Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 173 Huangbang Contest

Chapter 173 Huangbang Contest (Part [-])

Huang Chen led the three daughters, and Jia Jing and his wife went to the martial arts arena where the Huangbang competition was held.

Along the way, Huang Xing and Jia Jing chatted happily, and the other party even dabbled in the art of guns, and chatted with Huang Xing in a sensible way.

If it wasn't for the fact that Huang Xing unlocked the basic tactics at level 6, he would probably have been overwhelmed by him.

Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke couldn't understand their discussion of the way of guns, but Xiao Qingchen could understand them by analogy.

Even she, who has always been calm, marveled at Jia Jing's proficiency in gun art.

This kind of person is actually just an Anjin cultivation base who participated in the Huangbang competition?
Moreover, Jia Jing didn't carry a gun with him, so gun skills might not be his specialization.

His wife, Jiang Yunxiao, has even stepped out of her own way of swordsmanship, and Jianxin is not much better than her.

This couple is really mysterious.

Huang Bing and Jia Jing were chatting, and before they knew it, they came to the Huangbang Martial Arts Field.

Jia Jing complimented, "Brother Lu's insights into the art of guns are really amazing. Listening to what you have to say, I have benefited a lot."

He bowed his hands and said, "Thank you Brother Lu for your enlightenment."

In fact, Huang Chen didn't go out of his own way of spear, level 6 is the master's skill, level 4's ten heavy waves didn't let him out of his way of gun, but his understanding of the way of spear is different from that of the martial arts world, so outsiders listened to it. , will feel unfathomable, thinking that he has walked out of his own gun path.

What he really walked out of his own way was the way of the knife and the way of fingering.

"Brother Jia is serious." Huang Chen said humbly, "I also admire Brother Jia's views on gun skills, and he has never brought a gun in martial arts competitions. I'm afraid what he is really good at is not gun skills."

"What I am practicing is boxing." Jia Jing said without concealing it, "However, I have heard two spear masters discuss gun art, and I have been fascinated by it, so I also have some opinions on gun art."

He said seriously, "I heard brother Lu's high-level discussion today, and I feel that these theoretical insights even surpass those two spear masters."

"Hee hee, you two stop complimenting each other." Lu Xiaoke interrupted their conversation with a smile, and asked Jia Jing and his wife, "I'm going to find my master and senior sister, do you want to go there together?"

He looked at Jiang Yunxiao tenderly, and replied, "We will go there together, just in time for me to compete on stage, and Yunxiao will have a companion."

His tender look is completely different from yesterday's unwilling look.

Jiang Yunxiao also followed Jia Jing like a virtuous little lady, listening to him quietly. Compared with yesterday's hot and fierce, it was like a different person.

"Okay, let's go, let's go to the stand of the Ice Misty Sect."

After Lu Xiaoke finished speaking, he led everyone to the exclusive stand of the Ice Misty Sect.

There are 36 arenas in the center of the Huangbang Martial Arts Arena, arranged in a large formation of Tiangang, surrounded by stands that can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

The stands in the southeast two directions are the exclusive area for the major ancient martial arts sects and some of the top-ranked big families.

The two stands in the northwest are the areas where tickets are sold.

When Lu Chen and his party walked to the stand of the Ice Misty Sect, Lu Xiaoke's master, Fei Ruyu, brought several elders to greet them.

The identities of Huang Chen and Xiao Qingchen are no longer what they used to be. Both of them are peerless evildoers who have stepped out of their own way. It is a matter of course to become a master.

Xiao Qingchen is also the sword master of the Sword Sect's Phoenix Blood Sword, with a noble status, she has already made it clear that she wants to fight against the blood alliance with Lu Chen Jiran.

Although Jianzong's ambiguous attitude indicated that this was Xiao Qingchen's private matter, the major forces no longer thought that Huang Xing and Ji Ran were doomed as before.

Concubine Ruyu greeted with a warm face, "Mr. Lu, Miss Ji, Sword Master Xiao."

Then he looked at Jia Jing and Jiang Yunxiao and asked, "I don't know what to call you two?"

