Sun Qing heard this, he immediately thought of Su Chen, and his mood became even worse.

"It doesn't matter what the surname is, he will pay the bill, and he invited this meal."

"Sorry, our boss didn't mention this to us."

If Sun Qing didn't understand this time, he would be a fool.

Obviously, he was tricked by Su Chen.

Of course, this is what he thought.

Sun Qing's mood suddenly felt as disgusting as if he had eaten Xiang Xiang, and the food that he had been undecided just now suddenly felt unsatisfactory.

Sun Qing took a deep breath, the matter has come to this point, he can only accept his fate, if the trouble continues, it will only be himself who will be ugly.

"Okay, I'll pay the bill, how much?"

The manager smiled again.Received the bill from the assistant, handed it to Sun Qing, and said at the same time: "Hello, your total consumption this time is 300 million, because our store is currently offering a 270% discount on promotional activities, you can pay a total of [-] million!"

"What? 270 million? Are you stealing money?"

With 270 million yuan for a meal, even Sun Qing, who claims to be self-cultivated, couldn't help being impatient.

Sun Qing's yelling also attracted the attention of the surrounding people. When they heard that a meal cost 270 million, many people were shocked.They all came over to hear what was going on.

The manager didn't panic at all, and explained calmly: "Sir, the prices of the dishes in this restaurant have all been inspected and approved by relevant departments, and there is absolutely no suspicion of extortion.

The reason why the food on your table is so expensive is because you not only ordered the most expensive set meal in the restaurant, the Man-Han Banquet, but also ordered a few special signature dishes in the restaurant.For the dishes you ordered, not only the processing fees, but the ingredients, there are not only sea treasures such as sea cucumbers and shark fins in your dishes, but also all kinds of pure wild animals such as pheasants, wild ducks, hares, and even bear paws. They are all replaced by ingredients of equal value.

These ingredients add up to more than 130 million. In addition, the wine you drink in this store is the most expensive. Each bottle is worth 38. You have ordered three bottles. In addition, this store also has singing, dancing, It is absolutely reasonable for you to ask for 300 million yuan for various special services such as accommodation.

If you have any objection, you can complain to the relevant department. We will definitely actively cooperate with the investigation. Of course, if there is no problem found, you will also need to bear the losses suffered by our store. "

After listening to the audience, they all dispersed.

(End of this chapter)

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