I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 451 Mr. Su is kind and righteous!

Chapter 451 Mr. Su is kind and righteous!

"Old Su!"

On the way out of the school, Su Pan called Su Chen to stop.


"Our country stipulates that children under the age of fourteen commit crimes and are not subject to any criminal responsibility."

"I know!"

"You know? Then you call the police?"

Su Pan asked in surprise.

Jiang Yan also reacted and looked at Su Chen.

"A sentence is a sentence, and calling the police is calling the police. These are two different things!" Su Chen explained: "If I don't call the police, then those people will be lucky, they will not pay enough attention to this matter, and they will continue to persecute others in the future.

If I report to the police now, they will definitely be educated. We can also ask them to pay compensation and leave a criminal record.

Most importantly, I want them to know that there are laws in this world.I want to tell them that the law is not far from everyone.He is there for everyone.That Liu Meng's father didn't have the slightest legal concept, otherwise he wouldn't have raised a son like Liu Meng.

This is also the reason why I am angry. Today's teenagers and even a considerable number of adults have extremely weak legal awareness.This awareness is not only a sense of crime, but also a sense of self-protection.Many people, who have been violated their own rights, do not violate the law through legal channels because they do not understand the law. They only know how to accept it, which eventually leads to a series of tragedies. "

"Mr. Su is very good!"

Suddenly, Tan Cheng's voice came from the mobile phone in Jiang Yan's hand.

Su Chen slapped his head and said embarrassedly: "Oh, sorry, I forgot about you!"

Tan Cheng laughed, not caring at all.

"It doesn't matter. We have been listening to Mr. Su's admonition and telling the truth. Mr. Su's words really made me feel enlightened, and I was doubly ashamed. It was because our work was not done properly, which made Yu suffer so much. Again, on behalf of the Ministry of Education, I would like to sincerely apologize to Feiyang and the kid named Chang Le."

With that said, Tan Cheng bowed deeply to Feiyang on the phone.

Yu Feiyang was at a loss for a moment, and looked at Su Chen for help.

Seeing this, Su Chen looked at Jiang Yan, Jiang Yan hurriedly said: "Leader Tan, you don't have to do this, it's not your fault, there are black days and white nights everywhere, we suffer only because of our bad luck, and this It is also a good thing for Feiyang, with this kind of training, I believe he will be stronger in the future."

Today, Yu Feiyang not only vented his anger with pride, but also solved the serious problem that had always been in his heart.So the child is in a good mood and smiles extremely brightly.

It can also be seen from this that Yu Feiyang's heart is unusually strong, and his personality is also very free and easy.This point makes Su Chen appreciate it very much.

"Mrs. Jiang, you can just call me Lao Tan, you don't have to be so polite. And anyway, our Education Bureau is indeed responsible for this matter."

Su Chen waved his hand upon hearing this.

"Okay, Lao Tan, you are not outsiders, there is no need to be like this. I understand that you really can't blame all of you for this matter. But you must pay attention to this matter. The reason why I contacted you is because you are one of us. Will not play tricks.

So I hope you can take some light on this.I'm not trying to vent my anger on Feiyang. I've dealt with Feiyang's side pretty much. You don't have to hold on to this matter. What I mean is, you have to pay attention to this kind of incident, and you'd better find a way to strengthen the national elementary and middle school students. Legal awareness, by the way, clean up another batch of moths.

You can do it boldly, don't be afraid of offending others, if you have any difficulties, you can come to me or go directly to Yu's house to find the old man, and just say I let you go. "

"Don't worry, sir, leave this matter to me, and I promise to give you a satisfactory answer."

Tan Cheng flushed with excitement.

Su Chen actually admitted that he was one of his own.

Moreover, he acquiesced in the matter between him and Yu Fanglin, which was more exciting to him than giving him a promotion.

Su Chen nodded after hearing the words.Without further words, he hung up the video.

On the other side, Tan Cheng who put down his phone blushed with excitement, looked at Yu Fanglin, and giggled silly.

Yu Fanglin was also very happy.She is very clear.Since the matter between the two of them has been approved by Mr. Su, it is basically considered a success.

With the permission of Mr. Su, even if the old man at home objects to her, she is not afraid.

What's more, the old man at home may not necessarily object to it.

Thinking that this matter could be resolved smoothly, Yu Fanglin finally had a sweet smile on her face.

However, seeing Tan Cheng's excitement, she still couldn't help but take a vaccination and said, "Don't get excited too early. You should have noticed that we must depend on Mr. Su for our affairs, so, Mr. Su You have to do what you have been told to do."

"Don't worry!" Tan Cheng patted his chest confidently. "You don't know me yet? Let me be hypocritical and flattering, I can't, but let me do practical things and offend people, I'm too good at it."

When Yu Fanglin heard this, she was also happy.

Indeed, Tan Cheng was able to get to where he is today because of his excellent handling ability.In fact, if Tan Chengde hadn't been too upright, he would have been promoted a long time ago.

Originally, Yu Fanglin was worried that Tan Cheng's temper was too straightforward, and something would happen in the future.

But he didn't expect that Tan Cheng would be appreciated by Su Chen. With this relationship, as long as Tan Cheng doesn't let Su Chen down, his political career will be stable, at least he won't be tricked by others for no reason, and I won't be bullied anymore.

"Speaking of which, Fang Lin, I finally understand why the people above think that Mr. Su is a national model and a national hero.

I don't know about others, but judging from what Mr. Su did today, he deserves to be respected.

I really didn't expect that a person with Mr. Su's status would be so disciplined in doing things, and he seldom considers personal interests, but basically considers issues from the overall situation and the interests of the country.

Just like today's incident, in fact, if Mr. Su wanted to take revenge, he wouldn't need to make such a big fuss.On the contrary, the more he made a fuss, those people would not be held accountable. After all, those children were underage, and legally speaking, they would not be punished.At most, I will be educated a few words. This kind of punishment is not painful. If it were someone else, I would definitely not be able to vent my anger.

In other words, if another person encounters this, they will basically choose to be private, because only by being private can they suffer the most serious retribution.

But Mr. Su didn't do this, because if he did, he would be the same as those children and those parents, who ignored the law because of self-interest.

So Mr. Su made the matter a big deal, and tried to solve the problem from the legal level as much as possible. This can not only attract the attention of the country, but also think of a better solution for this kind of thing as much as possible. "

"As long as Mr. Fansu has a little selfishness, this matter will change when it's done!"

(End of this chapter)

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