Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 101 My Woman, Let Me Protect

Chapter 101 My Woman, Let Me Protect
Ji Zhongliang looked at Lu Chen carefully, he was a very sunny boy, handsome and handsome, with a polite smile on his face all the time, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

Regardless of other factors, Ji Zhongliang has to admit that Huang Xing's first image of him is very good, and he matches Ji Ran very well.

Huang Xing also looked at Ji Zhongliang, with a Chinese face and a bit of vicissitudes. He used the detection skills on him, and found that his combat value was only at the level of ordinary people, not an ancient warrior, and he was even more puzzled.

"Let's go, talk inside." Ji Zhongliang said gently without putting on airs of an elder.

Not as domineering as imagined, Huang Xing also has a little more affection for Ji Zhongliang.

He felt that Ji Zhongliang seemed a little helpless and depressed.

When the two came to the reserved private room, Huang Xing was busy making tea.

Ji Zhongliang quietly looked at Huang Xing who was serious about making tea, and there was only a silent sigh in his heart.

After making tea, Huang Xing poured a cup for Ji Zhongliang first, then poured one for himself, sat on the chair and looked at him.

Ji Zhongliang took a sip of tea, stared at Lu Chen, and said bluntly, "Please leave Ranran."

Huang Chen and Ji Zhongliang looked at each other without flinching, shook his head, looked at him firmly and said, "Of course she is already my woman, and I will be responsible for her for the rest of my life, no matter what the reason, I will never separate from her, Please uncle help us."

Looking at Lu Chen's clear and firm eyes, Ji Zhongliang knew that he really liked Ji Ran, and he sighed in his heart, "It would be great if he was just an ordinary person."

He sighed, and said with a look of pain in his eyes, "If Ranran is with you, she will surely die."

She must die!

Huang Chen was startled suddenly. He thought that Ji Ran's parents just didn't agree with her interacting with people in the martial arts world. He didn't expect that being with Ji Ran would actually threaten her life!

He asked in surprise, "Uncle, what's going on? Why is she going to die when I'm with Ranran? "

Huang Xing felt uneasy in his heart, not knowing what kind of danger Ji Ran would face when he was with him.

The aura of a martial arts master burst out from him, and he clenched his fists tightly, vowing silently in his heart that no matter what danger Ji Ran encountered, as long as he was around, no one would let anyone hurt her.

Seeing Huang Xing's reaction, Ji Zhongliang knew that Ji Ran didn't tell him about it.

He shook his head helplessly, did not answer, but continued, "You are a martial arts master at a young age, your future is limitless, and the forces behind you will not allow you to be with Ranran."

"I can decide my own affairs, and no one can control me." Huang Chen said with a firm face, "Uncle, no matter what difficulties and dangers Ranran may encounter when she is with me, I will protect her."

He resolutely said:

"All difficulties will be borne by me;

All dangers are for me to face.

My woman, I will protect you.

As long as I'm here, I won't let anyone hurt Ranran. "

Looking at the sonorous and bold Huang Xing, Ji Zhongliang felt relieved for Ji Ran, but his face became darker, and he said,
"Lu Xing, I know that a peerless monster like you is arrogant and fearless.

But if Ranran is with you, the forces you are about to face, even if you have the Four Sages and Nine Sects behind you, or a thousand-year-old family, you will not dare to offend them easily.

Not to mention ranting, tearing faces off with them.

If you insist on being with Ranran, it will only harm Ranran and you. "

After hearing Ji Zhongliang's words, Huang Xing became even more puzzled. Is there any force stronger than the Four Sages and Nine Sects?

"Brother Qiang, isn't the Four Saints and Nine Sects the most powerful in the martial arts world?" Huang Xing communicated with Wudiqiang silently in his heart.

Wudiqiang explained, "The world of martial arts is bigger and more complicated than you imagined. The 23 sects of the Four Sages and Nine Sects are well-known and decent, and there are also several ancient families and evil sects that have been passed down for thousands of years. They are also powerful enough to compete with the Four Sages and Nine Schools Zong Bibi. Each faction has its own background, as long as it is not a battle of exterminating sects and sects, no one can say who is better than whom."

"But you don't have to worry, as long as you reach level 9, you can almost sweep these forces. Even if you don't accept the mission, it will take about two months to upgrade to level 9." Invincible Qiang said domineeringly, "So , these forces are actually scumbags in front of you, let them jump around first, and whoever dares to be arrogant will just trample to death."

After hearing Wudiqiang's analysis, Huang Xing became more confident, and said to Ji Zhongliang calmly, "Uncle, please believe me, no matter how powerful that force is, I will protect Ranran from harm."

"It's useless, Huang Xing." Ji Zhongliang shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I know you won't give up easily, so I'll tell you everything right now, and you'll understand why I'm still with you. You will surely die."

With pain and resentment on his face, Ji Zhongliang began to tell the ins and outs of the matter, "Actually, my wife and I are not Ranran's biological parents, we are just dead men trained by the Ji family."

As soon as Ji Zhongliang opened his mouth, he revealed a big secret. Huang Xing was taken aback, but he didn't interrupt him and let him continue.

"Ran Ran was born in the Ji family of the hidden ancient family. Her father is Ji Yunfeng. At the age of 25, she is already a half-step congenital peerless evildoer. Her mother is Liu Feiyan, one of the true descendants of the four holy lands, and her grandfather is Ji Wuya, the head of the Ji family. The master of the seventh level of congenital.

22 years ago, Ranran was born, and that year, the Ji family was wiped out overnight. The three great masters and more than 30 martial arts masters were killed and injured. Except for Ranran who was taken by my wife and I to the Yuhua Daomen, the others All died, and only one member of the collateral family escaped under the desperate cover of the foreign master Fei Changan and several foreign martial arts masters, and fled overseas.

In the end, the elder Shangqing Taishang from the Ascension Daomen came forward to save the life of Ranran, who was still in his infancy.

And made a promise, but they can only be ordinary people all their lives, and they are not allowed to set foot in the martial arts world, otherwise they will cut off the only direct blood of the Ji family.

My wife and I were also abolished by them and turned into ordinary people, let us raise Ranran to grow up. "

After Ji Zhongliang finished speaking, he seemed to have aged a lot. He looked at Huang Chen and said in pain, "If Ranran is with you, it means breaking his promise and stepping into the world of martial arts. They will definitely kill Ranran."

Lu Chen listened quietly to Ji Zhongliang's story. The Ji family with three great masters was destroyed, and the Yuhua Taoist sect was also afraid of that power. That power was really powerful and terrifying. No wonder Ji Zhongliang didn't want Ji Ran to be with him.

He frowned and asked, "What's the name of that force?"

Ji Zhongliang took a deep breath, and tremblingly said with fear and resentment, "Blood alliance."

 ExactlyChapter 100
  sprinkle flowers to celebrate
(End of this chapter)

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