Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 116 Upgrade to Level 3

Chapter 116 Upgrade to Level 3

After Huang Xing left Tiancheng Hall, under the leadership of He Wenshan, he went back to Tiande Hall to meet Ji Ran and the others, and then Elder Zhou arranged a separate courtyard for them to stay temporarily.

Daoist Fengqing has not given him an answer, but he is not worried.

Yuhua Daomen can't compete with the mastermind behind the scenes, and only he who has been programmed to inherit those forces can have the ability to contend with it.

Although Huang Xing did not learn from those forces, he has the Shenhao system, as long as he is given time to upgrade, he can sweep away those forces.

into the night.

Huang Xing looked at Ji Ran who was sleeping beside him, his eyes were full of tenderness.

It was raining and clouding again in Wushan just now, Ji Ran had already fallen into a deep sleep.

He was lying on the bed, not sleepy, because after twelve o'clock, he could upgrade to the third level after using up the refreshed daily quota.

When the time passed by twelve o'clock, Huang Xing directly bought a batch of daily necessities online with today's quota of 20, and asked Wang Hu to donate them.

The money in the quota cannot be used to buy wealth management stocks, nor can it be donated directly, but can only be used for consumption.

Invincible Qiang's sweet voice sounded, "Congratulations to the host for upgrading to level 3, unlocking the redemption function, unlocking level 3 items in the store, and getting a chance to draw a lottery.

Finally upgraded, there was a slight smile on the corner of Huang Xing's mouth, and he couldn't wait to check the introduction of the exchange function.

Exchange function: Real money can be exchanged into gold coins, 1 yuan is equal to 1 gold coin, and the daily exchange line is equivalent to today's quota.

Looking at the introduction of the exchange function, Huang Xing was extremely pleasantly surprised.

What does he lack the most?The most lacking is experience and gold coins.

Experience can be upgraded, and gold coins can be used to purchase items.

With this function, the gold coins he can get every day is doubled.

"Brother Qiang, how do you use this exchange function?" Huang Xing asked Wudiqiang.

"As long as you have your own money in your CCB card, you can exchange it directly with me." Wudiqiang said.

The money in today's quota can only be used for consumption and cannot be exchanged for gold coins.

Huang Xing directly transferred 400 million from the UnionPay black card, and said to Invincible Qiang, "Brother Qiang, from now on, directly help me exchange the upper limit of gold coins every day."

"Okay, no problem." After Wudiqiang answered, he directly exchanged 40 gold coins for Huang Xing.

Huang Xing bought another batch of 40 daily necessities online, and then checked his attributes:
Host: Huang Chen

Occupation: No. [-] Shenhao in the universe (internship period)

Level: Level 3 (40/400)

Today's Quota: 0/400000
Gold: 260
Combat power: Huajin heavy

Dao Dharma: Good Fortune Scripture
Martial Skill: Crimson Strike

Items: none
Mission: none
The gold coins suddenly soared to 260, Huang Xing had to sigh with emotion how powerful the Shenhao system is, as long as it is upgraded, the improvement will be doubled, and this speed is too fast.

Wudiqiang knew Huang Xing's thoughts, and said proudly, "Believe it now, as long as you work harder and upgrade, all enemies are scum."

"It's not that I believe it now, but I have always believed it." Huang Xing said to Wudiqiang with a smile on his face.

"There is another chance to draw a lottery, let's see what good things we can get." Wudiqiang was also like a child, more excited and anxious than Huang Xing.

In Huang Chen's mind, there was a lottery nine-square grid, and there were five grids on it for money, ranging from 50 to 1000 million; one was thank you for participating, the other was Body Tempering Pill, and the last one was Fortune Pill .

Quenmai Pill is a level 3 elixir, which can increase the strength of meridians, and its effect is twice that of Ningmai Pill.

The Tyrannical Lion Crazy Knife is a level 4 weapon, a low-level Mysterious Grade.

