Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 18 Martial Dao Master

Chapter 18 Martial Dao Master
Huang Xing asked: "What kind of cultivation is needed to suppress the internal force of Chu Lao's meridians?"

"The old man is at the ninth level of dark energy, and he needs to be cultivated at the level of energy to suppress the old man's internal strength." Jiang Zhitao said with a bitter face, "But where can I find a martial arts master who has a level of energy? If you drag on , the old man's life may be in danger."

The cultivation base of Anjin is called a master, and the cultivation base of Huajin is respected as a martial arts master.

Martial arts masters can be counted on one hand in Linjiang.

"Cultivate strength?" Huang Xing's confident voice reached Jiang Zhitao's ears like a life-saving straw, "Then I can just heal Mr. Chu's wounds."

He happened to be at the first stage of energy transformation, and could suppress Elder Chu's inner strength.

"Can you heal Mr. Chu?" Jiang Zhitao looked at Huang Xing in disbelief and asked.

Huang Chen nodded, and said, "If you can suppress Elder Chu's internal strength and unblock his meridians, I think there should be no problem."

"You, you are a martial arts master who has cultivated strength?" Jiang Zhitao looked at Huang Xing in shock, and stammered.

Just now, Elder Chu guessed that Lu Xing was a master of dark energy, and he was already very shocked. Now that Lu Xing is going to heal Elder Chu's wounds, could he be a martial arts master who transforms energy?
Mr. Chu is at the helm of the huge Chu family, and he is so powerful in Linjiang, but he is only at the ninth level of dark strength. How old is the young man in front of him, and he is already a martial arts master?

Huang Xing smiled lightly, and said calmly, "If it's a fake, it will be more powerful."

After finishing speaking, the momentum of Huang Xing's whole body changed suddenly, and the martial arts master's power spread out, pressing Jiang Zhitao out of breath.

At this time Chu Siqiao just ran over, seeing the power of a martial arts master on Huang Xing, he was also shocked speechless.

The demeanor of Lu Chen's martial arts master deeply imprinted into her heart.

Seeing Huang Xing's power, Jiang Zhitao no longer dared to underestimate the young man in front of him, and he was no longer qualified to get along with him on an equal footing. He cupped his fists and begged respectfully, "Master, please save Mr. Chu."

"Mr. Chu treats me like a friend. Now that his old injury has relapsed, I will naturally try my best to save him."

Huang Xing walked up behind Elder Chu and sat down cross-legged, running the "Natural Scripture of Creation" to transmit internal energy into Elder Chu's body.

Old Chu's meridians were disordered, his internal energy flowed backwards, and he had fallen into a coma.

As soon as Huang Xing's internal energy entered Elder Chu's meridians, he felt the frenzied internal energy of Elder Chu attack.

He carefully controlled his internal force to suppress Elder Chu's internal force.

Under Huang Xing's suppression, Elder Chu's internal energy gradually calmed down, and he used his own internal energy to guide Elder Chu's internal energy to slowly flow through the meridians of his body.

Huang Xing found out that there were several damages to the meridians on Elder Chu's body, which should be caused by his previous injuries, and it was these losses that suddenly caused the meridians of Elder Chu to become disordered and his internal force to flow backwards.

His current ability can't help Elder Chu heal the old wounds on his meridians, he can only help him to dredge his meridians, stabilize his internal force, and keep him out of danger.

Huang Xing confirmed that Elder Chu's internal energy had been stabilized, and the meridians in his whole body had been dredged, so he withdrew his internal energy.

"Sisi, come and help Mr. Chu." After finishing his work, Lu Xing called out to Chu Siqiao who was beside him.

Chu Siqiao quickly squatted down to support Elder Chu, and asked with red and swollen eyes, "How is my grandpa?"

Huang Xing stood up and comforted him, "Don't worry, I've helped Mr. Chu stabilize his meridians, and your grandfather will wake up soon."

"Thank you, thank you." Chu Siqiao said gratefully in a choked voice.

Just now, her grandfather's old injury relapsed and he fell into a coma. The situation is very critical.

If it wasn't for Huang Xing's help, she wouldn't know what would happen to her grandfather.

"Thank you Master Lu for your rescue. The Chu family will definitely repay Master Lu's kindness with all their strength."

Jiang Zhitao saw that old man Chu's face had gradually returned to color, and his breath had calmed down. He knew that the old man was out of danger, and thanked Huang Xing gratefully.

"It's just a little effort, you don't have to be polite." Lu Chenyun said lightly.

Jiang Zhitao said in a respectful voice, "I have already informed Patriarch Chu Tianxiong to come and pick up the old man. I wonder if Master Lu has time to visit Chu's house together."

When Huang Xing was healing Elder Chu just now, Jiang Zhitao informed Chu Tianxiong, the Patriarch of the Chu family, of the situation here, and he was rushing here with his people.

Lu Chen's status as a master of martial arts shocked the Chu family. Even if he didn't save Mr. Chu, the Chu family would try their best to make friends.

Now that he has the relationship with Mr. Chu, he must try his best to win over Huang Xing.

"I still have something to do today. I will visit Mr. Chu after a few days."

Thinking of Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke coming over tomorrow, and going out to find a suitable house to rent today, Huang Xing rejected Jiang Zhitao's invitation.

"Grandpa is awake." Chu Siqiao's excited voice came.

Huang Xing looked, and Elder Chu had opened his eyes and woke up.

Jiang Zhitao immediately knelt down and supported the old man together.

"Sisi, Xiaojiang." Elder Chu woke up and called out in a weak voice.He found that the internal force of his meridians had stabilized, and asked in surprise, "I'm fine?"

He knows best about his physical condition.

The old wound on the meridian was left over 30 years ago, and it was not serious at first.

However, as his age continued to grow, his blood qi declined, and his meridians began to age and shrink. In the past few years, his internal force circulation had been affected, and several meridian disorders had occurred, but they were all adjusted by his own kung fu.

Just now, when he noticed the sudden disorder of the meridians, he immediately adjusted his internal force, but found that the condition of the meridians was much worse than the previous few times. Even with Jiang Zhitao's assistance, he could not control the backflow of internal force.

Before he fell into a coma, he thought that this time he was in danger.

Unexpectedly, when I wake up now, I have turned my bad luck into good luck.

"Old man, it was Master Lu who suppressed your internal energy for you and saved you." Jiang Zhitao looked at Huang Xing excitedly and said.

"Master Lu?" Elder Chu followed Jiang Zhitao's gaze to look at Huang Xing, and asked in shock, "Xiao Lu is a martial arts master who transforms strength? He saved me?"

At first, he only guessed that Huang Xing was a master of dark energy, but now that he learned that Huang Xing turned out to be a master of Huajin martial arts, he was no less shocked than Chu Siqiao and Jiang Zhitao.

Jiang Zhitao nodded affirmatively.

"Help me up quickly." Elder Chu ordered Chu Siqiao and Jiang Zhitao.

With the support of Chu Siqiao and Jiang Zhitao, Elder Chu stood up, and thanked Huang Xing in a weak voice, "Xiao Lu, thank you for pulling me back from the gate of hell."

"Elder Chu, you don't have to be so polite." Lu Xing smiled at Elder Chu, "Elder Chu, don't call me Master Lu, they call me old, just call me Xiao Lu as before."

Although his cultivation level is higher than Elder Chu's, he still respects Elder Chu in his heart.

It's fine for Jiang Zhitao to call him Master Lu, but Elder Chu also calls him Master Lu, which always makes him feel weird.

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(End of this chapter)

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