I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 63 National Treasure

Chapter 63 National Treasure
"Nine Dragons Sword!" Su Chen confirmed again.

Everyone's expression was shocked, and they looked at Su Chen in disbelief.

"Nine Dragons Sword? Emperor Qianlong's burial sword? Isn't this treasure destroyed?"

Liu Yun, who is a university history lecturer, immediately reacted and exclaimed.

After hearing this, Yi Zhou also remembered about the Nine Dragons Sword, and knew how precious the Nine Dragons Sword is, so his breathing became short of breath. Looking at Su Chen, he asked nervously, "San'er, did you really get the Nine Dragons Sword?"

Everyone else looked at Su Chen, and the one who was most excited was Professor Wu. The greatest wish of this old professor in his life was to find those national treasures that had long been lost or lost abroad. For this, he had been running around all his life. With hard work, he has indeed found many missing cultural relics for the country, but none of the cultural relics of the level of the Nine Dragon Sword have been found through his hands.

It's not that Professor Wu is not powerful, but that the Nine Dragons Sword is really too precious.

If we forcefully classify the historical relics of China, the top ones are naturally Chuanguo Yuxi, Heshibi, Xiayu Jiuding, Qingming Shanghetu, Simuwuding, Lanting Collection Preface, Terracotta Warriors, Jade Clothes, Shi Kamoni Buddha refers to the relics, the chime bell of Zenghou Yi, the beads of Suihou, the Twelve Golden Men, the Yongle Canon, Xuanyuan Sword, the original Book of Changes, the Qing Nang Jing,.
Some of these treasures have detailed historical research, and some only exist in legends, and it is not even certain whether they really exist.There are still some doubts, such as whether the Chuanguo Jade Seal was made by He's Bi, and whether the two are the same thing. This question is still a question. Perhaps only when you actually see the Chuanguo Jade Seal or He's Bi can solve the mystery. question.

But in any case, these cultural relics, no matter what they are, are priceless existences, and they can all be called the real national treasures, symbols of national culture, and extremely significant to the country.

The bronze heads of the twelve zodiac signs, the top ten famous swords in history, the emerald jade cabbage, the Cixi night pearl, the horse stepping on the flying swallow, the Jiulong sword, etc. are all ranked in this level.

However, there are some cultural relics whose preciousness cannot be judged, such as the bronze head of the twelve zodiac signs. According to the historical value, it may only be ranked second, but if you consider its reputation and historical significance in a special period, its value is absolutely It is comparable to the first-class national treasure, because it not only represents the cultural relics of an era, but also represents the eager expectation of modern overseas Chinese for the return of cultural relics lost overseas to China.

It is even an exaggeration to say that in the eyes of some overseas Chinese, whether the bronze head of the twelve zodiac animals can be welcomed back is a sign of whether the Chinese nation has completely risen.Of course, this kind of thinking is very narrow, but to some extent, we can also see the value of the bronze heads of the twelve zodiac signs.

In terms of its significance to the country alone, the Nine Dragons Sword is actually far inferior to those legendary national treasures, but in the world of cultural relics, the Nine Dragons Sword is definitely an extremely precious existence. To put it bluntly, if this kind of treasure goes to the auction house, the starting price will start at one billion U.S. dollars, which is still to say the least.
So when he heard the Nine Dragon Sword, even Mr. Wu, who has a very well-trained mind, his face turned red with excitement.

"Xiao Yi, don't be a fool, tell me quickly, did you really get the Nine Dragon Sword?"

Seeing that Mr. Wu was so excited, Su Chen secretly said that it was dangerous. Fortunately, he held back the desire to show off and did not tell the matter about the bronze heads of the twelve zodiac signs. Otherwise, Su Chen estimated that Mr. Wu might pass out from excitement.

Su Chen didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly nodded with absolute certainty.

"Yes, I did get the Nine Dragons Sword, and according to my appraisal, it should be genuine!"

"Your identification?" Yi Zhou looked suspicious. "Brother, this matter is no joke!"

It’s not that Yi Zhou believed but Su Chen, it’s that Su Chen is too young, appreciating treasures is a job that requires experience, even if a talented young man can’t improve his experience, he dare not appraise treasures lightly, so Yi Zhou wondered if Su Chen was Cheated.

Professor Wu waved his hands, forced himself to suppress his excitement and said, "Xiaochen still has some eyesight, this is somewhat possible!"

Professor Wu has seen Su Chen judge Yuan Qinghua's ability at a glance, so he still has some trust in Su Chen's eyesight.

Seeing that Professor Wu trusted Su Chen so much, others were surprised by Su Chen again.They were all surprised by Su Chen's endless abilities.

Mr. Wu couldn't wait any longer, he put down the porcelain in his hand, he didn't even care if a few pieces of porcelain were loose, he was about to walk out.

Su Chen hurriedly stopped him. "Old Wu, why are you going?"

Mr. Wu said urgently: "What else can I do? Go home with you to watch the Nine Dragons Sword!"

Su Chen was dumbfounded. "No, Mr. Wu, don't worry! The treasure can't be lost in my house. It's not too late for us to go after the auction!"

Old Wu frowned. "Why do you still participate in the auction? Can the auction be as important as the Nine Dragons Sword? Xiaochen, it's not that I rely on the old to sell the old. This time you are really selfish. You just hid the previous Yuan blue and white flowers. Although the Yuan blue and white flowers are precious, they are not worth it It is a national treasure. But the Nine Dragons Sword is a real national treasure and an important weapon of the country. Such cultural relics should be handed over to the country!"

Seeing what Elder Wu said so seriously, Su Chen frowned slightly.

To be honest, Mr. Wu is somewhat morally kidnapped. After all, the sources of all Su Chen's cultural relics are reasonable and legal, and the system has clearly arranged them, so even if Su Chen doesn't hand them in, that's perfectly fine.

But there is a saying that Wu Lao said is justified. If a national treasure such as the Nine Dragons Sword can be exhibited in the National Museum, it can indeed add luster to the country's history and culture. Moreover, cultural relics of this level can also bring national treasures to the country. to actual benefit.

Therefore, although what Mr. Wu said was a bit heavy, Su Chen still listened to it.

After thinking for a while, Su Chen raised his head and said:
"Mr. Wu, you are right. How about I let you take the Nine Dragon Sword and Sword away after you go back? But we have to talk first. I'm only borrowing it, and I will take it back later."

Seeing Su Chen say this, Mr. Wu's expression immediately softened, and he was extremely pleased to see Su Chen's eyes.After all, he was not wrong about this young man, and he still had a firm stand on the country's righteousness.

He also understands what Su Chen means. Su Chen will set up a private museum in the future, and then the things that should belong to him will naturally be taken back.He's completely fine with that.

In fact, Mr. Wu just hopes that these national treasures can be properly preserved and that more people can visit and understand them. As for their ownership, Mr. Wu doesn't care.

 There will be more later.
(End of this chapter)

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