Chapter 462

After leaving the police station, Su Chen finally got rid of all trivial matters temporarily and went home by car.

This period of time is really busy enough, so Su Chen plans to take a break.By the way, find some friends over for dinner.

Speaking of which, it's been a long time since I got together with my friends.

The last time I invited someone to dinner at home was back in the Chinese New Year, but there were too many people at that time, so I just wanted to make it lively. If we talk about chatting, we really didn't have a good chat.

Thinking of this, Su Chen really became interested.

Call Gu Qingya first, Su Chen is not someone who doesn't care when his head gets hot.

Since he wants to treat guests, he will definitely be at home, which may disturb some girls, so Su Chen has to ask for instructions first, whether it is convenient for the girls.

It's not henpeck, it's respect.

Regarding Su Chen's inquiry, Gu Qingya would definitely not refuse.

And the girls are a bit suffocated, so let Su Chen invite a few acquaintances, that is, acquaintances that the girls are familiar with, so that the girls can also go to the table and chat together.

For the party, the girls are also very yearning.

With permission, Su Chen no longer hesitated, and directly called one by one.

As for who to invite, there is no need to think about it. There are not many people that Su Chen and the girls know. First of all, it is the men's group of Deyun Club. He makes arrangements there.

Then Su Chen invited Yi Zhou again. After all, he was sworn brother to his second brother, so he must not be left behind.

Su Pan and Xu Zhen also had to invite, and Fatty Yu was fine. If it was agreed to for a month, then a day would not be missed.

Then there are Wu Jing, Sha Yi and Meng Fei.

Su Chen called one by one. On the side of Deyun Boys Group, Lao Guo and Yu Qiang would definitely be able to come. The rest of the apprentices would depend on Luan Yunping's arrangement.

What Yu Qiang meant was that the men's team will draw lots. After all, it is Su Chen's treat. The men's team are all eager for the food and drink at Su Chen's house. No one wants to give up. In the end, the lottery is decided. Those who win eat and drink, and those who lose are represented show.

The main thing is that the performances that have already been arranged cannot be given up.

Su Chen didn't wait for the final result, and it probably took a long time to make trouble.

There is no problem with Yi Zhou, and he promises to come.

Su Pan and Xu Zhen are definitely fine.

Wu Jing and Sha Yi are fine, but Meng Fei, as the head host, has too many tasks on him, and he can't keep up with the time.No way, I can only regret to miss it.

After the phone call, I'm home here too.

Those people were still at home, Jiang Yun and Grandma Chang Le did not leave.The main reason is that Su Chen refused.

The matter at the school is still in the process of being processed. In order to avoid accidents, it is definitely safest for them to stay in the Su residence.

Jiang Yun and Grandma Chang Le also knew the seriousness of the matter, so they didn't insist.

As soon as Su Chen came back, he saw Yu Feiyang and Chang Le reading and studying.

Jiang Yun watched from the sidelines, ever since he knew that he had neglected Yu Feiyang and caused his son to be bullied for several years, Jiang Yun was almost dying of guilt in his heart, so now whenever he had time he cared about all aspects of Feiyang's life, The current Jiang Yun would probably only have Yu Feiyang in her future life.

Of course, there is another small thing, that is, Yu Feiyang and Chang Le were too close when they were in school. Before because of the special situation, everyone didn't care about it, but now that they have free time, they have to think about it.

In order to prevent Yu Feiyang from falling in love early, Jiang Yun has already seriously warned him, and is now taking various measures.

Originally, Jiang Yun wanted to separate the two children forcibly, but Jiang Yan organized them. Jiang Yan is now a person who has experienced it. She knows about feelings, so she must not provoke him. Sometimes there is nothing wrong with it. If Jiang Yun overreacts, the two children may Just think about it.

So this kind of thing is still based on reasoning.

So this little day, all the girls in the family took turns to explain the truth to the two little ones. The core purpose is one, no puppy love.

After Su Chen knew about this, he scoffed at it.

Parents nowadays really take things for granted and always think things are beautiful.According to their thinking, children must be pure and obedient before they go to college, and they must not fall in love early.Then I will support it when I go to college.

But they don't think about it, how many children have become nerds in middle school because of being guarded by the adults, and the parents don't think about it, these children have been under their care for six years, and then suddenly Liberation, let them flirt with girls and flirt with men, will they?
When you were in the zoo, you couldn’t find a partner. Except for the zoo, you entered the big forest. Under the pressure of life, it’s not easy to live well. How can you have the mind and financial resources to find a partner?
Then at this time, parents will urge marriage in various ways.

This is outrageous!
It was you who hated puppy love back then.It is you who are anxious to urge the marriage now!

What do you want from me?

Sometimes thinking about it, Su Chen felt that this was unfair.

Of course, he also thought about it, he already had six wives, and he no longer felt the slightest pressure of being urged to marry.

After lunch, in the afternoon, Su Chen played mahjong with the girls in his family, and after being rejected, he went to sculpt alone.

Not to mention, ever since he acquired master-level carving skills, Su Chen has become more and more fond of this matter, and even gradually developed a hobby.

It is really super satisfying to see all kinds of materials that have no sense of beauty before being carved by their own craftsmanship and become works of art. The sense of accomplishment is really super satisfying.

The next day, after breakfast, Su Chen began to arrange lunch himself.

After being quiet for so long, suddenly there was a party, Su Chen really missed it, so he did not hesitate to do it himself.

The heavens are beautiful, and it is actually raining in spring today.

This rainy day is the best time to have dinner and drink with friends.

Especially in a special environment, I feel the most.

I originally planned to have a big meal in the main hall today.

As a result, it suddenly rained, Su Chen changed his mind instantly, and changed the meeting place to Xianyun Pavilion in the West Garden.

After Su Chen's frequent arrangements, the current West Garden really lives up to its name and has become a real garden.

In the center of the West Garden is the towering tree. Next to the tree is the Xianyun Pavilion. To the east of the Xianyun Pavilion is a large pool. The pool is full of different kinds of four-season lotus, which is a kind of lotus that blooms in all seasons.

Now most of the flowers in the entire courtyard are heterogeneous species that bloom in all seasons, and they are all bought by Su Chen from the system.

In the pool, there are frogs, tadpoles, goldfish, turtles, and all kinds of small animals.

There is also a gazebo to the east of the pool, and the pavilion passes through the chaoshou corridor, makes a large circle, and directly connects to the Xianyun Pavilion.

Then in other open spaces, all kinds of flowers and wildflowers are covered. The whole west garden is filled with all kinds of fragrances. In the corner of the west garden, there are many rockery and strange but beautiful shapes. different trees.

In short, the current West Garden is beautiful all year round.

In this kind of beautiful scenery, the most suitable place is to be on the top floor of Xianyun Pavilion, with windows on all sides open, enjoying the beautiful scenery, eating hot pot and barbecue, chatting and farting, it is extremely comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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