I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 476 Family Meeting

Chapter 476 Family Meeting
The next day, Su Chen woke up leisurely from various scents.

Get up and exercise as usual, and then sit under the tree to feed the fish, enjoy the flowers, drink tea and play.

But Su Chen couldn't calm down today. Obviously, what happened yesterday broke Su Chen's peaceful heart.

Maybe it's because of being so quiet and wanting to move, or maybe those traffickers are a little moved by Su Chen.

In short, Su Chen wanted to go out for a walk.

However, the daughter-in-law in the family is going to have a baby in less than four months, and more importantly, there are currently four pregnant women in the family. He is really worried if he is not at home to watch.

Just like that, Su Chen fell into a tangle, and was a little careless when eating breakfast.

Then, naturally, he was called to the study by several wives to hold a family meeting.

The so-called family meeting is only recently.

Because there are more and more people in the family, some things cannot be settled casually.Therefore, at the suggestion of the eldest sister Gu Qingya, a family meeting was born.

Family meetings are held from time to time, and only when important events are held.

When meeting, all members of the family have the right to speak and vote.

But the right to hold a meeting is in the hands of Su Chen and Gu Qingya.

It sounds a bit uncomfortable, but there is no rule without rules, and family rules are also rules.

And it's a big rule.

Family meetings are sacred, everyone has expressed their opinions before, and in family meetings, lying is never allowed.And the problems explained at the family meeting can be dealt with lightly.

Everyone must abide by this family rule, including Su Chen.

So when he heard about the family meeting, Su Chen really panicked.

Because this time he really has something on his mind, and he doesn't really want the girls to know.

But now it seems that this matter cannot be concealed.Unless he lied, the consequences are more serious.

"Okay, everyone is here. Then I will announce that the Su family's second family meeting will be held next. The person in charge is Gu Qingya, and the recorder is Jiang Yan!"

Jiang Yan nodded with excitement and seriousness.

She was appointed as the scribe of the Su family, and she was mainly responsible for recording the big and small things in the family, including taking pictures, taking pictures, and taking notes. These records are very formal and will be passed down as family history materials in the future. Because Su Chen is an orphan, He is equivalent to the ancestor of the Su family lineage, and the Su family's genealogy will also be inherited from him.

As the inheritance recorder, Jiang Yan's work is very important.

Jiang Yan felt very honored about this, and she was very motivated.

In addition, this position also has little power.She is equivalent to the historian of history, if you don't want to leave a stain on the family chronicle, then you have to please Jiang Yan!

The first family meeting is to confirm the various rules of the family meeting and announce the official establishment of the family meeting.

Counting, this is indeed the second meeting.

As for the leader of the meeting, only the head of the family and the eldest lady are qualified to serve as the leader. Specifically, whoever initiates the meeting is the leader of the meeting.

If Su Chen's sons grow up in the future, Su Chen will no longer have the right to hold a meeting after Su Chen abdicates to the virtuous and the head of the family.

This was also decided by Su Chen himself, because when he thinks of family meetings, Su Chen thinks of the father Xie Dingkou in a certain TV series in his previous life, who holds family meetings when there is nothing to do. Su Chen doesn't want to be an old man who is annoying.

He has made up his mind that when his sons and daughters succeed in their careers in the future, he will resign as the head of the family and take his daughters-in-law to fly far away and travel around the world.

As for the family, the children and grandchildren have their own blessings, as long as they don't die, he doesn't care.

The family meeting is very serious. Once it is held, the whole process must be videotaped. The family meeting must save an unedited version, just to record the most real state of the family meeting, so everyone is very serious, even the old three who always love to play. Four are honest.

"Okay, let's get down to business. There is only one issue we want to discuss today. Husband, are you hiding something from us? Or didn't you tell us something?"

As soon as the words came out, no one was surprised.Everyone knows it.

Because Su Chen's performance today was too obvious.

Su Chen scratched his head and smiled helplessly. "Okay, I'll explain."

Su Chen didn't lose his temper because of being interrogated.Family meetings can interrogate anyone, which is also his rule.

Of course, the premise is that it must be well-founded and cannot be slandered out of thin air.

Su Chen sighed and said: "Actually, it's not a big deal, I didn't want to talk about it at first. But since the meeting is already held, then I don't have to say it.

Let me confess, I've been a little restless recently, maybe it was because I was stimulated yesterday, or maybe it's because I'm very quiet and want to move, so."

"Husband wants to go out for a walk?" Gu Qingya asked in surprise.


Su Chen nodded.

"Just because of this?" Guo Xiaoshi said speechlessly.

Su Chen nodded again. "I really want to go out for a walk, but you are all pregnant, and I am very worried. And you all work so hard, how can I have the heart to leave you and go out by yourself?"

"Damn!" Gu Qingya gave Su Chen an angry look.

"It's just a matter of feelings. I thought it was a big deal? There is no need for a family meeting for this matter. But since it has been held, it can't be left halfway. I'm talking about my thoughts, husband, I know you love us, We all understand your heart, you want us to be happy. But have you ever thought about it, your happiness is also the root of our happiness.

Only when you are happy, we will be happy with you.If you wrong yourself because of us, how can we be happy while we love you?
The words are a bit convoluted, but in general, we are not children, nor are we the housewives, we will not restrain you, nor do we want to restrain you, if you want to go out to play, then go out to play, anyway, we are still here During pregnancy, it is useless even if you stay at home, and we have so many sisters, we will not feel lonely at home.As long as you come back when I give birth! "

"I agree too!" Zhang Huan said: "Actually, I have wanted to say it a long time ago, husband, I have wanted you to go away a long time ago. You are too harmful to others at home. You know that we can't do anything, and you still do it like that every night. Lively, isn't this greedy for us?

You'd better leave quickly, let us also clean up for a few days. "

"Yes, yes, it is said that distance produces beauty. Although my husband is naturally beautiful, but you are always in front of our eyes, we may become aesthetically tired. You can go out for a walk." Guo Xiaoshi said.

"Take all the five and six with you this time." Tang Qiong said: "We don't need you to worry about it here. Speaking of which, I miss my parents a little bit, big sister, why don't we take our parents here for a few days? Husband It's a good time to leave, otherwise my husband is here, and my parents have a grudge, and they can't let it go, now is the right time."

"This is fine!" Gu Qingya said: "Okay, then you can call each other, and I'll send someone to pick you up. As for you husband, you can leave today!"

Su Chen touched his nose, extremely speechless.

Am I being despised?
(End of this chapter)

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