The final Good Fortune Pill belongs to level 5 pill, which can upgrade his "Good Fortune Heavenly Scripture" by one level.

What Huang Xing lacks most now is his cultivation. His goal is only the Creation Pill, with a one-in-ninth chance.

He lightly kissed Ji Ran, who was sleeping soundly beside him, to absorb the power of love, and silently recited the lottery draw in his heart, and the circle of light quickly rotated on the Jiugong grid.


The aperture gradually slowed down, and finally it really stayed on the Creation Pill.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining a Creation Pill."

It's really Good Fortune Pill, Huang Xing kissed Ji Ran excitedly, and whispered, "Of course, you are really my goddess of luck."

Good Fortune Pill is an exclusive pill, which cannot be taken out. Huang Xing used it silently in his heart, a warm current spread out, and suddenly felt that his inner strength was much stronger.

In just a split second, Huang Xing's cultivation level was raised by a small level, transforming energy into four levels.

He then checked the store again, and the level 3 items had been unlocked, and there were five more items in the store, all of which cost 100 gold coins.

Bone Quenching Pill: Increase the strength of muscles and bones.

Quenmaidan: Increase the strength of meridians.

Tempering God Pill: Increases mental strength.

Blood Dragon Spear: Huangpin advanced weapon.

Ten Heavy Waves: Huang Pin's advanced marksmanship and martial arts.

Huang Xing directly bought the martial arts Ten Heavy Waves to practice, and the moves of Ten Heavy Waves automatically appeared in his mind.

Ten shots were fired in an instant, and the power of each shot was superimposed, and the tenth shot reached ten times the power.

There was a smile on the corner of Huang Chen's mouth, his strength had improved by leaps and bounds just by raising one level, and now he was fighting with Xiao Qingchen, he was confident that he could defeat her with one shot.

The little monk Jiujie who has cultivated to the fourth level of Huajin, Huang Xing is also sure to win now.

Huang Xing looked down at Ji Ran, there was still a month to go, and the blood alliance would make a move, enough for him to rise to level six, and his cultivation could break through the innate, at least he wouldn't be helpless by then.

As long as the time is delayed, the better for him.

With confidence, his heart also settled down, Huang Xing lay down and hugged Ji Ran, and fell asleep peacefully.

Ji Ran also felt Huang Xing's embrace in his sleep, and retracted into his embrace.

The next day, there was still no news from Daoist Fengqing, and Lu Xing was not in a hurry, and accompanied Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke to enjoy the mountain scenery of Yuhua Daomen all day long.

When night fell, Huang Xing and the others returned to the other courtyard where they lived, and there was an unexpected visitor waiting for him.

"Brother, what do you think that man is doing? He looks so cool!"

From a distance, Lu Xiaoke saw a young man in black and long gown, holding a sword in both hands, with his head slightly lowered, leaning against the wall by the door.

She thought the man in black's posture was cold and stylish.

Before Lu Xiaoke opened his mouth, Huang Xing had already seen him, directly checked his cultivation level, and turned his energy into three levels.

The man in black looks about 23 or [-] years old, and he can be regarded as a monster.

From his appearance, it seemed that he was waiting for them to come back.

Huang Xing didn't know him, didn't know why he came, frowned slightly, and replied, "It seems that he is waiting for us."

Then he asked the little monk, "Jiujie, do you know him?"

"His name is Yuwen Wuji, and he is one of the top ten evildoers of Yuhua Daomen's generation. But I don't know him well, so he probably didn't come to look for me." The little monk knew the man in black, but he had no contact with him.

This is strange, if he didn't come to look for the little monk, who would he be waiting for?
With doubts, Huang Xing walked towards the gate of the courtyard.

When he was about to walk to the courtyard gate, the man in black slowly raised his head, looked at him coldly and arrogantly, and asked, "Are you Huang Xing?"

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(End of this chapter)

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