I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 499 Su Family's Special Family Atmosphere

Chapter 499 Su Family's Special Family Atmosphere

"So, we need to correct our attitude and realize the importance of family rules! Of course, we can't make family rules casually. If there are few rules, the house will be chaotic. If there are too many rules, the house will become a court! In the final analysis, the house is still full of people. A place with a human touch.

Therefore, we must take every house rule seriously, and every house rule must go through repeated discussions, use it for at least half a year or even longer, and record it into the house rules after completely finding out that there is no problem.House rules, once established, cannot be changed overnight unless absolutely necessary.

Well, the rule we are going to discuss next is whether the relatives of grandparents have the right to educate their children! "


Su Chen's voice fell, and the expressions of the girls were all tangled.

After a while, Gu Qingya broke the silence.

"Let me talk about it first. I brought this up and discussed it with my husband. You were all there before. We all know the issue of educating children of the older generation, so I won't say much here. I What I want to say is that our family is in a special situation. Perhaps there is only one such case in the whole world.

In the world, there are many rich men like their husbands, and [-]% of the rich men are basically polygamous.

But you all know the situation in those families, the intrigue between the wife and the lover, and the endless battle between the legitimate son and the concubine.

In the final analysis, it is family disharmony.

As for our family, there may be conflicts at ordinary times, but because of the strength of my husband and the mutual understanding between our sisters, our family is so harmonious and happy.

Our family atmosphere is really hard-won, and only my husband and our sisters can understand it.Even our parents don't understand what kind of life is between us. "

"That's right, this is true!" Tang Qiong lay on a soft recliner, and Guo Xiaoshi, Zhang Huan, and the three women's bellies were already growing.Especially Zhang Huan, who is pregnant with quintuplets, looks scary with a big belly, that is, Su Chen takes good care of her, otherwise Zhang Huan would not have the energy for the meeting now.

While eating grapes, Tang Qiong said: "My parents have been calling me for the past two days. The meaning behind the words is to hurry up and fight for favor. Now it is different from before. I didn't care about it before. Now I have a child. Now, the child is not a legitimate son, the Su family has a big business, and the children will definitely fight for property in the future, if I want to raise the child 36 times, it really makes me feel dizzy!"

If Tang Qiong's words were said in public in another family, it would really be a provocation, and other women would definitely make a fuss over it.

But in the Su family, this is too commonplace.

None of the girls responded, because their parents had said similar things.This topic has even become a joke for a few girls to chat with each other.

The current state of the Su family is so strange. Su Chen and his wives get along very well with each other. The relationship between the women is better than real sisters rather than real sisters.

This is definitely not performed because Su Chen is at home.

You know, Su Chen has insight, this kind of thing can fool others, but not Su Chen.

Su Chen could tell that there was really no barrier between the girls, and the relationship was very good.

Even a few women have become obsessed with this harmonious relationship.After all, compared to intrigue all day long, it is estimated that most people prefer a harmonious family atmosphere.

There are many reasons why the Su family can have today. In the final analysis, it is the sacrifice of the eldest sister and the joint efforts of the girls. However, the girls feel that they are very happy, but their parents have never believed it. They always feel that their daughter's life is like a TV series. The wife in the house is the same as the concubine.

No matter how the girls explained, their parents didn't believe it.

That's all, anyway, the older generation doesn't live with them.As long as the relationship between the girls remains the same, it doesn't matter what the parents think.

But this was before, now that I have a child, everything is different.

"That's right, so is my family!" Guo Xiaoshi pouted and said, "My parents are planning to move to the imperial capital for a while, and they said they would help me take care of the children. I know too well, why do they want to take care of the children? They clearly want to teach How does the child stand on the top of the mountain! I am puzzled, you said that they have lived their lives without any plans, how can they have the confidence to teach their children?"

Guo Xiaoshi's expression was extremely helpless.

"So, this problem has reached the point where we can't solve it!" Gu Qingya said, looking at Su Chen and saying, "Husband, the next thing is for you to say!"

Su Chen nodded, took over the words and said: "Everyone knows the seriousness of the matter. Now, let me make a few comments, and you can discuss them. Let me talk about it. Because of the special situation of our generation, it is estimated that our children will It is very rare for a family like ours to appear, so these few suggestions are only used as the family rules of our generation, not included in the general family rules, but can be written as an appendix for future generations to refer to!"

Because the Su family has just started to establish a family, many things have to be considered and cleared.

The women had no opinion at all and nodded in agreement.

Jiang Yan picked up the pen and began to prepare to record.

"First of all, let me talk about the first rule. Well, this rule must be written into the family rules, and it will never be abolished. All descendants of my Su family will never be divided into concubines and concubines. As long as they are of the blood of the Su family, they are all Su family members. Any difference, has the right to inherit the property of the Su family!"

After Su Chen finished speaking, the girls except Gu Qingya all showed excited expressions.

Although Su Chen said this more than once.

Although Gu Qingya said this more than once, they were still worried that it was not written into the family rules.

After all, if you really want to talk about it, they are all illegal.On Su Chen's marriage certificate, there was only Gu Qingya's name.The girls said they were not worried, but they must be thinking about it in their hearts.

It's different now, now that Su Chen has written this into the house rules, they are finally relieved.

After all, as a mother, I still care about the future of my child very much.

Jiang Yan wrote down every word of Su Chen very seriously, and repeatedly confirmed that the recording of this incident was successful, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Seeing the expressions of the girls, Gu Qingya couldn't help laughing and said, "You guys, I told you not to worry, it's true! Are you relieved now?"

"Hee hee! Oh, big sister, we didn't do it on purpose, we just couldn't help it!" Zhang Huan said coquettishly with a smile,

Gu Qingya smiled and shook her head, without saying anything.

In fact, he also understands the thoughts of the girls. If it were her, she would definitely be worried.

Seeing that the girls were all relieved, Su Chen smiled slightly.

Sometimes he rejoiced more than once, thanking God for giving her such a few good and considerate wives.

"Okay, the second one, I haven't figured out how to do this one, but I can guarantee that no matter how many children I have in the future, I can guarantee that when the family is separated in the future, it will be absolutely impartial and treat everyone equally! "

(End of this chapter)

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