I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 472 Blood Vessel Locator

Chapter 472 Blood Vessel Locator
As soon as Su Chen comforted Boss Xu, Wu Tianwang walked over.

Wu Tianwang grabbed Su Chen's hand and said excitedly: "Mr. Su, I often hear friends mention you, saying that you are one of the most powerful bosses in the mainland. I know that I may be a small person in your eyes. But the child is innocent, it is a life after all.

So, I begged Mr. Su to help me find my daughter.As long as my husband is willing to help, I am willing to pay any price. "

Hearing this, Su Chen hurriedly patted Wu Tianwang on the shoulder.

"It's serious, don't worry, since I'm here, I will definitely help you. The most important thing is to find a child now, and I will talk about other things later."

Wu Tianwang quickly expressed his thanks, and at the same time, there was hope again in his eyes.

"Thank you, thank you, Mr. Su."

Su Chen waved his hand, telling Wu Tianwang not to disturb him yet.

Su Chen stepped aside, called out the system, found the search interface of the mall, and saw if he could find some help.

In the end, he really let him find an artifact.

A very useful artifact.

The artifact is called the Bloodline Locator.

It is this instrument that can search for the whereabouts of other close relatives through the blood of close relatives.

The principle used by this magic is a bit advanced, so the artifact is worth 100 billion.

But Su Chen bought it without hesitation.

Although this thing has a single effect, it is definitely worth the price.

Su Chen made a trip back into the car, and when he came out again, he had a tablet-like device in his hand.

Through the introduction of the system, Su Chen has already figured out how to use it. In an instant, Su Chen's confidence increased greatly. With this thing, those human traffickers are absolutely doomed to escape.

Su Chenxing hurriedly came in front of Boss Xu and Tianwang Wu, and quickly said: "Old Xu, you should call up a team of elite special police immediately and be on standby at any time, preferably with a helicopter."

Without further ado, Boss Xu took out his cell phone and made a call.

Then Su Chen looked at Wu Tianwang and said, "Old Wu, give me a drop of your fingertip blood."

When Wu Tianwang heard the words, he also did not hesitate, and directly bit open a hole on the index finger with his mouth.

The corners of Su Chen's mouth twitched as he watched.

Don't think it's easy to act in TV dramas, in fact, it's not as easy as it seems to make your fingers bleed with your mouth.

Those who can bite their fingers with their mouths are ruthless.

It can be seen that at this moment Wu Tianwang has already given up everything.

The daughter was stolen, and it is very likely that she will never be found again, and she will face a miserable life. As a father, Wu Tianwang is still sensible at this moment, and he is already considered a man.

Su Chen didn't talk nonsense, and directly asked Wu Tianwang to drip blood into the blood-sucking tank of the instrument.

Wu Tianwang obeyed and did as he was told.

Then in an instant, the instrument was activated by Wu Tianwang's blood.

Then the instrument starts automatic detection.

Boss Xu, who came back from the phone call, saw the instrument in Su Chen's hand and asked curiously, "Sir, what is this?"

"A kind of artifact!" Su Chen said by the way: "The technology of this thing is not yet mature, and it is only an experimental product. It will not be easy to leak for the time being. Therefore, you must help me keep the existence of this thing a secret, do you know?"

Boss Xu and Tianwang Wu hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Boss Xu didn't dare.Wu Tianwang didn't care, as long as he could get his daughter back, let alone let him keep a secret, even if he had to keep silent for the rest of his life, he would be willing.

Just saying this, the instrument suddenly responded.

On the monitor, a real-time map navigation first appeared, and then a red dot appeared on the map. Looking at the location, it was exactly where Su Chen and others were.

After that, many green dots suddenly appeared around the red dots. Su Chen instantly locked on to these green dots and checked them one by one.

Su Chen found that most of these green dots were concentrated on Hong Kong Island. These should be the immediate relatives of Wu Tianwang, and only two green dots were near the imperial capital.

Su Chen was shocked, and hurriedly asked Wu Tianwang. "Old Wu, who are your relatives who are in the imperial capital?"

"My sister!" Wu Tianwang looked at the two green dots, and seemed to understand something, his spirits lifted immediately, and he hurriedly explained: "My sister has been helping me with things recently, and she should rest in the hotel now."

Wu Chen took a look, then quickly zoomed in on one of the green dots, and finally located it, the displayed location was exactly a hotel.

"Jinhao Hotel is here, my sister is here!" Wu Tianwang affirmed.

"Then the green dot is left?" Boss Xu held his breath and asked in disbelief.

"Do you need to ask? Call the helicopter quickly, the green dot is leaving the imperial capital quickly, and the car can't catch up!" Su Chen said loudly.

For a moment, everyone was shocked.

Boss Xu excitedly took out his cell phone and called again.

Wu Tianwang's expression was a little dull, as if he hadn't slowed down.

Su Chen's meaning is obvious. Wu Tianwang only has two blood relatives in the imperial capital. Since his sister is in the hotel, the remaining green dot must be his daughter.

Wu Tianwang was stunned. He didn't expect his daughter to be found like this?
It’s incredible!
The next moment, Wu Tianwang suddenly became excited, hurried to the side, hugged his wife, and excitedly said incoherently: "Xiaowan, our daughter has been found, found!"

Liu Wan, who was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, regained her vitality in an instant when she heard that her daughter was found. She grabbed Wu Tianwang's hand, stared at Wu Tianwang, and cried, "What did you say? My daughter has been found." ?”

"That's right, it's Mr. Su. Mr. Su has already located his daughter through an instrument. We will find him soon."

"Angkor, did you lie to me?"

"Silly girl, when have I ever lied to you? Let alone such a big event?"

"Great! Wuwuwuwu, Angkor, help me up, I want to go find my daughter with you."

"it is good!"

Wu Tianwang hurriedly helped Liu Wan up.

At this time, Boss Xu and Su Chen came over.

When Liu Wan saw Su Chen, she knelt down with a plop. She knelt extremely hard, her knee must have been injured!
"Mr. Su, there is no way to repay your kindness!"

Su Chen hurriedly said: "What is this for? Old Wu, help her up quickly. The child hasn't been found yet. Aren't you wasting time? Thank you and wait until you find the child!"

Wu Tianwang wanted to thank him at first, but after hearing what Su Chen said, he hurriedly helped Liu Wan obediently.

Liu Wan also regained her sanity, knowing that she was impulsive, she lowered her head in shame, but unfortunately his knee was injured at this moment.

Seeing this, Su Chen was so angry that he couldn't laugh or cry.

Just at this time, the military vehicle came, and they had to drive to the nearest helipad first.

A group of people hurried into the car, and Su Chen asked Wu Jing and Gao Qing to follow behind with the nurse.

In the car, Su Chen bought two more quick-acting plasters from the mall, and put them on for Liu Wan.I don't know what will happen for a while, and I can't let Liu Wan's leg injury become a burden.

Produced by the system, the effect is really excellent. In just 3 minutes, Liu Wan's knee swelling subsided.

At this moment, the husband and wife have no place to be ashamed, and if they can't help, it will only add to the chaos. Liu Wan quickly cleared up her mood and promised not to hold back!

(End of this chapter)

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