Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 169 A Strange Couple

Chapter 169 A Strange Couple
"Sir, who are you? Please go out." The young waiter at the door couldn't stop the young man in black and shouted after him.

The young man looked up at the room. Regardless of the waiter's obstruction, he took out a wad of money and stuffed it into the waiter's hand, then ran to the bathroom, and said nervously to them, "Don't tell me I'm inside, I'll thank you later."

"Jia Jing, get the hell out of here."

Huang Xing and the three girls were still in a daze, when a girl shouted menacingly.

The girl's roar was full of energy, and it was estimated that the entire floor could be heard.

The sound is crisp and the timbre is very nice.

It's just that this kind of tone is a bit hot, and I don't know if it is suitable for the drama of catching the mistress.

Because the name "Jia Jing" sounds like a girl's name.

Huang Xing and the three women looked at each other, looked at the bathroom, and guessed in their hearts: the young man hiding, could it be Jia Jing?

He had checked that man's cultivation level just now, and his dark energy was sevenfold.

The young man looks to be in his early twenties, and his level of cultivation is neither high nor low. If he belongs to an ordinary Guwu family, he can be considered a genius; if he belongs to the Guwu sect, he can only be considered average.

"It's okay, you go out first." Huang Xing said to the waiter.

The guests have no objections, so the waiter naturally doesn't want to meddle in this business.

And the young man gave her a wad of money just now, which was worth two to three thousand yuan. If she kicked him out, how would she collect the money?

The waiter happily collected the money and left the private room.

Huang Xing said to the three girls calmly, "Leave him alone, we will eat ours."

After a while, the door of the private room was pushed open again, and what came into view was a woman wearing a red plaid shirt, about 27, with exquisite facial features, long hair like a waterfall, and a height of nearly 1.7 meters. She was a standard big beauty .

She came in angrily, and first apologized to Huang Xing and the others, "Sorry to bother you for a while."

Seeing Xiao Qingchen, the woman in red froze for a moment, obviously recognizing her.

"It's okay, you can do whatever you want." Huang Xing looked at the woman in red with a faint smile, watching the excitement with great interest.

He checked the cultivation of the woman in red, and was a little surprised, she turned out to be a half-step innate cultivation.

Huang Xing glanced at Xiao Qingchen, and found that she didn't seem to know the woman in red.

He was even more astonished, Xiao Qingchen didn't know this kind of top monster?
There are no more than ten half-innate monsters under the age of 30 in China, and they are all descendants cultivated by those top powers. Xiao Qingchen has no reason not to know them.

The woman in red lingered on Xiao Qingchen for a few seconds, then looked at Huang Xing curiously, showing a friendly smile.

Then she shifted her gaze to the closed bathroom door, her face sank, she walked to the bathroom door, and shouted aggressively into the bathroom door, "Jia Jing, I know you are inside, get out of here."

She asked the waiter outside the door just now, and she could tell if they were lying or not by observing their words and expressions, and locked the target in the private room of Huang Xing.

The bathroom door was closed and there was no movement.

"I'll count to three, if you don't come out again, see if I don't peel your skin." The woman in red began to count, "1...2..."

Before counting 3, the bathroom door creaked open, and the young man came out with a smirk on his face and said, "I'm going to the bathroom in a hurry, don't be nervous, don't be nervous."

The woman in red said coldly, "Come back with me."

"Go back, let's go back now." Jia Jing said with a smile on her face.

The woman in red turned around and walked towards Huang Xing and the others, and Jia Jing followed behind.

"Jiang Yunxiao, this is my husband, Jia Jing. Please don't take offense for disturbing everyone just now." The woman in red took Jia Jing to apologize to Huang Xing and the others, and asked, "I don't know what your friends call you?"

When Huang Xing and the third daughter heard about the relationship between the two, they were quite surprised. They didn't expect that the two were husband and wife. This Jiang Yunxiao should be five or six years older than Jia Jing.

Moreover, Huang Xing also knew that their cultivation levels were very different, such a couple was really rare.

Huang Xing stood up and returned the salute, "Xing Huang, Miss Jiang, you don't have to be polite."

Then he pointed to the three girls and introduced them one by one, "This is my wife Ji Ran, this is Jianzong Xiao Qingchen, and this is my younger sister Lu Xiaoke."

Although he and Ji Ran are not yet married, outsiders all know that Ji Ran is his woman, and it is not an exaggeration to call her Madam when she was introduced.

"So it's Brother Lu, Miss Ji and Sword Master Xiao, who have been famous for a long time." Jiang Yunxiao said politely to Huang Xing and the others.

The names of Huang Xing, Ji Ran, and Xiao Qingchen have indeed been widely circulated these days. There are really not many people in the martial arts world who have never heard of their names.

Jiang Yunxiao couldn't help but glanced at Xiao Qingchen a few more times, it seemed that the relationship between her and Huang Xing was very unusual.

Tomorrow the deadline for the blood killing order is up, and they are still eating leisurely here.

If the blood alliance wants to deal with them, it may not be that simple.

"We met by fate, why don't you two sit down and have a few drinks together." Huang Xing invited them.

"We still have important things to do, so it's inconvenient to stay for a long time. Please take your time, everyone. Let's take our leave first."

Jiang Yunxiao didn't linger, and left directly with Jia Jing.

Jia Jing followed behind her, looking downcast and unwilling.

"What a strange couple." Lu Xiaoke said sympathetically after the two left, "This Jia Jing is really miserable. He married a tigress wife, which will be enough for him in the future."

Huang Chen taught with a straight face, "Don't talk about other people's husband and wife behind their backs."

"Slightly, I got it." Lu Xiaoke stuck out his little tongue, picked up the chopsticks, and ate on his own.

Xiao Qingchen said solemnly, "So strong."

Huang Xing nodded in agreement, "It's really strong, at least in the late stage of Huajin."

"Not only is her cultivation strong, her sword heart is even stronger." Xiao Qingchen said slowly, "She has stepped out of her own way of swordsmanship."

When Huang Chen heard this, his expression changed.

He can find out that Jiang Yunxiao's cultivation is a half-step talent.

Xiao Qingchen's eyes could see the heart of the sword, saying that she had stepped out of her own way of the sword.

If half a step of innate cultivation is out of her own way of swordsmanship, then she should break through the innate master.

Huang Xing believed that it was impossible for him to make a mistake in his detection technique, and it was also unlikely for Xiao Qingchen to make a mistake.

Then Jiang Yunxiao's cultivation level is interesting.

He asked, "Do you know her origin?"

Xiao Qingchen shook his head and said, "I've never heard of this person in the martial arts world before, maybe it's the closed disciple of some hidden master who came to participate in the martial arts tournament."

Huang Chen smiled with great interest, "It seems that this martial arts tournament has attracted many arrogance and monsters. That's good, more people are more fun."

The mysterious Jiang Yunxiao, and the Dongying Martial Arts World who are ready to challenge, I don't know how many ghosts and monsters will be attracted to the re-establishment of the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang List this time.

 The head is too dizzy, go to bed first, I owe a more write tomorrow
  A book friend reminded that the name "Jiang Taichu" was the name of an urban male protagonist in a book of the same period
  In order not to affect reading,

  Now change to "Jiang Yunxiao"

(End of this chapter)

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