I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 76 Eyes of Wisdom Upgrade - Eyes of Heaven

Chapter 76 Eyes of Wisdom Upgrade - Eyes of Heaven

A group of people listened strangely, and at the same time they felt balanced!
It's no wonder that people are lucky, it's mainly because they have good eyesight, otherwise, if they are lucky, everyone has seen the jade pot and spring vase, and everyone has the opportunity to auction it, even except for Tang Wanning and two daughters, everyone else can afford it, but only Su Chen saw the difference and acted decisively.

This is absolute strength!

From this point of view, things like luck are sometimes fair, but many people are not strong enough to catch them.

Otherwise, as the old saying goes, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared, and this preparation is the embodiment of strength!

After thinking about this, everyone feels comfortable, it's not that they are unlucky, it's just that their strength is not good enough, and there is no way to force it.Otherwise, as soon as everyone thinks of a treasure, it will slip away out of thin air in their hands, and everyone will feel uncomfortable.

Mr. Wu sighed, originally he always thought that he was old and strong, at least in the antique shop, he was still a figure of Taishan Beidou level, but now compared with Su Chen, even if he refuses to accept his old age, he can't do it!
"Xiao Su, what do you think is the body of the jade pot spring bottle?"

Since it is camouflaged, it is meaningless to discuss enamel color. What everyone cares more about is the body of this jade pot and spring vase.

Su Chen waved his hand, shook his head and said, "I don't know, the bottle body is covered by enamel, and nothing can be seen!"

"Isn't there a small flaw in the flat bottom?" Yu Qiang asked.

Su Chen couldn't laugh or cry. "That place is too small, even if you can see it, it's just a guess!"

Yu Qiang urged: "Then you just guess one, otherwise we'll keep worrying about it, and I'm afraid we won't be able to sleep tonight!"

The others nodded.

Su Chen looked around at the crowd, hesitated to speak, and said, "I'm afraid you will be even more sleepless if I tell you!"

"Oh! We won't be able to sleep if you don't tell me! Tell me!" Tang Wanning urged.

Su Chen shook his head, and said helplessly: "Okay! Based on my observation of the flaws, I preliminarily concluded that the body of the jade pot and spring bottle should be a piece of Ru kiln porcelain!"


Yi Zhou and Yu Qian stood up abruptly, their eyes wide open!

Mr. Wu clutched his heart and gasped for breath!
Su Chen waved his hand.
I say I don't say, you have to let me say
Toss all night!
Early the next morning, the morning glow was rising, the sky was clear, and it was another sunny day!
Su Chen got up to wash up, changed into clean sportswear, went to the yard to do boxing, and then went back to the house as usual to take out the dzi beads and started to play.

The dzi bead bracelet has been played for three days, and the surface has a soft coating, and more importantly, there are two eyes on each dzi bead.

If Su Chen's guess is correct, the law of Tianzhu's eye creation should be that every time an extra eye is added, it will take an extra day of playing on the original basis.

That is to say, it takes one day for one eye, two days for two eyes, three days for three eyes, and so on.

In other words, if Su Chen wants to turn the eyeless dzi bracelet into a nine-eyed dzi bracelet, it will take at least 45 days.

It's still early.

Still on the mahogany reclining chair in the yard, Su Chen summoned the system while turning the dzi beads, and completed today's sign-in.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for signing in and getting a skill upgrade card!"

what the hell?

Skill upgrade card?What use is this thing to him?All his skills are at the master level, is there still a need to rise up?

Or can you help him upgrade a rough skill to the master level?Such as singing skills, acting skills and the like?But he can't use these skills!
Depressed, Su Chen checked the detailed introduction of the special skill upgrade card, and after seeing it, he was even more speechless!

What the hell, this broken upgrade card can only be upgraded by one level, and general skills have six levels: beginner, elementary, intermediate, advanced, master, and grandmaster!
Most of Su Chen's skills are not even considered beginners, at most they are understood. If you use the skill cards on them, you will definitely be blind!
Today's sign-in reward is too bad, right?

Huh?and many more?

Su Chen suddenly saw a line of small characters behind the skill card. After reading it, Su Chen realized that he had ignored it. The system said that this is a special skill upgrade card. It can not only upgrade ordinary skills, but also special skills.For example. Smart eye!

Thinking of this, Su Chen got excited!You know, among all his skills, Wisdom Eye is the most special and important skill, and the one that helps him the most.

If he didn't have a smart eye, where would he go to find so many treasures?
However, this wisdom eye is already very buggy, and Su Chen can't even imagine how abnormal it will be if the wisdom eye is upgraded again.

However, Su Chen almost didn't think about it, so he directly used the upgrade card on the Wisdom Eye skill. There is no need to think about it, this skill card is the most valuable only if it is used on the Wisdom Eye.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully using a special skill upgrade card, successfully upgrading the eye of wisdom, and becoming the eye of the sky!"

Sky eye? emmmmm, what a name for Secondary School.

But who cares, the name is not important, the important thing is the effect.

Su Chen opened his eyes and introduced it, his eyes lit up.The previous functions have not changed. The Sky Eye still has all the functions of the Wisdom Eye, but there is one more thing. Now the Sky Eye can be used on any creature, including humans, but I don’t know how it works!
It was also a coincidence that when Su Chen was deep in thought, Gao Qing came over.

When Su Chen saw the living person, his eyes "brightened" immediately, and he used his heavenly eyes without hesitation.

Then the next moment, some transparent text appeared in front of Su Chen's eyes.

"Race: Human
Name: Gao Qing

Special skill points: 87
Relationship with Host: Allegiance
Loyalty: 85"

Hold the grass!

Looking at the transparent text in front of him, Su Chen's face turned pale several times, and he became a little restless!

Be nice!

Eyes exploded today!It can actually detect the skills of the target person and various relationships with him.

Doesn't that mean that with this skill, he is not afraid of being betrayed by his subordinates?As long as it feels wrong, call someone over for a test, and everything will be exposed!
This time it's done!

Su Chen has always had a headache about developing various companies.He himself is definitely not willing to come forward in person, but he would not believe it if someone else came. He is an ordinary person without any management experience. I don't know if I'm stuck.

But now, with the Celestial Eye, he can boldly delegate power. At worst, he often convenes gatherings with his subordinates, and uses the Celestial Eye to detect every gathering. If anyone's loyalty drops, then there must be something wrong!
wakaka!God skills!

System boss, I love you to death!
Su Chen was going crazy with joy, and it was only at this moment that he felt that he was really freed, and finally he didn't have to be bound by various tasks!
From then on, the sea is wide and the fish are rushing, and the sky is high and the birds are flying!
(End of this chapter)

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