Chapter 167

"The three swords inherited by Jianzong each have their own way, the way of the phoenix blood sword to kill, the way of the king of the dragon chant sword, and the natural way of the real martial arts sword." Xiao Qingchen looked at Lu Xiaoke with a faint smile, and said seriously, "Xiao Ke, You have a natural sword heart, so I want to give you the real martial arts sword."

Lu Xiaoke stared at his big round eyes, and asked suspiciously, "Do I have a sword heart?"

Practicing the sword first trains the heart.

For a swordsman, the most important thing is the heart of the sword.

Only with a firm sword heart can his sword move forward and cut through all obstacles.

Lu Xiaoke has just learned swordsmanship, and feels that the sword heart is still too far away from him.

Xiao Qingchen nodded, and said affirmatively, "I have sat in the sword mound for three years, watched one hundred and eight thousand swords, and realized one hundred and eight thousand sword hearts. My eyes can't make mistakes."

Every time she said a word, Huang Xing felt more shocked and admired.

The world's understanding of Xiao Qingchen is only on the surface, and her swordsmanship has far exceeded everyone's imagination.

The three swords inherited by Jianzong all recognize her as the master. Watching the Sword Tomb's Hundred Eight Thousand Swords and realizing the Hundred Eight Thousand Sword Hearts, there are many secrets about her.

Xiao Qingchen has never told others about this before, standing too high and looking too far is also a kind of loneliness.

No one confides, no one knows her.

Just like what Wudiqiang said, it is the resources and cognition of the martial arts world that constrain her kendo. If she is given a wider sky, no one knows how far she can go and how high she can go.

After seeing Huang Xing's green blood blow and ten heavy waves, it seemed as if she had opened a new door and seen a new world.

This is a martial skill she has never seen before, from the simplest to the strongest, fighting for the sake of fighting.

The kendo foundation accumulated in her body burst out, she stepped out of her own way, comprehended the sword three, and her cultivation base made rapid progress.

Lu Xiaoke didn't expect that she also had a sword heart. She was still ignorant and asked curiously, "What is a natural sword heart? Are there many kinds of sword hearts?"

"There are tens of thousands of human hearts, and there are also tens of thousands of sword hearts. The natural sword heart is the simplest and the most complicated." Xiao Qingchen said in a ethereal voice, "Naturally, naturally born, if there is a sword heart in the heart, naturally there is a sword heart." , There is no heart in the heart, there is nothing in nature."

Lu Xiaoke was dizzy when she heard that, she hated such profound things the most, she quickly shook her head and said, "Sister Xiao's words are too profound, I can't understand them."

Then she said with a cheerful smile, "Hee hee, I just understood that I have a sword heart, called natural sword heart."

Xiao Qingchen looked at Lu Xiaoke with a faint smile, and said, "You have a natural sword heart, and the real martial arts sword is the way of nature, and it is most suitable for you to use."

Lu Xiaoke knew that he also had a sword heart, and was very happy. He was moved by what Xiao Qingchen said, and said proudly, "So, I and Zhenwujian are a perfect match."

Xiao Qingchen said with a smile, "Well, it's a perfect match."

Seeing that Xiao Qingchen was really going to give the True Martial Sword to Lu Xiaoke, Lu Chen asked, "Miss Xiao, the True Martial Sword is one of the three swords inherited by the Sword Sect. It's not appropriate to give it to Xiao Ke, is it?"

Xiao Qingchen said calmly and proudly, "I am the Master of True Martial Sword, my words are the will of True Martial Sword, and no one in the Sword Sect dares to object."

Seeing that her attitude was very resolute, Huang Chen stopped being hypocritical, and said with a bold smile, "Then I'll thank Miss Xiao for Xiao Ke first."

Then he sternly shouted to Lu Xiaoke, "Xiao Ke, hurry up and thank Miss Xiao."

He knows the value of real martial arts swords, but there are more good things in his store, and the high-level martial arts skills given to Xiao Qingchen will not make her suffer.

