Chapter 455
Fatty Yu was very good at admitting his mistakes, saying that he listened to everything and did not refute a word, and behaved very well-behaved.

Su Chen knew Fatty Yu too well. When he saw this guy like this, he knew that Fatty Yu wanted to avoid the punishment of retreat.

Su Chen took a look at Mr. Yu, and Mr. Yu immediately said understandingly: "Xiao Chen, this is my home, what else can you not say? I have said it all, the whole Yu family can be regarded as your junior. You can reprimand anyone who dares to disobey, he will be expelled from the house directly."

Su Chen was speechless and said, "It's over, old man, what age is this? It's still doing the old feudalism, and it's too simple and rude to expel the family every now and then. Now everyone pays attention to harmony and fairness, not dictatorship."

Yu's second son heard it until his teeth ached.

Good guy, only Mr. Su dared to say that.

It sounds comfortable, but it's a pity
Mr. Yu squinted his eyes and said, "Xiao Chen, I am inferior to you in terms of business and scientific research. But when it comes to managing the family, you are still too young. Let me tell you, a family is a fist, no matter what he has. No matter how many fingers there are, he must obey the command of the palm, otherwise I won't get up with this fist, and the family will be in chaos.

Although dictatorship is simple and crude, it is most suitable for governing families. "

Su Chen shrugged. "Okay, what do you say, this is your home anyway. Let's get down to business."

Su Chen didn't talk too much on this topic, it's not his own family business, no matter how much he talks, it's not flattering, and it's not necessarily right, after all, every family's situation is different.

Mr. Yu's views are not suitable for the Su family, but Su Chen's views are not necessarily suitable for the Yu family either.

Therefore, each play the best.

"Fatty, I know what you're thinking! I can plead with the old man to spare you the punishment of retreat, but my previous request remains the same. After a month, I want to see your changes. At least I see you now, you Your ambitions have not been withdrawn, and you still don't take the law seriously.

So, I don't care what you do this month, if you are still like this after one month, then what I said before will definitely count. "

Fatty Yu's face changed suddenly, he glanced at Su Chen suspiciously, swallowed in horror and said, "Old Su, don't tell me, you really know how to read minds."

Su Chen shook his head, stopped looking at Fatty Yu, but said to Old Man Yu: "Old Man, leave Yan Quan to me, this time Fatty is also considered to be implicated by me, I want to give him an explanation."

"Fart! What happened to the little fat man is his own fault. If he didn't have vanity, how could he be deceived by others? This matter has nothing to do with you. Besides, Yan Quan is just a small person. I just let the children in the family deal with him. Don't you Go off in person, and lose your identity for nothing."

"What identity? What identity do I have? If I had an identity, I wouldn't be bullied again and again.

Old man, I should do this myself. After all, I was the one who caused it in the first place. If I ask you to avenge me, some people will think that I am a hypocrite, and even less will take me seriously.

I don't care what other people think of me, but I don't want to be disgusted by a bunch of people wherever I go in the future.If notoriety is the only thing that makes those bastards fear me and stay away from me, then I don't mind being a villain. "

After finishing speaking, Su Chen got up, straightened his clothes, and said, "That's it for today. There are still guests at home, so I'll go back first, old man, take care of yourself."

After speaking, Su Chen turned and left.

In the study room, Mr. Yu frowned. He could tell that Su Chen just now had become really angry.In other words, someone really provoked Su Chen recently.

"Second, what's the matter? Someone has been having trouble with Mr. Su recently?"

"There really are." Yu Er Er was well informed, and directly explained the matter between Douyin's male anchor and Professor Sun.

After Yu's second son finished speaking, Mr. Yu became angry. "A group of bastards who don't know how to live or die. When I was young, I saw a lot of bastards bullying national heroes in public.

These people have no humanity at all, especially that Professor Sun, who is also a professor?Do you really think that we respect Su Chen because of his energy?Mr. Su is a great hero in our country. In terms of contribution to the country, Mr. Su was definitely the number one at that time.

Such a national hero is actually a group of bastards extorting money.No wonder Xiao Su was so angry before leaving.He is usually indifferent, and he is most afraid of troubles, but in the end troubles come to him, one or two, let alone him.Even I got really angry after hearing this. "

"Grandpa, there is actually one more thing, which is today."

With that said, Fatty Yu told Mr. Yu what happened today.


"Okay! That's great! Now the three bastards, old and young, are all together. A group of little beasts, they were so domineering in elementary school. How can they be so domineering when they grow up?
Second child, call Tan Cheng and ask him to deal with this matter, and tell the family directly if there is anything missing.Forget it, call him and let him come to the house for dinner. The marriage between him and Xiao Lin really cannot be delayed. "

After hearing this, the second child Yu said happily, "Dad, you finally let go, and Xiao Lin has achieved a positive result this time."

"Hmph, if there is no Xiao Su, do you think I will agree to this marriage?"

"Dad! The stall is pretty good."

"Okay? Do you believe what you say? That kid is purely a muscle, that's all. He can't speak, and his mouth can kill people. Such a person, someone protects him." It’s okay, if no one protects you, no matter how capable you are, you won’t be able to stay in the officialdom.”

"Hehe, isn't there dad and you here?"

"Me? I can't protect him. He should be glad that Mr. Su was born. If there is no Xiao Su, I would have died long ago. After I die, it will be good if you don't break up the family with just a few of you." It's too late, but you still want to protect Tan Cheng, a troublemaker? It's just a dream.

Even now or now, I don't want to touch him.Fortunately, now that Xiao Su is protecting him, I feel relieved to let her in, otherwise, he wouldn't even think about it. "

Yu Lao Er smiled awkwardly and stopped talking. Anyway, the result is good now, so why should he talk too much.

"And you, little fat man, this time Xiao Su personally sent you back, I have to give him face. In the past, your family rules would definitely be unavoidable, but now, because you haven't made any mistakes, I will give you a chance.

One month, one month, if you can satisfy Mr. Su, I will not pursue your matter this time, otherwise, the two crimes are both serious and punished together! "

Fatty Yu was shocked, and hurriedly agreed, but he didn't dare to refuse.

"Dad, Mr. Su, can we help?"

"No need, Xiao Su wants to avenge himself, so let's not make trouble for him. If he needs it, he will call us!"

(End of this chapter)

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