Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 178 Each Has a Hole Card

Chapter 178 Each has a hole card (second update)

Xiao Qingchen said solemnly, "I'll go find Xiaoying with you."

Fujino Fazi sent him a message, so he must have known it from the other party. Now that Huang Xing is looking for Luo Xiaoying, it is very likely that he will meet the master who the other party is going to hunt down.

And when he leaves the Confucian Holy Land, the blood alliance that is about to make a move will definitely follow him out and hunt him down.

It can be said that there are many dangers for Huang Xing to go here.

Huang Xing shook his head and refused, "You stay here to protect Ranran and Xiaoke."

"Let Qingchen go out with you." Ji Ran said worriedly, "The Blood Alliance has promised not to fight at the Confucian Holy Land during the tournament, we will be fine."

"I can't entrust your safety to others." Huang Xing looked at the three girls and said resolutely, "The only thing we can really trust now is ourselves. I don't worry about not having Qingchen to protect you."

"It's not too late, I'm leaving now, the three of you are waiting for me here." He took out a marrow washing pill from his body and handed it to Xiao Qingchen, "Qingchen, this is a marrow washing pill, it can help You cleanse your marrow and cut your body, so that your body can reach the best state of cultivation, and if you use it directly, it can make your cultivation a step further."

Huang Xing reserved 4000 gold coins to buy the Fortune Pill to upgrade, and there are 1220 gold coins left. He just spent 1000 gold coins to buy a Marrow Cleansing Pill.

The function of Xisui Dan is not only to make ordinary people become masters of dark energy, but more importantly, to make the physique of warriors clean and clean, and achieve the best cultivation state.

Although Xiao Qingchen has been taking medicinal baths, his physical condition is still unable to achieve the effect of marrow washing.

Taking the Xisui Pill will make her physique more perfect, and her cultivation will naturally increase automatically, and she has a certain chance of breaking through to the Ninth Level of Energy Transformation.

Xiao Qingchen took the marrow washing pill, and took out a small iron pill from his body, which was a little bigger than the pill, and handed it to Huang Xing, saying, "This is the sword pill I brought out from the sword mound, and it is sealed inside. A sword intent left by senior Jianzong can cut the seventh level of innateness."

Huang Xing didn't take the sword pill, and said, "Keep the sword pill for self-defense. If I encounter real danger, I can break through the early Xiantian stage at any time. Even if I come to the late Xiantian stage, there will be nothing I can do."

Xiao Qingchen still said worriedly, "You take this one, I still have one on me."

Lu Chen looked at Xiao Qingchen fixedly, with a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth, and said softly, "I'm not the best at gun skills."

Xiao Qingchen was stunned, she always thought that Huang Xing was walking the path of a gun.

She quickly smiled again, knowing that Huang Chen was far more powerful than she imagined, so she stopped insisting, put away the sword pill and said, "Then you go and come back quickly."

The two most unparalleled evildoers of the younger generation in the martial arts world, each with their own cards, regard the innate master as nothing.

Huang Xing said confidently to the three girls, "You don't have to worry about me, just wait here for me to come back with peace of mind."

Ji Ran said softly, "Well, you have to be careful yourself."

Lu Xiaoke clenched his small fists to encourage Huang Xing, "Brother, beat them to death."

Finally, Huang Chen looked at Xiao Qingchen and confessed, "Qingchen, I'll leave this to you."

Xiao Qingchen also said confidently, "Don't worry, I'm here, don't worry."

After saying goodbye to the three girls, Huang Xing drove the Rolls Royce Phantom to the address that Noriko Fujino had sent him.

In the dark, the blood alliance, who was always watching their movement, was still a little unbelievable when he saw Huang Xing leave the holy land of Confucianism.

Without the protection of Confucianist Tianxia, ​​what is a mere Huajin Jiuzhong in front of the blood alliance?
A sneer appeared on the corner of Chu Yinshan's mouth, since Huang Xing wanted to seek death in advance, then he would be fulfilled by himself.

In a dilapidated private house in the Yandong District of Shangqiu, in a dark room, Luo Xiaoying was lying on a wooden bed, and when she closed her eyes, the last disappointment in Huang Chen's eyes appeared, as painful as a knife.

After she left Huang Xing, she originally wanted to find a place to recuperate, and then avoid Ying Wuzhai's pursuit.

If she can escape the pursuit, she will start a new life.

If she couldn't escape the pursuit, she would have no regrets.

She finally chose to come to Shangqiu.

At this time, Shangqiu is holding a martial arts tournament, and all the forces in the martial arts world are watching here, and she may be exposed at any time.

But she still came without hesitation.

Because she knew that Huang Xing was about to face the pursuit of the blood alliance.

Even if the mantis arms block the car, she will secretly help him with a meager strength.

Even if one of the opponent's innate initial stage is killed by death, it can relieve him a little bit of pressure.


Luo Xiaoying's body suddenly trembled. Years of wandering on the edge of life and death made her have a special perception of danger.

Without any hesitation, she directly took the two pills that Huang Xing gave her.

As soon as the elixir was taken in, two warm currents poured into the body in an instant, the physique gradually recovered, and the innate qi began to circulate slowly.

She got up and curled up into a ball, looking at the darkness in front of her in fear.

The darkness became clearer and clearer, and a figure appeared in front of her.

Luo Xiaoying's eyes revealed despair and fear.

Hei Ying looked at Luo Xiaoying's half-covered face, which was delicate and flawless, with a look of amazement in his eyes.

"I didn't expect you to hide half of your ugly face, but it's still so exciting."

Hei Ying's voice was sullen and frivolous, making Luo Xiaoying tremble all over.

Hei Ying looked at half of Luo Xiaoying's pretty face with admiration, but he didn't expect that she would still be so seductive after putting on the mask.

Once, her flawless face moved his heart.

As long as she is willing to surrender herself and become his woman, she can leave that hellish training camp.

Because he is Yogen Ito, the elder of Kagebuzai who is in charge of the ghost killer, and the founder of the training camp.

Ito Yangyuan gave her one night to think about it, and he believed that Luo Xiaoying knew how to choose.

But the next day, when he saw Luo Xiaoying again, it was a bloody, ugly face covered with stab wounds.

That year, Luo Xiaoying was 15 years old. Facing Ito Yogen, who could be her grandfather, she used the dagger inserted into her brother's heart to slash her right cheek beyond recognition.

Yogen Ito slapped her away angrily. At that time, she was injured to the nerve in her right eye, causing blindness in her right eye.

Ito Yangyuan didn't kill Luo Xiaoying, he wanted her to live in pain with that ugly face that everyone hated until she was killed in the training camp.

But he didn't expect that Luo Xiaoying would live to the end and become the only one who survived.

"With such a serious injury, why didn't you go back?" Ito Yogen asked in a kind voice, and he said gently, "Now I'm going back to Kagewusai with me, and I can pretend that nothing happened."

He knew from the information that Luo Xiaoying was seriously injured.

He wanted to kill the traitor directly.

But when he saw Luo Xiaoying's delicate face with half a mask on, he decided not to kill her yet.

The way she looks now still moves him as much as it did ten years ago.

Ito Yangyuan slowly walked to Luo Xiaoying's bedside, and reached out to touch her delicate left cheek.

When his hand was about to touch that heart-stopping pretty face, Luo Xiaoying's left eye suddenly flashed a cold light, and her right hand tucked into her bosom grabbed Yousen's dagger and stabbed at Ito Yangyuan.

"You're not hurt!"

Ito Yogen turned pale in horror.

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(End of this chapter)

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