I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 5 The mind-exploding prize

Chapter 5 The mind-exploding prize
"Ding, congratulations to the host for picking up a set of red sandalwood tables and chairs with nine dragon patterns in Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for picking up a set of antique Ming official kiln purple clay tea set!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning a high-tech company!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning a tailor-made high-end suit!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning the Hublot Big Bang Diamond Watch worth 3000 million!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning a quadrangle courtyard and a luxurious decoration blueprint!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning 5000 million cash!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning the Plastic Yan Pill x 1!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning the plastic body pill x 1!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning a Karlmann King suv bulletproof armored vehicle worth 3000 million!"


I am!

Even Su Chen, who was as stable as an old dog, couldn't help but swear at this moment.

No way, it's so exciting!
This is not getting rich overnight, this is simply an explosion of wealth like a planet colliding with the sun overnight!

Su Chen originally thought that 1000 million would be exciting enough. After all, it was 1000 million. It was a huge amount of wealth that most people would never be able to accumulate in their lifetime.

But he never expected that the focus of the system's rewards would be lottery tickets!

This is definitely the most sincere lottery ticket that Su Chen has ever seen. There are ten lottery tickets, each with a big prize, not even a thank you for your patronage, and each big prize is worth more than 1000 million. The suit looks the cheapest , is also a tailor-made version, isn't this sincerity?
Su Chen stared at the system light screen interface in front of him, unable to recover for a long time.

What kind of fairy system is this?Isn't that too generous?The beginning is the peak?
Su Chen felt like he was dreaming, but he had to admit that this dream was really cool!
After a while, Su Chen gradually calmed down.

But now he has some doubts about the system's rewards. He can't believe it without seeing the real thing with his own eyes.

After calming down, Su Chen saw a line of small characters at the bottom of the system interface.

"The host can withdraw any reward anytime, anywhere!"

Su Chen rubbed his chin.

This means that these rewards are his only if they are withdrawn, and if they are not withdrawn, they will always be stored in the system.

Su Chen looked at the ten rewards, thought for a while, and withdrew 5000 million in cash first.

Then, the next moment, he received a text message from CCB on his mobile phone, and his deposit reached a huge 6000 million.

Immediately, Su Chen looked at the other rewards, and then looked around, feeling a little hairy in his heart. Suddenly, he felt like a walking golden mountain, and everyone seemed to be robbed, so he didn't feel safe.

After a little thought, Su Chen didn't take any other rewards, but took the courtyard.

The most important thing for him now is to find a safe nest for himself first, otherwise he will be too disturbed.

Meditate in my heart to extract the courtyard.

The next moment, his cell phone rang.

Su Chen picked up the phone suspiciously, and a slightly respectful voice came from the opposite side.

"Hello, is this Mr. Su? I'm Xiao Li from Anye Real Estate. Your courtyard house in Longkou Hutong in Houhai has been handed over. When do you have time, I'll send you the real estate certificate?"

Su Chen: "."

Hey, are the system's rewards so direct?Send real estate certificate directly?

But this feeling is really cool!
Su Chen forced himself to be calm, but his voice was still a little nervous and slightly trembling.

"Ahem, um, I have time now, give me the location in the courtyard house, and wait for me there."

There was a moment of silence over there, probably because Su Chen was thinking about the house he bought himself, but he didn't know the address. Are rich people so weird?

But just for a moment, there was a voice again.

"Okay! How about this, Mr. Su, I'll add you on WeChat and send you a location. Do you think this will work?"

Su Chen is not a novice with no social experience, he immediately thought of the other party's trick.

That courtyard house is worth more than one billion yuan. There is no doubt that the other party must think that Su Chen is a super rich man. Now that he has the opportunity to add the prestige of a super rich man, how could the other party give up this opportunity?
Su Chen guessed the other party's plot, but did not expose it, and readily agreed.

One is that he is in a good mood, and he has been an orphan since he was a child, and he knows how difficult life is. As long as the other party is not too much and can do what he can, he doesn't mind making things easier for others.

Of course, if the other party dares to disturb him without knowing the taste, then he will not be polite.

After wechat with Xiao Li, the other party sent a location, Su Chen is not in Moji, and the car is about to drive there.

Houhai is within the second ring road, and his current location is outside the fourth ring road, not far away. With the speed of his battery car, it may take a lot of time.

However, when he started the car, there was no response.

Su Chen was stunned for a moment, then suddenly thought of something, jumped out of the car suddenly, opened the seat and looked, his face suddenly darkened.

"Damn it, who the hell is smoking and stealing my battery? Poor and crazy?"

Anyone who has done errands for food delivery knows that they are most afraid of two things, one is encountering a strange single owner, and the other is the battery car being stolen.

The first type is better, at most you will suffer a little bit of grievance, and you will earn less money for one order.But if the battery is stolen, the loss will be huge, especially for the takeaway guy. Once the battery is stolen, there will be a bunch of takeaways waiting to be delivered in the car.

Although losing the battery is nothing to Su Chen now, and the change he saved can buy dozens of batteries, but Su Chen still hates this kind of thing, and hates it so much that his teeth itch.

After greeting the eighteen generations of the thief's ancestors who stole the battery one by one, Su Chen calmed down a little.

There is definitely no way to drive the battery car away, so it can only be thrown away.

Now either take a taxi, or.
Su Chen suddenly reached into his pocket, took out his wallet, and saw a small black notebook inside, he couldn't help grinning silly!
Motor vehicle driver's license, although he didn't have the money to buy a car, Su Chen still took the driver's license test when he was in college. For this thing, the sooner you get the test, the better, and the later the test is, the more troublesome it will be.

Now that he has the certificate, Su Chen has confidence. He remembers that there is a luxury car worth 3000 million in the rewards of the system.

Just the word "luxury car" can stimulate Su Chen's adrenaline to surge.

Without any hesitation, Su Chen directly picked up the dealer's bulletproof car, which is known as the world's most expensive SUV.

In the next moment, Su Chen felt his pocket sink, as if something was added.

I reached out and took it out, and sure enough, it was a car key.

There is a key but no car. Based on the sao operation of the system, it is estimated that the car must be nearby.

As soon as Su Chen pressed the key button, he heard a car respond not far to the left.

Su Chen followed the voice and looked over, his eyes straightened instantly!
(End of this chapter)

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