"Senior concubine." The three of Huang Chen also smiled back.

Lu Xiaoke was the first to introduce to the master, "This is Brother Jia Jing, and this is his wife Jiang Yunxiao and Sister Jiang."

When Concubine Ruyu heard Jiang Yunxiao's name, she was taken aback. Unexpectedly, she was another loose cultivator among the fifteen seeded contestants. She was a 27-year-old half-step genius, and her cultivation level was comparable to hers.

She didn't dare to neglect, she cupped her hands and said hello, "It turns out that they are Mr. Jia and Miss Jiang. They have heard of their names for a long time. When I saw them today, they really are dragons and phoenixes among people."

Jia Jing cupped her hands in return and said, "Senior Concubine, you are being polite, don't take the liberty of disturbing me."

"Young master Jia is out of sight, everyone, please."

Concubine Ruyu brought Huang Chen and his party to the seats of the Ice Misty Sect, and asked them to sit down.

"Senior Concubine, Xiao Ke has thanked you for your teaching during this time, thank you very much." After sitting down, Huang Chen thanked Concubine Ruyu.

Concubine Ruyu looked at Lu Xiaoke lovingly and said, "Young master Lu is too far-fetched, but Xiao Ke is smart and hard-working. Ruyu would also like to thank Master Lu for sending me such a good apprentice."

"Hee hee, did you hear me? I'm so good. The master likes me." Lu Xiaoke proudly showed off to Huang Chen when he heard the master's praise.

"It's not big or small." Huang Xing glared at her.

Fei Ruyu just looked at Lu Xiaoke with a loving smile.

Lu Xiaoke was not afraid of her brother, so she said to her three senior sisters, "Senior Sister Shui, Senior Sister Xie, I called my brother and the rest to cheer you on, you have to work hard."

When the three of them heard that Huang Xing and the others had come to cheer them on, they were both excited and nervous.

With the announcement of the seed players, those 15 people have become role models and idols of the younger generation, especially Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen. It is rumored that they have all walked out of their own ways and will soon become masters.

Now three of the 15 people came to cheer them on. This kind of treatment is even more honorable than being number one on the yellow list.

They all secretly looked at Huang Xing shyly, and there was a little turmoil in their hearts.

Huang Xing is now known as the number one evildoer of the younger generation, and for Ji Ran's sake, he fought against the blood alliance alone.

This kind of epic love story is a fatal temptation for those pregnant girls.

Huang Xing didn't even know that he had become the dream lover of many girls in the martial arts world.

After a while, the Huangbang martial arts competition kicked off, and the elders of the Confucianism came to announce the rules.

36 arenas and [-] contests started at the same time.

The martial arts match is a random draw. First, 36 sets of matches are drawn, and then 36 sets of preparations are drawn, and the cycle is repeated.

Everyone has a match in the morning and afternoon, single round elimination, and rematch.

The game is about the end, and if one side admits defeat, it will stop.

Of course, death and injury in martial arts competitions are inevitable, but with referees who have cultivated strength and strength, it is not so easy to die.

The competition started soon, and there were many more Anjin masters participating in the Huangbang competition than the Xuanbang, and almost all young talents from small families who had cultivated Anjin signed up to participate.

The registration fee is also 100 million, and a ticket is included. If you are not eliminated, you can continue to enter the competition the next day.

If you are eliminated, you have to buy a new ticket the next day to come in and watch.

The young talents from those small families all want to show their skills in the martial arts competition, hoping to be favored by the ancient martial arts sect and be accepted as disciples.

The competition between dark masters really didn't interest Huang Chen much. The reason he came here was to accompany Xiao Ke to cheer her senior sister.

When he was about to fall asleep, he finally waited for Senior Sister Xiaoke's match, and the elder who drew the match number heard his ear full of energy, "No. 56 Water Spirit Rhyme."

Huang Xing recovered instantly, looked at Shui Lingyun and gave her an encouraging look.

The elder's voice then shouted, "Fight against No. 1243 Jia Jing."

 Thanks to the book friend "Who will accompany a pot of wine" for becoming the rudder of this book

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(End of this chapter)

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