I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 484 Su Chen leads the team to set off

Chapter 484 Su Chen leads the team to set off
"Boss, this is a gift from Mister."

Boss Xu took advantage of the situation and handed the locator to the leader.

The leader didn't understand why he took it, opened it, and was stunned.

"This is. This is the blood vessel locator you mentioned, Xiao Xu?"

"That's right!"

"All of them?"


"Didn't it mean there was only one?"

"Originally there was only one, but my husband felt that one could not handle the urgent case of missing persons across the country, so I bought ten more at a great cost."

"This..." the big leader looked at the locator and then at Su Chen, feeling indescribably touched and awed in his heart.

He has seen a lot of patriotic businessmen, but such a pure patriotic businessman as Su Chen, the big leader has not seen many, or even none at all.

Other businessmen who are patriotic and dedicated will more or less get more benefits from the country.

Only Su Chen has been giving silently.But he himself has basically never taken advantage of the country. How can such a businessman not be admired?

"Sir, on behalf of the people across the country who have lost their loved ones, I salute you!"

Su Chen originally wanted to decline, but after thinking about it, he still accepted the big leader's thank you gift.

After saluting, the big leader didn't say any more, but directly issued orders: "Xiao Xu, put down all the things at hand. From now on, you will be responsible for the emergency cases of missing persons across the country. Try to be as fast as possible, Use all locators effectively."

Boss Xu nodded, this was what he wanted to do.

"But leader, I'm going to do this, what about the Su family's affairs?"

"Sir, you have to worry about the affairs of the Su family? Sir, I will give you a special police commando, is it enough?"

Su Chen was taken aback. "You mean, I am responsible for this operation?"

"Naturally, sir, who will lead you personally. Besides you, who else is qualified to lead you?"

After hearing this, Su Chen nodded. "Fine!"

Su Chen is not hypocritical, in fact, as far as he is concerned.Now he seems to have many privileges and special identities, and he is fully qualified to be the leader of a small team.

While talking, someone from below came to report that the Su family had come.

The big leader hastily asked someone to invite the Su family couple in.

After a while, a young couple walked in.

Young couples are not good-looking men and women, but they are all very good-looking types, and their looks match well.However, at this moment, the couple looked extremely haggard.

After an introduction, Su Chen learned that the young couple, the boy's name is Su Zhe, and the girl's name is Liu Ye.Su Zhe is the eldest grandson of Mr. Su.

I have to say that the couple are worthy of being from a scholarly family, and they treat people very well, even if they are very anxious, there is no disrespect on the surface.

And it can be seen that the husband and wife should have a good personality, with a positive outlook, clear eyes, no evil intentions, and worthy of dating.

This is the judgment Su Chen made in a short time.

When the couple heard Su Chen's identity, they were shocked and hurriedly greeted Su Chen respectfully, with extremely respectful and grateful words.And after knowing that Su Chen personally led the rescue operation, the couple became even more grateful to Su Chen.

There is no scene of brainless questioning in the novel.

Not to mention that the couple already knew Su Chen a little bit, even if they didn't know, they would not be able to question Su Chen before Su Chen showed his performance.After all, this is a decision made by the big leader himself. If they question Su Chen, aren't they just questioning the big leader?
Anyone with a little intelligence can't do this.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense. Let's find someone first!"

Su Chen took out a locator from the box, turned it on, and asked Su Zhe to bleed.

Regarding this, Su Zhe didn't hesitate at all, and even prepared in advance, he took out a pocket fruit knife and cut his index finger.

The blood dripped into the blood tank, and the locator responded instantly.

First, the red dot representing Su Zhe appeared, and then the green dots representing Su Zhe's relatives also appeared densely on the instrument. There were thousands of green dots. This shows how prosperous the Su family is. .

Looking at these green dots, Su Chen was a little dazed, so many green dots, how to confirm?

Fortunately, Su Zhe took out his mobile phone in time, and it can be seen that he actually made preparations in advance.

While flipping through the phone, Su Zhe said, "After understanding the function of the bloodline locator, I immediately asked my grandfather to count the current locations of the relatives in the family, and compiled them into a book and sent them to me. Let me have a look!"

Su Zhe must be the most familiar with this matter, and Su Chen couldn't help, so he ran to the side to make a call, mainly because Gao Qing called, asking him to deploy more manpower, Su Chen had a hunch that this rescue operation would not go well .

After a while, Su Zhe suddenly exclaimed in surprise: "I found it, sir, I found it."

"Huh?" Su Chen hurried over.

Su Zhe said in surprise: "Sir, it's this one. I've confirmed it. Most of our Su family are currently near Shanghai, and some of them are near Yangcheng, but there is no one in southern Sichuan. The signal in southern Sichuan must be Ruirui." of."

Su Rui, the name of Su Zhe's son, is only six years old.

"Su Zhe, this kind of thing can't be careless, are you sure?"

Su Zhe hurriedly said: "I'm [-]% sure. And more importantly, after the investigation by the police in Shanghai, it seems that this group of traffickers speak with a southern Sichuan accent."

"Well, without further ado, we will head to southern Sichuan now."

Just do what you say, Su Chen took the locator and walked out with Su Zhe and his wife.

The big leader hurriedly helped arrange everything.

Su Chen first had a round with Jiang Yan, and if Jiang Yan wanted to follow him, he would definitely take him with him.

But Xu Binghua, this girl also wanted to go, but was rejected by Su Chen.

"The theme museum city of the Ming Dynasty is about to open, and it will be your turn to appear at that time. You should stay in the imperial capital and prepare."

Xu Binghua pouted her mouth unhappily when she heard the words, then nodded obediently.

After Xu Binghua was dealt with, everyone went downstairs, they still took Su Chen's car and went straight to the SWAT team.

At the same time, the people called Gao Qing rushed over together.

The special police team given to Su Chen by the big leader is called the Falcon Commando. Su Chen has cooperated with them in the case of Wu Tianwang last time. The quality is very good and the ability is very strong. Su Chen is quite satisfied.

And everyone in the SWAT team knew Su Chen, so they were old acquaintances.

After some tossing, a group of people got on the military helicopter of the SWAT team.

On the helicopter, 25 people left.

Among them, besides Su Chen and Su Zhe, were Gao Qing and the ten elite security guards he brought with him.The remaining ten are members of the Falcon Commando squad.

On the plane, the members of the Falcon Commando did not mention Gao Qing and the security guards, so the members of the Falcon Commando looked down upon their strength.

(End of this chapter)

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