"Thank you, sister Xiao." Lu Xiaoke thanked sweetly.

She was still a little hesitant to ask for the real martial arts sword, but seeing that her brother agreed, she no longer declined.

Jian Zong didn't know that one of the three inherited swords, the True Martial Sword, was promised by Xiao Qingchen as a gift.

Huang Xing looked at the three girls who got along well, feeling relaxed and happy in his heart, and said, "Everyone is hungry too, let's find a place to eat first, and then go shopping."

"Okay, I want to have a big meal, and I want to buy, buy, buy." Lu Xiaoke was the first to shout happily.

Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen looked at Lu Xiaoke, and smiled reservedly. With Xiaoke as a happy fruit, they are always in a good mood.

Huang Xing took the three girls out of the VIP lounge at the airport, and when they walked out of the VIP passage, a group of people seemed to be waiting for them.

A group of seven people walked towards them, and stopped three meters away from Huang Xing and the others.

The leader is an old man with a mustache at the fourth level of innate cultivation, an old man in a blue shirt on the left is at the second level of innate talent, a gloomy young man on the right is at the half-step innate level, and the other four young people are at the level of innate strength.

Huang Xing checked their cultivation, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The old man with mustache looked at Ji Ran with a smile, and said in a sharp voice, "Little girl, she has grown so big in a blink of an eye."

Ji Ran held Huang Chen's arm tightly, looked up at her man, looking for support.

She knows that those who come are not good, and what should come will always come.

Huang Xing patted Ji Ran's little hand lightly, and said with a sarcastic smile, "Old guy, it's not time yet, do you want to do it now, or just talk?"

With Xiao Qingchen protecting Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke, with the opponent's lineup, he is not afraid to make a move, but he will expose his strength prematurely and attract more violent pursuit.

However, he believed that the blood alliance had waited for 29 days, and would not violate the blood oath to attack them on the last day.

"How dare you speak harshly when you are about to die." A young man with a fifth level of transformation energy snorted coldly.

A cold light flashed across Huang Chen's eyes, and he said unceremoniously, "If you want to do something now, I will accompany you at any time. If you don't dare to do it, just get out of here. I don't have time to play tricks with you."

His merciless words aroused the anger of those young people. The old man with the mustache raised his hand to silence them and said with a smile on his face, "Young man, you are the most fearless person I have ever seen, but I Today I didn’t come to ask you to fight, nor did I come to talk to you, I just came to look for Xiao Jianzhu.”

He looked at Xiao Qingchen, cupped his hands and said with a smile, "Sword Master Xiao, I'm going down Chuyin Mountain, and I'm here to deliver a message to Sword Master Xiao on behalf of Chief Blood."

"Don't mistake yourself."

Chuyin Mountain, one of the seven evil spirits of the blood alliance, is a name that makes countless people frightened.

Xiao Qingchen's attitude towards Huang Chen made the blood alliance a little uncertain. She specially transferred to the magic capital, and then came to the world of Confucianism with Huang Chen, which clearly explained her position.

If it was just other evildoers of the younger generation, the blood alliance would not care too much, but Xiao Qingchen is different, her status in the sword sect is comparable to that of the suzerain.

In a sense, her behavior represents Jianzong's behavior.

So the blood alliance had to think carefully.

Xue Xiuluo had communicated with Si Liancheng, the master of Jianzong, in advance, and the answer he got was that Jianzong would not protect Huang Xing and Ji Ran, but he also had no right to interfere with Xiao Qingchen's behavior.

Xiao Qingchen's behavior made the blood alliance a little embarrassed, and he didn't want to tear himself apart with the Four Sages and Nine Sects unless it was absolutely necessary.

Although there is a mysterious force behind the blood alliance that is so powerful that it makes the entire martial arts world shudder, but it is not that simple for people from that force to come out.

They will not send people out unless necessary.

 the second
  Another update, not tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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