I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 517 The best chapter for giving

Chapter 517 The best reward for giving
In the face of everyone's doubts and contempt, Lao Guo's demeanor was calm, without the slightest fluctuation in expression.

Lao Guo walked all the way, tasted all the sufferings in the world, and suffered all the cruelty of the world. His mentality has reached the point where Mount Tai collapses in front of him without changing his face.

The contemptuous gazes of the crowd have no effect on Lao Guo.He didn't care at all.

In fact, Lao Guo only cares about whether these people will hate him because of this matter and make him trip up.

But when he thought of Su Chen, Lao Guo was not afraid of anything.

He believed that Su Chen had the ability to protect him from harm.

Even if Su Chen didn't have this ability, Lao Guo wouldn't back down today.After all, Su Chen has helped him too much, so he should repay his kindness for the apprenticeship.

Facing everyone's sharp eyes, Lao Guo walked to the center of the hall with a calm face and heartbeat.

Those who passed by were overwhelmed by Lao Guo's aura, and finally gave way to Lao Guo.

Seeing Guo Degang standing beside Su Chen calmly, at this moment, many people understood Su Chen's choice.

Without hesitation, Su Chen announced in public that from now on, Mr. Guo Degang will be the mentor of all the second generations of the Su family, and three years later, all the second generations of the Su family will be under the Guo family!
A hammer!
In an instant, everyone's eyes on Guo Degang changed.

There is envy, jealousy, and contempt, but more is thinking about how to build a good relationship with the Deyun Society in the future.

It is conceivable that as long as Lao Guo himself does not have any accidents and does not commit suicide, the Guo family will inevitably become a new wealthy family with the help of the Su family's power in 20 years.

And Guo Degang's power will also expand rapidly at this moment.

This point, the moment Su Chen announced it to the public, had already become a fact.

Looking at the little black fat man in the middle of the hall, calmly dealing with guests and friends from all walks of life, many people's minds are extremely complicated.

In a corner of the hall, Yue Yunpeng and other Lao Guo's apprentices gathered here, their faces flushed with excitement.

There is no doubt that as Lao Guo becomes the mentor of the Su family, the take-off of the Deyun Club will also be unstoppable.

These apprentices still don't realize how the Deyun society takes off, but one thing they know is that from now on, they will all have great backers.

That is to say, they can talk about cross talk as they like, as long as they don't break the law, they don't have to worry about being calculated and criticized, let alone participate in disgusting drinking games and some unspoken rules that make them disgusted.

From now on, these people are completely free from worries.

Therefore, they are happy, they are excited, and at the same time, they are also thankful that they insisted on choosing the Deyun Club at the beginning, otherwise, where would we be today?
On the other side, Yu Qiang, Yi Zhou, Wu Jing and Sha Yi all looked at Guo Degang with emotion all night.

Among them, Yu Qian felt the deepest. He watched Guo Degang walking all the way. He knew the hardships and grievances that Lao Guo suffered and suffered best.

Now seeing his old partner finally have a happy ending, Yu Qiang is really happy for Lao Guo from the bottom of his heart.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Lao Guo has completely stood up this time!" Sha Yi looked at Lao Guo and said with emotion.

Hearing this, Yu Qian laughed and said, "He, standing up is as tall as sitting!"

"Hahaha, you two really deserve to be close partners!" Wu Jing laughed.

"Hehe." Yu Qiang shook his head, and then said, "This time, the Deyun Club has really stood up."

"Aren't we the same?" Wu Jing smacked his lips and said, "To be honest, even if it was a year ago, even when Wolf Warrior's box office exploded, my mentality was so inflated, I never thought it would be today?"

"Yeah, all of this is like a dream. Chen'er really took care of us too much. If there is no him, how can I have this stack of business cards in my hand?"

"Is this still a business card?" Yi Zhou interjected with emotion, "This is simply a pass to the pinnacle of life!"

Yu Qian said with a smile: "Let's just remember Chen'er's kindness in our hearts. In addition, we can use these relationships as we should. Don't be afraid to make favors. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of Chen'er's painstaking efforts towards us? As long as we keep in mind He is good, just remember his love.

With Chen'er, we may only be able to take advantage of it, but with Xiaohu and the others, we can put more thought into it.As long as we work together to cultivate these little guys into talents and let them spend their lives in peace, I think this is the greatest reward for Chen'er! "

"Don't worry, bro, we know what's going on."

Wu Jing and Sha Yi nodded, they had already made plans in their hearts.

On the second floor, the female relatives were equally moved, especially the old Guo's daughter-in-law Wang Hui, her eyes were red with excitement, if she was not afraid of losing face and embarrassing Lao Guo, she probably couldn't help crying.

This is Lao Guo's personality charm.

If ordinary people reach the sky in one step, perhaps there will not be so many people feeling emotional.

But Lao Guo is different. His journey has been really bumpy. Now that he has suffered so much, all of this is the best reward for his decades of unremitting efforts.

After successful apprenticeship, Su Chen directly ordered the food to be served, and the banquet began.

Whether happy or unhappy, at this moment, they all gave Su Chen's face, went to the wine table, and all of them were smiling!

Except for one person, Yang Du.

Yang Du never expected that Su Chen would be so disrespectful to him, that he would ignore his words, not give him any chance to speak, and directly announce the candidate for his mentor.

Until this moment, Yang Du didn't realize that he had been dictating other people's family affairs, let alone how much he was going too far at this moment.

These bigwigs will go back to the fifth floor when the banquet starts.

But Yang Du didn't want to leave and stayed on the first floor.

Several bigwigs knew immediately that something was going to happen.

Mr. Yu frowned, and was about to go over to persuade Yang Du. He didn't want to care about Yang Du's death, but he didn't want Yang Du to disturb this banquet. You know, this is not just Su Chen's housewarming party, but also his very love. A child's full moon wine and apprentice banquet.

It would be a pity if such a banquet was disturbed.

However, the more he worried about some things, the more they would happen.

Just when Mr. Yu was about to walk towards Yang Du, he heard Yang Du's cell phone rang suddenly. After Yang Du answered the phone and said a few words, he went straight to Su Chen.

For a moment, the hearts of the big guys here all thumped.

"It's going to break!"

Here, Yang Du didn't see the changes in the expressions of Old Master Yu and the others at all, he went directly to Su Chen, and said calmly: "Xiao Su, right! You are fine, to be honest, there will be no young people who would dare to treat me like this soon. It stands to reason that I should be very angry. In fact, I am also very angry, but this is your child's full moon banquet after all, and you are a young man who is not bad and has made a lot of contributions to the country. As an elder, I cannot be with a Juniors care about everything. So,
You and I make peace with each other, you and I treat the previous things as if they never happened, how about that? "

Yang Du's voice was not low, and it instantly attracted many people nearby, and after a while, the whole hall fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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