I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 480 Presenting a Bloodline Locator

Chapter 480 Presenting a Bloodline Locator
Su Chen!

It is estimated that only Su Chen can make the Zhao family so afraid!

Su Chen has been here?
Everyone at the scene was ready to move.

Most of them came to the banquet to see Su Chen.

In an instant, many people gathered around.

When Boss Xu saw this, his brain was buzzing instantly. If he was surrounded, it would be difficult to get out.

So he directly grabbed Zhao Ling and said quickly: "Damn, old Zhao, you have exposed me. I can't stay here anymore. I will go to Mr. Su to intercede with you, and you can help me deal with it here!"

After finishing speaking, Boss Xu raised his legs and left, not forgetting to take Xu Binghua with him before leaving.

Seeing this, Zhao Ling was dumbfounded!

Seeing the crowd rushing towards them like a big wave of zombies, the corners of Zhao Ling's mouth twitched.

What a crime he did.

Su Zixuan is Su Chen's exclusive courtyard in Zifu.

Su Chen didn't want it at first. After all, his family is in the imperial capital, so there's no need to occupy a small nest in Zifu to waste resources.

But the general manager of the Zifu refused to do it, saying that it was a status symbol, which would help improve the quality of the Zifu.And it's an invisible signboard, so it's not a waste of resources at all.

Su Chen didn't understand these things, so he didn't order the experts as an outsider, and obediently agreed.

Compared with Jingyuan, Zifu is nothing new to Su Chen. They are all courtyards and attics. The environment is similar to Su Zhai, and even in some aspects it is not as good as Su Zhai.

This is also one of the reasons why Su Chen doesn't want it, it has no characteristics.

After leaving the banquet hall, Su Chen brought Jiang Yan here.

Su Zixuan has a special setting, as soon as Su Chen comes, someone will know about it immediately.

Su Chen also knew the setting here, so after entering the hospital.Just use the phone at the door to call the Zifu service desk and ask them to deliver a table of meals.

The kitchen moved quickly, because Su Chen's priority was the highest.

Almost as soon as Su Chen finished speaking, Lin Mu in the kitchen had already done it himself.

But no matter how fast, you have to wait for a while.

Did not wait for lunch, but waited for Xu Boss and Xu Binghua.

"So fast?"

Su Chen was surprised.

"You are here, why should I accompany them?"

Boss Xu laughed.

"Aren't you afraid that people will say you're rude when you leave like this?"

"It's okay, with Zhao Ling standing in front, and they know I'm here to look for you, who dares to say anything?"

When Su Chen heard this, he was speechless.However, Su Chen still looked suspiciously at Boss Xu: "You don't come here for dinner, do you?"

"Hey, now that you've said that, I'm really a little hungry."

After getting acquainted with Su Chen, Boss Xu became more and more casual in front of Su Chen.

Su Chen really likes this feeling.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Let's talk about things first."

Su Chen led the two of them into the main hall, and then Su Chen and Xu Boss sat face to face on both sides of the tea table, while Jiang Yan and Xu Binghua got together to have a private conversation.

"That's a good relationship, save me from always thinking about it. There was one thing in the first place, but now there are two. Let me talk about the first one first, sir, can you lend me your bloodline locator?"

"I knew you were thinking about this!" Su Chen shook his head, then took out the bloodline locator from his bag, and handed it to Boss Xu.

When Boss Xu saw the blood vessel locator, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to take it.

"You don't need me to teach you how to use it?"

"Well, if you don't mind the trouble, you can teach me a little bit. After all, this is my first contact with this thing."

Su Chen shook his head. "There is nothing to say. The operation of this thing is no different from that of an ordinary tablet. The only thing to pay attention to is this blood vessel sensing area. If you need to find someone's close relative, just drop the fingertip blood of the other party here. With blood, the locator It will automatically track all the blood relatives of the other party, and when the time comes, use the method of elimination, and you will naturally find your close relatives.

If you want to change someone, you just need to wipe off the original blood and replace it with new blood.

Oh, by the way, this thing can only locate living people. If you can't find it on the locator, then there is a [-]% chance that the person is dead. "

Boss Xu nodded, feeling extremely pleasantly surprised. With it, he could start his big plan.

If this plan is successful, I don't know how many families can be saved.

"By the way, there are a few requests!"

Su Chen continued.

"Say it!" Boss Xu hurriedly said.

"The first one is to treat everyone equally. I guess there are quite a few people out there who want to give priority? You can't let them go through the back door. They must be in chronological order, based on the time of disappearance. The shorter the time of disappearance, the more important they are. First, because the longer the missing time, the lower the probability of tragedy, and the higher the probability of being rescued intact.

Some have been missing for a long time, some bad things should have happened long ago, and it is useless to worry, so.

Bloodline locator, emergency first!Remember this, if anyone is not convinced, you let him talk to me. "

"Don't worry, sir, if someone doesn't follow the rules, you're the only one to ask."

"Well, of course, if it is a blood relative of a national hero, it is allowed to provide them with convenience when there is no urgent case. A national hero deserves these treatments."


"The other one is the research on the locator. It is best to popularize this thing as soon as possible. I have already greeted Leng Mo of the Jiangnan Laboratory. He will start researching it as soon as possible. If there is any need there, you must actively cooperate."

"This is even better!"

In fact, for Boss Xu, it is not a good thing for him to spread the locator too quickly, because the more locators there are, the credit will be shared by others, and he cannot monopolize it.

If he solves the problem of human traffickers in the whole country by himself, then his name, Boss Xu, is enough to go down in history.

But for Su Chen's request, Boss Xu agreed without hesitation.

After all, it is the Xu family, who can distinguish between personal honor and disgrace or the interests of the common people, which is more important.

In fact, the reason why Boss Xu is so anxious is not just to complete the task, get promoted and make a fortune.It is also for the reunion of thousands of families as soon as possible, and to clean up all traffickers in the country as soon as possible.

Compared to this, Boss Xu really doesn't care about the so-called credits. He is the boss of the Xu family. Even without these credits, his future will be bright.

This is also what Su Chen admired most about Boss Xu.

Do things clearly and prioritize.

"Well, okay, let's talk about your second thing!"

Boss Xu hesitated for a moment when he heard the words, and then said: "The second thing is what happened just now. What are you going to do with Zhao Mingxuan?"

"Zhao Mingxuan? Who is it?"

"It's the young man who was beaten by you!"

Su Chen was speechless for a moment, and said, "Old Yu, do you think I'm idle? Is this matter still for me? Do you think I'll care too much about a brat?"

"That's not it!" Boss Xu laughed and said, "Sir, what is your identity? You definitely won't care too much about the second generation like Zhao Mingxuan. But Zhao Mingxuan is from the Zhao family, sir, don't you have any other ideas?"

(End of this chapter)

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