I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 507 Master and Uncle

Chapter 507 Master and Uncle

Lao Guo's expression was very tangled.

On the face of it, this is a good thing.And it's a great thing.

Now in the entire Huaguo, there is no one who does not want to have a relationship with Su Chen.

As long as you can get the favor of the Su family, let alone a little bit of effort, even if you lose your fortune, someone will dare to do it.

Because they believe that the more they do for Su Chen, the greater the reward they will get.

They were not even afraid that Su Chen would repent or would not be able to pay.

The wealth and face of the richest man in the world is worth their gamble.

Not even afraid of going bankrupt, let alone such a good thing as taking the young master and miss of the Su family as his apprentice?
If this is spread on others, it is estimated that everyone will be crazy about it.Fan Jinzhongju can be reproduced almost mentally.

You know, this is the master of all the young masters and ladies of the Su family, and he is also the kind of mentor who kowtows to worship the master.

Once the apprenticeship is successful, it is equivalent to controlling the future of the Su family.

This is really no exaggeration at all.

Even Su Chen took a great risk. If Lao Guo had evil intentions, then the Su family might lead wolves into the house.

However, Lao Guo was not the slightest bit excited.

All he has is a mountain of pressure.

He is no stranger to accepting apprentices, and he also has this confidence.

But the premise is that this apprentice is an ordinary person.

But if these apprentices are the children of Su Chen, then Lao Guo is really Alexander.

After hearing Su Chen's words, Lao Guo's only thought was, what if he raised other people's children in a wrong way?
In a sense, Su Chen is kind to Lao Guo and even the entire Deyun Club.

The Deyun Society can dominate the entertainment industry today without any restrictions. The general credit should be attributed to Su Chen's silent support behind them.

Without Su Chen, the Deyun Society might be able to rise, but Jueduo would not be as simple and easy as it is now.

Lao Guo was really afraid of disappointing Su Chen.

After thinking for a long time, Lao Guo suddenly raised his head, looked at Su Chen, and said seriously: "Chen'er, you know that I have failed before, and not all the apprentices I teach are of good character!"

Su Chen nodded. "Of course I know, and it is because you have failed that I trust you more."

"My discipline will be tough!"

"I'm afraid you're not strict! Lao Guo, everything I say now is serious. If you agree today, then I will drink a glass of apprentice wine for them first. When the children are three years old, I will mention With the apprenticeship ceremony, I kneel down and kowtow to you three times, formally apprenticeship!
And after accepting you as their teacher, you are equivalent to their second father, who can be beaten and scolded by you and educated by you! "

After hearing this, Lao Guo was slightly moved, and fell silent again.

Su Chen saw Lao Guo's hesitation and smiled. "Old Guo, as I said, while I let the children worship you as their teacher, I will not evade my responsibilities as a father. I will discipline them with you. So don't worry, don't be under pressure, the two of us, plus Brother Shanggeer, Brother Jing, and Lao Sha, let’s work together. If there are differences of opinion, we will debate. If no one can convince the other, I will make the decision. In this way, even if there are one or two scum in the end, it will be My responsibility has nothing to do with you!"

Su Chen has already talked about this, what else can Lao Guo say?
Sighing, Lao Guo nodded seriously. "Okay! From now on, I will be the master of the ten tigers!"

Su Chen was overjoyed immediately, stretched out his hand, my old Guo shook his hand, and said: "Old Guo, thank you!"

Old Guo shook his head.

"What is there to be thankful for? In fact, it is my honor and my opportunity to become the master of the ten tigers. If I teach them well, then I will receive unimaginable rewards in the future. If this is the case, then I took advantage of you!"

Su Chen shook his head and said: "Come on, if your old Guo is this kind of person, the Deyun Society will not be able to make it to today!"

Old Guo heard this, looked at Su Chen for a long time, squinted his eyes, and smiled happily.

Su Chen's words directly touched Lao Guo's heart. This feeling of being understood is really sweeter than honey.

Seeing that the matter was finalized, everyone congratulated Lao Guo one after another. Su Chen could see the envy in the eyes of Wu Jing and Sha Yi.

Su Chen shook his head.

"What is there to envy you two? As I said, except for Lao Guo, you are all the uncles of the children. I, Su Chen, don't have many friends, so there are not many people who are qualified to be the uncles of the children, except Brother Ji and me Second brother Yi Zhou, oh, and Sun Yue, that's the two of you and Fatty Yu.

I have no father, no mother, and no brothers, so the eight of you are the grandpas and uncles of the child. When the Chinese New Year comes, they have to kowtow to you.Of course, you can't be stingy with your red envelopes!And my family may have children in the future, you have to save more money, otherwise you won't be able to give the New Year's money at that time, don't blame me for embarrassing you! "

Wu Jing and Sha Yi blushed with excitement when they heard the words.

It was only at this moment that they fully confirmed how important they were in Su Chen's heart.

It's not that they are inferior, it's mainly because Su Chen develops too fast.They didn't want Yu Qian to hang around Su Chen like Lao Guo, and they didn't have much time to meet Su Chen.

Sometimes when they say that they are Brother Su Chen, they are not confident.

This has nothing to do with friendship. It can only be said that sometimes the difference in social status is too great, and friendship will become more and more fragile.

Fortunately, as Su Chen said, he has no parents, and not many friends, so he cherishes all the friends around him.

And the reason why Wu Jing and Sha Yi were so excited was not to plot against Su Chen, even if they had such intentions, it would definitely not be too much.Most importantly, they really don't want to lose their friend Su Chen.

Regardless of status and wealth, Su Chen's personality is enough to make them fall in love with each other.

In the past year, Su Chen didn't forget about them. If they had any difficulties, Su Chen would silently help them without asking.And even though Su Chen's achievements are getting bigger and bigger, and his status is getting higher and higher, in front of them, he never has any energy to dictate.

Su Chen has never changed what he was before and what he is now, and he has enough respect for them.This kind of respect is not false respect, but the kind of respect that friends get along with each other in an ordinary way.

This is the rarest thing.

So now hearing what Su Chen said personally, how could they not be excited?
"Give it! You must give it! Isn't it just New Year's money? I can afford to give you a hundred more children!"

Wu Jing laughed so hard that his gums were exposed.

"Don't talk about it, I'm going to save money now! Hey, it's all Lao Su's fault. Last time I had to play some kind of truth or dare, which resulted in all my private money being confiscated and I had to save again. Don't you know that at home? How strict you brothers and sisters are with me! It's all my hard-earned money!"

As Sha Yi spoke, he had a bitter expression on his face!
Everyone immediately laughed!

Su Chen raised his legs and said with a grin: "Tsk tsk, Lao Sha, I can't pretend I didn't hear what you said. I have to talk to my sister-in-law later!"

(End of this chapter)

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