Chapter 521

Future Research Center.

Now the Future Research Center is located in the hinterland of Jiangnan, a secret and safe place.

Through the huge financial resources of the Future Group, a huge scientific research base covering an area of ​​nearly [-] square meters has been built here, and the entire base is still expanding.

The current future scientific research center has gathered tens of thousands of scientific research talents from all over the world. These talents include all aspects, almost every kind of technology and academic, and corresponding departments and talents can be found here.

Now, it has become a world-class scientific research center, and almost every day, a patent is born here.

Almost every day, there will be a number of world-class papers published here.

The future scientific research center seems to have become one of the centers of the world.

At this moment, a secret laboratory in the scientific research center is conducting a rather special biological experiment.

It is said to be a laboratory, but it is actually a secret place in a mountain depression. At this moment, Leng Mo and dozens of scientists are watching a strangely shaped tree.

The big tree is very tall, about ten feet or so.The big tree is also very thick, and it takes five people holding hands to barely hug it.

The giant tree is blue-gray as a whole, and its shape is very strange.The trunk of the giant tree is straight, straight into the sky.The surrounding branches are also very straight, looking like steel.The leaves of the giant tree are huge, like cattail fans.

The most special thing is that this kind of tree is very hard, from top to bottom, any part of the body, including the leaves, is as hard as steel.And the middle of the trunk is actually hollow, the whole trunk looks like an iron barrel.

Void iron tree, a special tree species from the Su Chen system.

At this moment, Leng Mo and others are analyzing all the characteristics of the Void Iron Tree. The experiment has been completed, and now is the summary of the results. It can be seen that everyone's expression is very excited.

"Okay, let's talk one by one, everyone only repeats the part they are responsible for, let's start!"

Leng Mo's face was serious, and there was no emotion in his eyes, but the people around him did have extraordinary respect and admiration for him.

"Let me come first. I am testing the performance of the overall material of the Void Iron Tree. The entire Void Iron Tree is composed of a metal tentatively code-named Void Iron No. [-]. The entire tree and all parts have the same material, as if it is It is generally formed by pouring iron juice.

I tested the performance of Xutie No. [-]. Surprisingly, its performance is super superior, even superior to unimaginable.Its hardness exceeds that of white cast iron, the hardest metal in the world, its toughness exceeds that of pure gold, and its strength exceeds that of titanium alloy. "

"Impossible!" The person's words were suddenly interrupted. "How can the strength, hardness and toughness be the highest?"

"You misunderstood, I'm not saying that the three data of Xutie No. [-] are the best, what I mean is that the three performances of Xutie No. [-] are definitely good and bad, but even if it is the worst one In terms of data, it is also much stronger than the best metal-related data on the earth. They are not at the same level at all."


Everyone was dumbfounded in shock.

This... actually has such a perverted metal?

This is simply the rhythm that is going to shock the whole world.

In this metal performance is too bad.

In the scene, only indifference is the calmest.

Leng Mo looked at the Void Iron Tree, and suddenly asked: "Have you experimented with the load-bearing of this kind of tree?"

"I did an experiment. The Void Iron Tree has a unique shape. The weakest link is the connection between the leaves and the branches, but it is also as thick as an adult's arm. I tested the load-bearing capacity of each leaf and found that the weight of these leaves is less than [-] tons. The weight does not have the slightest impact on them, and the impact is still negligible if it is more than [-] tons. Even if it bears weight all year round, it can persist for hundreds of years."

"Five thousand tons????? How much does a building weigh now!"

A group of people were talking.

Leng Mo wrote down the data indifferently, then looked at the people around him and said, "Continue!"

"Yes! The root of the Void Iron Tree I studied has a very strong grip. An adult Iron Tree's roots penetrate at least [-] meters underground, and the root system extends in all directions. Even a magnitude [-] earthquake cannot cause too much damage to the Void Iron Tree. Impact."

"I'm researching the growth of the Void Iron Tree. As recorded, the Void Iron Tree feeds on metal. No matter what kind of metal it is, as long as it is fed to the hollow part of the Void Iron Tree, the Void Iron Tree can dissolve it and absorb it. Then grow up fast.

The Void Iron Tree has no growth cycle, as long as there is enough metal, it can even grow into a towering giant tree overnight,

In addition, the limit height of the Void Iron Tree has not been measured yet, only know that the current height is not the limit of the Void Iron Tree. "

"It is said that the void iron tree has almost no lifespan. It exists like a living metal, but it does not need any supplements other than metal, including water and sunlight. According to current analysis, as long as this kind of tree is fed metal, he will It will grow infinitely, if you don’t feed him metal, he will fall into a state similar to dormancy, this state will last for a long time, as long as the metal does not decay, the Void Iron Tree will not die.”

"The Void Iron Tree is very defensive, resistant to moisture, corrosion, and almost never rusts. The only disadvantage is that it is afraid of fire. Of course, it must be at a high temperature of more than [-] degrees. At present, there is no such high temperature in the world except our center. Nowhere can such a high temperature flame be found.

Therefore, its shortcoming can be ignored. "

"The Void Iron Tree can weld itself infinitely. As Xiao Li said just now, after the Void Iron Tree is burned by a flame with a temperature exceeding 100 degrees, its body will soften and finally turn into molten iron. And the Void Iron Tree only needs to be welded on it. Welding it with another section of virtual iron before turning into molten iron can achieve [-]% perfect welding, and the effect after welding is like one piece!"


advantage!advantage!All positives!

And every advantage is extremely abnormal!
It is conceivable that the appearance of the Void Iron Tree will have a huge impact on the entire world.

There is no doubt about this.

The virtual iron performance of the Void Iron Tree is too superior, so superior that it is simply outrageous.

A group of people looked at the Void Iron Tree and then at Leng Mo, the worship in their eyes almost turned into substance.

Before Leng Mo took out the seeds of the Void Iron Tree for everyone to cultivate and study, everyone still didn't understand, but now, everyone Leng Mo has only one idea.

This is a god!

As everyone knows, Leng Mo is originally a god, but he is a robot!

God-level robot!
"Okay, you have also seen how superior the performance of this tree is, so we need to study it more deeply. The second stage is to carefully study the internal structure, molecular, atomic or cell structure of the Void Iron Tree .”

At this time, Leng Mo's phone rang suddenly, Leng Mo picked up the phone, and after listening for a while, his eyes instantly turned cold!

(End of this chapter)

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