Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 140 Arrogant to Ignorant

Chapter 140 Arrogant to Ignorant

Hoshino sisters...

"Does Miss Fazi want to watch a play here?" Huang Xing asked jokingly.

From left to right, he grabbed the twin sisters and gently pressed them on his legs to keep them from moving.

If they were allowed to continue, Huang Xing couldn't guarantee whether he would not be able to bear it.

The twin sisters fell on Huang Xing's lap, their eyes were rippling, and they looked at him brightly, as if they were at their mercy.

"If Mr. Lu doesn't mind, Fazi really wants to appreciate Mr. Lu's display of majesty." Fujino Noriko said with a smile, "If sir minds, Fazi will avoid it."

"It's just a joke with Ms. Fazi." Huang Chen smiled, pushed the twin sisters gently, and said, "Miss Fazi doesn't need to mention it again during the trip to Dongying. Lu Chensheng is from China, and he will die in the land of China. "

"Mr. Lu is a genius, why is he so obsessed with obsession?" Noriko Fujino continued to persuade, "Mr. Lu doesn't care about his own life or death, so don't you care about Miss Ji Ran's life and death? Could it be that Mr. Lu is willing to watch Miss Ji Ran die? ?”

Fujino Noriko brought out Ji Ran's anger, understood it with emotion, and moved it with reason.

Huang Chen was able to defeat Sword Sect Xiao Qingchen with one shot. This kind of peerless evildoer will have limitless achievements in the future. If he can return to China as an ancient Dongying warrior and defeat all the heroes in China, then the reputation of China's martial arts world will plummet. The Dongying Martial Dao world was so overwhelmed that they couldn't hold their heads up.

"Miss Fazi, no matter what you say, I can't change my original intention." Huang Xing stretched out his hand, pinched Fujino Noriko's chin, squeezed it in forcefully, and warned, "No matter what conspiracy Miss Fazi has in hiding in Huaxia, I will send it to you now." Just a word of advice, if you dare to do anything harmful to China, the next time we meet, we will be enemies rather than friends."

Noriko Fujino didn't resist, but just looked at Huang Xing aggrievedly.

Huang Chen let go, she rubbed her chin lightly, and said pitifully, "Mr. Lu can't help but feel the pain."

He did use a little bit of strength just now, but he also checked Fujino Noriko's cultivation base, and he has seven levels of strength, so it would be strange if he really hurt her.

This chick is quite good at pretending to be pitiful.

Huang Xing didn't follow Fujino Fazi's tricks, stood up, and said calmly, "If we meet in the future, and Miss Fazi has not done anything unforgivable, the words just now will still count."

"That's the end of my words, Miss Fazi is a smart person, I believe you will understand what I mean."


After Huang Xing finished speaking, he turned and left.

Noriko Fujino stared at Huang Chen's leaving back, chewing on the meaning of his words.

Suddenly, her beautiful eyes widened, and she looked at Huang Xing's back with radiance.

She already knew the meaning of Huang Xing's words.

If there is still a day to meet, it means that he has passed the crisis of the blood alliance.

Not only does he want to stay with Ji Ran, he also has the confidence to fight against the blood alliance.

Noriko Fujino didn't know where Huang Xing's confidence came from, nor did he know if he was putting on airs.

She weighed it in her heart, got up and chased after him.

"Mr. Lu, please stay."

Noriko Fujino shouted behind him, and ran towards Huang Xing.

Huang Xing stopped, turned around and looked at her with a faint smile, and asked, "What else is there for Miss Fazi?"

"Fazi heard that Mr. Lu is unparalleled in guns, and I beg Mr. Lu to advise." Fujino Fazi stopped in front of Huang Xing and bowed to him.

Then he said, "There is a practice room on the first floor, so it won't take too much time for Mr. Lu."

She wanted to try Huang Xing's strength for herself to see if he was qualified to say that.

Don't look at her delicate appearance in front of Huang Xing, it's because she wants to win Huang Xing to join the Dongying martial arts world, so she lowered her posture.

As the eldest daughter of the younger generation of the first family in the Japanese Martial Arts World, she has the cultivation base of the Seventh Level of Transformation Strength, and can be ranked among the top ten monsters in the Japanese Martial Arts World.

In the entire Chinese martial arts world, there are only ten people under the age of 30 who have cultivated in the late stage of Huajin. Even if there are some monsters who hide their cultivation, there must not be many.

There is an insurmountable gap between the sixth and seventh layers.

Xiao Qingchen has the strength to kill the sixth level of Huajin with a sword, but Noriko Fujino still puts her in the second gear.

Because after breaking through to the seventh level, one can touch the innate energy.

The Seventh Layer of Energy Transformation can transform the internal force in the body into innate qi, and its strength has been improved many times compared to the Sixth Layer.

After the internal energy of the whole body is transformed into innate qi, one can become half-step innate.

From a half-step congenital to a congenital master, one still needs to comprehend one's own way.

Fujino Noriko is extremely confident in her own strength, as long as Huang Xing hasn't broken through to the seventh level of transformation energy, he will definitely not be her opponent.

But she had some hope in her heart that Huang Xing could defeat her.

This is an indescribable, unexplainable emotion.

Maybe she just wanted to witness the miracle with her own eyes.

"You're not worthy of letting me use a gun." Huang Xing smiled and said arrogantly.

Fujino Fazi's face darkened instantly, and she was slightly angry in her heart. She admired Huang Xing very much at first, but she didn't expect him to be so arrogant.

"Mr. Lu is a bit too arrogant." Noriko Fujino said proudly, "Mr. Lu dares to fight when Fazi's cultivation is at the seventh level of strength transformation?"

"Miss Fazi really thinks I'm just talking arrogantly?" Huang Xing stretched out his hand to pick Fujino Noriko's chin, and said evilly, "Believe it or not, I'll beat you with one blow?"

If you don't fight, it's over, and if you fight, all her pride will be wiped out with one blow.

The level 6 sword and martial art "Mad Dragon Slayer Soul" is enough to kill her.

Fujino Fazi let Huang Chen pick his chin lightly, raised his head slightly, and said with a smile, "If Mr. Lu doesn't have that strength, Fazi will cut off Mr. Lu's hand."

Lu Xing was able to defeat Xiao Qingchen with a single shot, he was definitely considered a peerless evildoer, and he was very optimistic about his future achievements.

But for a monstrous evildoer with the fourth level of energy transformation, if he said that he wanted to defeat himself at the seventh level of energy transformation, he was so arrogant that he had no self-knowledge.

For an ignorant person, no matter how evil he is, Noriko Fujino doesn't want to waste time with him.

Only with strength can he do whatever he wants, without strength, he has to pay the price for it.

Huang Xing gently lifted Fujino Noriko's chin higher, and asked with a wicked smile, "So what if I can defeat Miss Fazi with one blow?"

Noriko Fujino smiled even wider, and replied, "If Mr. Lu can really defeat me with a single blow, Fazi is willing to let Mr. Lu handle it."

Huang Xing asked in confirmation, "It's a deal?"

"It's a deal." Noriko Fujino replied firmly.

If Huang Xing could really defeat her with one blow, what kind of evildoer would that be?

How could there be such a person in the world?
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(End of this chapter)

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