Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 158 Dead, I Killed

Chapter 158 Dead, I Killed

Gui Yi was seriously injured, his chest pierced by the Silver Dragon Spear had already been stained dark red by the thick blood.

Every time she said a word, a mouthful of blood flowed out of her mouth as her throat moved.

She looked at Huang Xing pleadingly, wanting to get her dagger back.

Unmoved, Huang Chen shook his head and said, "This dagger is engraved with Luo Xiaoying's name, I will only return it to Luo Xiaoying."

Gui Yi looked at the resolute Huang Xing, knowing that he was forcing himself to admit it.

She didn't want to lose that dagger, it was all she had left.

With a look of pain in her eyes, she admitted, "I... am..."

As soon as Huang Chen admitted that she was Luo Xiaoying, his eyes softened, and he said to Ji Ran who had been watching the situation, "Of course, hurry up and get the medicine box."

"En." Ji Ran responded, and hurried to the living room to get the medicine box.

She has been listening to their conversation, and probably knows what's going on. The killer of Yingwuzhai is actually the younger sister of Huang Chen's acquaintance.

Looking at the seriously injured Luo Xiaoying, Huang Chen sighed and asked, "Where is Brother Luo now?"

After the farewell 15 years ago, he had no news of Luo Linbing. Seeing his sister at this time, he couldn't help but feel emotional.

Luo Xiaoying's eyes suddenly turned gray, and she murmured word by word, "Dead..."


After she finished speaking, she looked at the dagger with slack eyes, tears dripping from her eyes.

This is the dagger given to her by her brother, and she used this dagger to kill her brother with her own hands.

After ten years of brutal training and fighting, her hands were already stained with blood.

Step by step, she became cold-blooded and powerful in the fight.

In a mutual assassination, they were drawn together, and only one of them survived.

Because they are brothers and sisters, it is also stipulated that they must kill their opponents with their own hands, otherwise both of them will die.

In the end, my brother grabbed her hand holding the dagger, forced her to insert the dagger into his heart, and then fell on her body, whispering in her ear with the last of his life, "I'm sorry, brother can no longer take care of you ,You need to take care of yourself."

Luo Xiaoying didn't explain all this to Huang Chen, no matter whether her brother was voluntary or not, the dagger in her hand pierced his brother's heart and killed him.

So she didn't dare to admit that she was Luo Linbing's younger sister.

Because she doesn't deserve to be called sister anymore.

When Huang Chen heard the news of Luo Linbing's death, his body burst into murderous intent. With a swirl of the Silver Dragon Spear, he pointed at Luo Xiaoying's throat and shouted loudly, "Did you kill Brother Luo?"

From the time he was able to remember things at the age of 4, until he separated from Luo Linbing at the age of 6, he spent more time playing with Luo Linbing than his parents.

He remembered the scene when he and Luo Linbing separated. Luo Linbing left all the toys to him and Xiao Ke, except for a Transformer and an Ultraman, and said he would take them to Dongying for his sister.

This farewell has become a farewell forever.

Looking at Luo Xiaoying who was suffering in pain, Huang Xing remembered the growth of Ghost One mentioned by Noriko Fujino, and asked coldly, "Brother Luo is also among those 500 children?"

Luo Xiaoying nodded blankly.

In the method of raising Gu, 500 children practice together and grow up together, but they have to constantly fight each other.

No friendship, no kinship.

There are only unscrupulous killers.

Either you die or I die.

In the end, only one person survives.

She killed her brother and countless others with her own hands, and became the only one among the 500 people who survived.

She abandoned all her feelings and became Kagebu Sai Oniichi, the strongest killer of Onizihao, a frightening killing machine.

"You go." Huang Xing took back the Silver Dragon Spear, and sighed sadly, "I will record this account on Ying Wu Zhai, and I will destroy Ying Wu Zhai to avenge Big Brother Luo."

The culprit was not Luo Xiaoying, but Ying Wuzhai who caused all this.

The method of raising Gu cultivates killers, Luo Xiaoying and Luo Linbing are destined to survive only one.

Perhaps it would have been a better end for them if one of them died at the hands of another.

But they made the cruelest choice, brother and sister killing each other.

Ying Wuzhai's assassination of Ji Ran and him has not yet been settled, and now the new hatred is added to the old hatred, Ying Wuzhai is already a force that must be eliminated in Huang Xing's eyes.

When Luo Xiaoying heard that Huang Chen said that he was going to destroy Ying Wuzhai to avenge Luo Linbing, his dazed right eye suddenly lit up, and his fiery eyes fixed on Huang Chen.

The only belief that supports her to live is revenge.

In order to take revenge, she abandoned all emotions, turned herself into a cold-blooded and ruthless person, and finally became the only one who survived.

Only by being alive can one take revenge.

She practiced desperately, and now she has half a step of innate cultivation, but she knows that she is still far away from revenge.

Yingwuzhai is one of the eight great powers in the East, even if she becomes a master of the ninth level of innate, there is no possibility of destroying it.

Huang Xing was countless times stronger than her, but he could nail her to death with a single shot in the late stage of his transformation.

Maybe he might really destroy Ying Wu Zhai in the future.

Greatly saddened and overjoyed, Luo Xiaoying's fiery eyes gradually dimmed. She was seriously injured by Huang Xing and was on the verge of death, but now her mood fluctuated too much, and she passed out directly.

Ji Ran took the medicine box and walked to Huang Chen's side, looked at the fainted Luo Xiaoying, then looked at Huang Chen, and said softly, "Let's save people first."

She knew that Huang Chen would not watch Luo Linbing's sister die in front of him, but she couldn't forgive Luo Xiaoying for killing her brother herself.

Huang Chen sighed, knelt down and picked up Luo Xiaoying, and walked to the guest room.

He put Luo Xiaoying on the bed, and said to Ji Ran who followed, "It may not be convenient for me to heal her."

Luo Xiaoying's entire chest was pierced by his Silver Dragon Spear, so she needed to take off her clothes and bandage her, and it was inevitable that she would see her body.

"It's important to save people." Ji Ran said softly and understandingly, "I'm going to get a clean set of pajamas."

Luo Xiaoying's figure is slightly smaller than hers, so pajamas can still be worn.

Huang Chen didn't delay any longer, and directly helped Luo Xiaoying take off her clothes.


Luo Xiaoying's black ninja clothes were attached to a mask. After taking them off, Huang Xing saw her face first, and couldn't help taking a breath.


Ji Ran came in with her pajamas, and when she saw Luo Xiaoying's face, she cried out in fright. She covered her mouth with her hands, not daring to look any further.

I saw Luo Xiaoying's face on the right side was flawless, if she only looked at this side of her face, she would definitely think that she was a peerless beauty.

But the left side of her face was full of wounds, without a piece of complete flesh.

This is definitely not a wound left by a normal fight, but seems to be cut out on the left side of the face by someone.

Her eyelids were beautiful, but her eyes were closed tightly. Huang Xing guessed that her left eye, which was not exposed, was blind, and listening to her voice, her vocal cords were also damaged, and her speech was hoarse, as if her throat was rubbing against each other.

He couldn't imagine what kind of torture Luo Xiaoying had experienced in those ten years, and the hatred in his heart for her killing Luo Linbing also faded a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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