Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 118 One shot, defeat

Chapter 118 One shot, defeat

The wind is blowing and the setting sun is like blood.

One person, one shot, lonely as snow.

Ever since Huang Xing first sparred with Xiao Qingchen on using guns, he fell in love with the weapon of guns.

He likes to go forward bravely with a gun, and go straight to Huanglong.

He also made the gun his life weapon.

Yuwen Wuji is cold and proud.

Among the younger generation of Yuhua Daomen, his swordsmanship is the highest.

He likes to use the sword, only the sword can reflect his elegance and elegance.

With a sword in hand, I am invincible.

Yuwen Wuji looked at Huang Xing proudly, today he would step on a single spear to defeat Xiao Qingchen's evildoer in the way of the spear, and achieve his fame in the way of swordsman.

It's a pity that this place is secluded, with only three spectators.

However, the Nine Precepts of the Holy Land of Ultimate Bliss are here, which is also enough.

It's a pity that Huang Xing doesn't have a real gun in his hand, so he can't win by himself.

Yuwen Wuji sighed softly, and the long sword flashed a cold light.

A little bit of cold light.

"The name of this spear is Ten Heavy Waves, Brother Yuwen, please enlighten me."

Looking at the arrogant and cold Yuwen Wuji, Huang Xing said in a calm tone.

As soon as the words fell, he spun the spear tightly in his hand and stabbed Yuwen Wuji straight.

The guns came out like waves.

Yuwen Wuji, who had a cold and arrogant face, saw this shot, and his face changed drastically.

Under this shot, his black shirt was fluttering like the wind, and he felt like a lonely boat in a stormy sea.

The sword guards the circle.

Yuwen Wuji drew his sword.

He felt that his nerves were empty, the long sword in his hand was out of control, and he had completely forgotten his most advanced sword skills.

He just instinctively unleashed five swords in a row.

The speed of these five swords is so fast that I can't believe it.

Five swords blocked five guns.

The sixth spear flew the long sword, and the seventh spear swept away Yuwen Wuji.

Ten heavy waves, ten shots in an instant, one shot is stronger than one shot.

Huang Xing only fired the seventh shot, and Yuwen Wuji was swept away, fell to the ground, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

He had shown mercy, but Yuwen Wuji still suffered serious internal injuries.

Huang Chen's gun was too fast, Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke could only see an afterimage.

In an instant, Yuwen Wuji was swept away.

It was the first time for them to see Huang Xing's Hua Jin cultivation, and they were stunned.

The little monk watched Huang Xing shoot out his gun. Yuwen Wuji was covered by his gun, but the little monk seemed to be in the power of his gun, and his back broke out in cold sweat.

Huang Chen shot like waves, one shot was stronger than the other, he could defend the seventh shot, he could defend the eighth shot, he would be injured by the ninth shot, and he would be seriously injured by the tenth shot.

Ten heavy waves, ten shots in an instant, said to be ten shots, but it was actually one shot.

No wonder he was able to defeat Xiao Qingchen with a single shot. Who can match this kind of marksmanship in the same situation?
Yuwen Wuji fell to the ground, feeling that his left rib was broken, and his whole body fell apart in pain.

The power of a shot is so terrifying.

He has neither the pain of failure nor the loss of failure.

He didn't even care about Huang Xing's invincible shot.

He was just engrossed in the five swords that he had unleashed just now.

It was a mysterious and mysterious sword intent.

If he can penetrate it, his sword practice can improve by leaps and bounds.

Everyone looked at Yuwen Wuji who was lying on the ground, their eyes were slightly closed, and there was neither sadness nor joy on their faces.

He opened his eyes suddenly, with surprise on his face.

He wanted to stand up excitedly, but because of the internal injury, he hissed in pain.

"He won't be beaten stupid by his brother, right?" Lu Xiaoke thought suspiciously when he saw Yuwen Wuji being swept away by Huang Xing with excitement on his face.

