Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 147 Upgrade to level 5, danger strikes

Chapter 147 Upgrade to level 5, danger strikes
After returning from the Shen family villa, Ji Ran's mood seemed a little depressed.

Mi Xianghua said that her appearance was very similar to her mother's, which reminded her of her biological parents whom she had never met before, and she felt sad.

And because the overseas Ji family threatened Huang Xing in order not to let him be with her, she blamed herself very much.

Back home, Huang Xing saw that Ji Ran was in a low mood, hugged her from behind, and whispered in her ear, "Of course, if you're hungry, eat some snacks first, and I'll cook for you."

Ji Ran's tears couldn't help falling down, she grabbed Huang Xing's hands around her waist, unwilling to let him let go.

She just wanted Huang Chen to hold her like this.

Huang Xing just hugged her quietly like this. After a while, Ji Ran raised his hand to wipe away his tears, and said with a smile, "I want to eat the rice noodles you cooked."

She recalled the first time they met, Huang Xing carefully cooked rice noodles for her according to Du Niang's recipe, and she couldn't help but shed tears again.

It has been 26 days with Huang Xing, it seems like a long time, and it seems like it was yesterday.

Live up to the original intention.

None of them have changed.

"Okay." Huang Xing turned Ji Ran around, gently wiped away her tears, and said, "You go to rest first, and I'll cook rice noodles for you."

Ji Ran's eyes were red, and he said with a bright smile, "I'll cook for you."

The two came to the kitchen, cooking and eating together happily and warmly.

The happy time always passed very quickly, two days passed in a blink of an eye, and there were only nine days left before the blood covenant.

Overseas Ji's family hasn't come to look for Ji Ran yet, and Fei Chang'an hasn't made a final decision yet.

And Huang Xing also ushered in an important day - promoted to level 5.

At night, after putting Ji Ran to sleep, Huang Xing spent the refreshed quota, and heard a crisp voice from the system: "Congratulations to the host for upgrading to level 5, unlocking the mysterious store, the store has unlocked level 5 items, and a chance to draw a lottery .”

Mystery Shop: Spend double the price to buy items one level higher than your own.

Huang Xing opened the mysterious shop, which was full of level 6 items, and the price was ridiculously high. The pills were all 1600 gold coins, and the skills, martial arts, and weapons were all 3200 gold coins.

"Hey, why isn't the price uniform?" Huang Xing asked curiously.

In the first few levels, the prices of all items in the store are uniform.

Invincible Qiang explained, "The following exercises, martial arts, and weapons are twice as expensive as pills of the same grade, but you can choose the category freely."

Huang Xing took a look at those skills, martial arts, and weapons. Sure enough, only the level was displayed, not the category, so that you can choose freely when purchasing, and it won't happen that you want to buy level 6 marksmanship and martial arts, but the store only sells level 6 boxing and martial arts. Awkward.

He questioned, "Will the price increase in the future?"

"Correct answer, no reward." Invincible Qiang laughed.

There is still a long way to go, Huang Xing didn't ask much, and exited the mysterious store interface. If it is not very urgent and necessary, it is not cost-effective to buy things in the mysterious store.

He opened the fifth-level shop again, the first one was Good Fortune Pill, worth 1000 gold coins.

Then there are regular 400 gold coin items, level 5 pills to improve physical fitness, meridians and spirit, and the last item is a level 5 weapon, the Silver Dragon Spear.

The elixir has little effect on him, and it is mainly bought for others to use, so the price is inflated.

Good Fortune Pill and Silver Dragon Spear are what I need.

He has never used a weapon bought in a store, so he doesn't know how much the level 5 Silver Dragon Spear can increase his combat power. Compared with the Phoenix Blood Sword, is it stronger or weaker?

The data for improving the cultivation level of the Good Fortune Pill is also doubled. He used one Good Fortune Pill from the early stage of Huajin to the middle stage of Huajin. If he wants to go from the middle stage of Huajin to the late stage, he needs two, and then four to reach the early stage of Xiantian.

But the use of Good Fortune Pill is also limited, and each level can only be improved once.

Others have to improve their cultivation one level at a time, but Huang Xing always improves from one small realm to another, and there is no bottleneck.

He looks at his properties:
Host: Huang Chen

Occupation: No. [-] Shenhao in the universe (internship period)

Level: Level 5 (0/1600)

Today's Quota: 1600000/1600000
Gold: 1140
Combat power: Mid-stage Huajin (quadruple)
Dao Dharma: Good Fortune Scripture
Martial skills: Crimson Blood Strike, Ten Heavy Waves, Crazy Dragon Slash Soul
Items: none
Mission: none
I bought a Marrow Cleansing Pill for Wang Hu two days ago, and now the gold coins are not enough to buy two Good Fortune Pills to improve his cultivation level, but there are 5 gold coins per day at level 320, and the day after tomorrow is enough gold coins to buy two Good Fortune Pills to raise his cultivation level to Hua late stage.

Finally, the exciting lottery draw began again.

The physical rewards have also been upgraded by one level, level 5 Good Fortune Pill, level 6 swordsmanship and martial arts "Thousand Swords and Shadows", and the last one is Level 7 Pill of Fury Pill, which can instantly double the cultivation base within half an hour. But it will cause great harm to the body.

He still kissed the sleeping Ji Ran before starting the lottery draw.

The aperture rotates and finally stays on the money, which is the most 4000 million in the money.

Huang Xing was a little disappointed that he didn't get a reward in kind, but 4000 million is not bad, he still needs to exchange money for gold coins every day, and it happened that the money on the card was almost used up.

Level 5 costs 160 million to exchange for gold coins a day, and 4000 million can last for a while.

After finishing all this, he fell asleep with Ji Ran in his arms.

The next day was still calm. At night, Huang Xing was taking Ji Ran to go shopping when he suddenly received a call from Noriko Fujino.

The relationship between him and Noriko Fujino has not yet been known to others. If there is no important matter, she will not call herself.

Huang Xing answered the phone suspiciously, and Noriko Fujino's soft voice came, "Sir, is it convenient to talk?"

He looked around with the delusion breaking technique and the investigation technique, but there were no ancient warriors, so he replied, "It's convenient, what's the matter?"

"Ten minutes ago, Kage Wusai asked me for my husband's information." Noriko Fujino explained, "Kage Wusai is also a killer organization just like the Blood League."

Huang Xing frowned and said, "Ying Wuzhai is going to attack me and Ji Ran?"

The Killer Organization wanted his information, without thinking about it, they definitely wanted to attack him or Ji Ran, but the entire martial arts world knew that the deadline for the Blood Killing Order was coming soon, so why did Ying Wuzhai make such a fuss?
"Based on Fazi's speculation, Ying Wusai did not go after Mr., but someone asked Ying Wusai to attack Miss Ji." Fujino Noriko is good at intelligence collection and analysis, she speculated, "If it is Mr. Xiang, There is no need to ask Ying Wuzhai to make a move, just wait for the Blood Alliance to make a move, but it makes sense to attack Miss Ji."

"Fazi guesses that it may be that people who care about Mr. don't want Mr. to be implicated by Ms. Ji, so they want to get rid of Mrs. Ji before the blood alliance takes action, and relieve Mr. of the blood killing order."

 Kneeling in the second round of pk
  feeling a little irritable
  Maybe it's because I update slowly
  So the data can't get up
  but did try
  I'm going to pick myself up because you have my back
  Thank you for always supporting my friends
(End of this chapter)

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