Chapter 491
The sudden accident made Su Chen and the others nervous.

I don't think about eating or anything. Originally, eating was to cover up my identity. Now that the clan elder is gone, there is no need to bother so much.

Soon, Su Chen and others changed into their combat uniforms and brought their equipment. Then Su Chen carried Jiang Yan on his back, and the group quietly rushed to the back mountain.

Jiang Yan said that he was in good health, but Su Chen didn't want her to suffer like this, and no matter how good Jiang Yan's health was, it might become a drag.

And Su Chen's body is about the same as Superman's. Not to mention the slender Jiang Yan, even with Xiao Yueyue on his back, Su Chen can compete with Su Qing and others in cross-country ability.

Seeing that Su Chen was going to carry Jiang Yan behind his back, Su Qing originally thought he was trying to show off.

But after a while, Su Qing took it easy,
Good guy, even Su Chen can run faster than him with someone on his back.

This is not an ordinary competition. In order to avoid accidents for the children, the group has already played the fastest speed.

Even so, they still couldn't catch up with Su Chen.

Lying on Su Chen's back, feeling Su Chen's swift pace, Jiang Yan felt an indescribable sense of security and happiness in her heart.

This is his man, who can become his strongest support in any situation.

On the way, Su Qing has been in contact with the members of the Qinglong team who followed the clan elders.

I don't know how long I ran, but it probably took less than 5 minutes.Su Chen had already vaguely seen the clan elder, the members of the Qinglong team following behind him, and the faint flames in the distance.

Su Chen ran forward for a while, then put Jiang Yan down, and asked Gao Qing who had caught up to take three security guards to watch Jiang Yan here, and at the same time keep watch here to avoid accidents.

After that, Su Chen, Falcon, and Su Qing quietly approached the mountain hut.

After a while, the three of them arrived in front of the hut, and they had already reunited with the member of the Qinglong team.

Su Chen didn't enter the room in a hurry, but took out the bloodline locator first. Looking at it, there was another accident.

"Huh? The child isn't in the thatched cottage?"

Su Qing looked at the locator and exclaimed.

Su Chen was also extremely surprised. He thought those people would put the child under their noses. Who knew that these traffickers were always unexpected.

Su Chen hurriedly took the locator to locate it, and after a while, Su Chen found that the place where the child was detained was the right rear of the hut.

There is a high mountain, and this hut is built at the foot of the mountain.

It seems that there should be a cave in that place.

"Sir, what should we do? There must be someone guarding the cave. Going in rashly will definitely scare the snake away. I'm afraid it will hurt the child!"

Falcon said solemnly.

Su Chen thought for a while, then suddenly smiled.

"What's wrong with scaring the snake? We still have to scare the snake today. Tell me, what is our biggest advantage now?"

Su Qing thought for a while, and said directly: "The enemy is in the open, but we are in the dark!"

"Not specific enough!" Su Chen said: "Our biggest advantage is that the enemy doesn't know yet, we have already discovered the cave where the children are hidden."

When Falcon and Su Qing heard the words, their eyes lit up immediately, as if they had grasped something faintly, but they couldn't react.

Because time is tight, Su Chen didn't keep it up, and said directly: "This group of traffickers is very cunning, and the Cunning Rabbit Three Cave is very slippery. There are villages where you can't live, so you have to live in the barren hills. Even if you enter the barren hills, you still lock the children in a secret place." , it can be said that the concealment has been achieved to the extreme.

This also led to them being very confident about the child's hiding place, and would never have thought that we had discovered this cave in advance.What do you say will happen if we attack the hut now? "

"I know!" Su Qing suddenly reacted and said, "Striking the grass to scare the snake! What a trick to scare the snake! Sir, what you mean is that if we attack the hut with all our strength, it will relax the people in the cave, and then we will suddenly attack the cave?"

"No!" Su Chen shook his head again. "You can't attack the hut. Not to mention that there may be hostages in the hut. And even if there are no hostages in the hut, if we attack the hut, it will only make the traffickers in the cave more cautious and dare not come out. Because those children are his last hostages. The human traffickers must stay with the hostages.

Therefore, we cannot attack the hut, we must attack the village below the mountain.

It's not very far from the foot of the mountain. If a shot is fired from the foot of the mountain, it will definitely be heard here.

At that time, everyone here will definitely be alarmed.

Afterwards, as long as we block the signal here, the people in the cave will definitely come out to discuss with the people in the hut, and then it will be our chance. "

"But, if the signal is suddenly blocked, won't those people suspect it?"

"What do you suspect? This is in the mountains. Isn't it normal for the signal to be unstable? After all, they don't know that we have discovered this place. They only think that we have discovered some problems in the cottage."

"But we don't have equipment to block the signal!"

"I brought it!" Su Chen said lightly.

Falcon and Su Qing: "????"

Boss, are you Doraemon?All these things?

Su Chen also didn't explain, and directly bought a small portable signal jammer in the system mall.

When Falcon and Su Qing saw it, they were immediately convinced.

Then he summed up Su Chen's plan again, and was even more convinced.

This is indeed the best way at present.

Without further ado, Falcon and Su Qing immediately took out their communicators to contact the special police and Qinglong team members at the foot of the mountain, ready to act.

Su Chen started to use the signal jammer to block the signal.

Then Su Chen slowly approached the cave by himself, while Falcon and Su Qing approached the hut to check whether there were hostages inside.

After a while, dense gunshots suddenly came from the foot of the mountain.

As Su Chen expected, the people in the cabin were immediately alarmed.

Hulala, in just a moment, five or six people rushed out of the hut, looking down the mountain with ugly expressions.

"What's the situation? Why are there gunshots in the village?"

The leader, a middle-aged man, looked fiercely at the clan elder who had just arrived.

The clan elders were also dumbfounded. "Mr. Sun, I don't know either. I was fine when I came here just now!"

"You don't know? People have called at your door, but you still don't know? You old trash, why don't you die?"

The middle-aged man kicked the clan elder down with a kick of popularity.

The middle-aged man didn't hold back his kick, it was a kick with all his strength, and it directly turned the clan elder several times, and he couldn't even stand up.

The middle-aged man didn't even look at the clan elder, but just stared down the mountain with an ugly face,

"Boss!" Suddenly a majestic figure ran out of the cave, followed by a thin man like a monkey.

"Boss, what happened?"

When the middle-aged man saw the two of them, he was startled and said angrily, "What are you doing out here? Go back and protect the hostages, that's our last card to save our lives!"

"Oh, boss, don't worry, they were tied up by us and explained, we guarantee that there will be no problems. The key is what's going on next? I seem to have heard gunshots."

(End of this chapter)

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