Yuwen Wuji stood up strongly, cupped his hands and thanked Lu Chen, "Thank you, Brother Lu."

His gift was not only to thank Huang Xing for his mercy, but also to thank him for giving him a new understanding of the way of swordsmanship.

Only by constantly fighting against the strong can one improve oneself faster.

Looking at Yuwen Wuji with a happy face, Huang Xing knew that he must have made a breakthrough, and he sighed in his heart that these monsters of the Four Saints and Nine Sects should not be underestimated, each of them is a fighting maniac, and the more he fights, the stronger he becomes.

He congratulated and said, "Brother Yuwen made a breakthrough in the first battle, congratulations."

"If it wasn't for Brother Lu's invincible shot, I wouldn't be able to realize it." Yuwen Wuji thought of Lu Chen's ten waves, and he had no desire to compete with him for a long time. He said respectfully, "Brother Lu's prestige, Yuwen Wuji is willing to bow down."

Huang Chen stood facing the wind and accepted it calmly.

Yuwen Wuji put his sword back into its sheath, and asked Lu Chen, "Dare to ask brother Lu, who is stronger or weaker, Xiao Qingchen or I?"

Lu Chen defeated him with one shot, and also defeated Xiao Qingchen with one shot, so Yuwen Wuji wanted to ask him who was stronger or weaker between himself and Xiao Qingchen.

"Brother Yuwen's swordsmanship is exquisite, and he also has extraordinary understanding of the way of the sword. He is at the forefront among sword repairers." Lu Chen first complimented Yuwen Wuji, and then said, "Xiao Qingchen was born for the sword, and she tried the sword all her life. The way of the sword, I dare not talk about it."

Huang Xing thought of the alluring face that proved the way of the sword and died without regret, and he didn't know where the end of her was.

She can't compare with a system-added cheat like her own, but her future achievements will definitely stand at the pinnacle of swordsmanship.

Yuwen Wuji first heard Huang Xing praise himself, his eyes brightened a little, and then heard Huang Xing's evaluation of Xiao Qingchen, and instantly dimmed again.

In Huang Chen's eyes, he is far inferior to Xiao Qingchen.

However, his eyes soon shone again, and today he had an epiphany, as long as he continued to practice hard, he would definitely be able to defeat Xiao Qingchen.

"Thank you Brother Lu for your enlightenment, I will take my leave first, and I will visit Brother Lu tomorrow." Yuwen Wuji said respectfully.

He has injuries and cannot stay for long, he wants to go back to heal his injuries first.

He already admired Huang Xing very much in his heart, ten waves, he really only received five waves, and every subsequent shot was more powerful, so strong that it made him despair, and he couldn't give birth to the slightest desire to win.

Yuwen Wuji also said to the young monk and the others, "Master Jiujie, two girls, I will take my leave first."

"Amitabha." The little monk made a Buddhist salute to him.

After Yuwen Wuji left, Ji Ran and the others surrounded him.

Ji Ran just looked at Huang Xing quietly with a faint smile. She felt very proud that her man was so powerful.

"Brother, your shot is so handsome, I want to learn it too." Lu Xiaoke shouted excitedly as soon as he ran over.

She is already a master of dark energy, but she has never practiced it.

At this time, seeing Huang Chen sweeping away the invincible with one shot, he also imagined in his heart that he was galloping around the world heroically with a white horse and silver spear.

Girls always love to have such beautiful fantasies.

Huang Xing also wanted Lu Xiaoke to practice martial arts and improve her strength.

He asked Wudiqiang, "Brother Qiang, can the kung fu and martial arts in the store be used for Xiao Ke to practice?"

"Yes, yes." Wudiqiang said, "However, when outsiders practice these exercises, they don't just learn them by using them directly like you. They have to practice slowly by themselves."

It's too slow for Lu Xiaoke to cultivate by himself, and Huang Xing is used to cheating, so he doesn't like the little improvement in cultivation.

He asked, "Is there a way to quickly increase their strength?"

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(End of this chapter)

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