Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 180 Borrow Your Knife for 1 Use

Chapter 180 Borrow Your Knife (Part [-])
Luo Xiaoying's body fell backwards.

Her injury was too severe.

Old wounds are not healed, and new ones are added.

Although she avoided the vital point when she hardened Ito Yangyuan's long knife with her body.

But the body was pierced, and the innate qi of the grandmaster level invaded her body.

The body that had been supported by her elixir was no longer able to support her.

Her eyelids are heavy and want to close.

But she knew he was coming.

She couldn't bear to close her eyes.

She needs to take another good look at him.

Luo Xiaoying fell powerlessly, thinking that she would fall hard to the ground.

Suddenly, she felt a strong arm wrap around her waist.

He gently took her into his arms.

"It's so warm."

Luo Xiaoying pressed her face against his chest, smelling a familiar smell.

Knowing that Huang Xing was here, she felt a little sweet, but also a little worried.

Yogen Ito is the master of the fifth level of innateness. I was able to hurt him because I had been studying him and knew his weaknesses.

He had to cut his arm if he wanted to exchange death for injury.

Huang Xing's strength surpassed hers by a lot, but he was still only at the ninth level of transformation energy, and there was an insurmountable gap between him and Ito Yogen, who was born at the fifth level.

Guns come first, people second.

The Silver Dragon Spear pierced through the air, shaking Ito Yogen's samurai sword away.

Huang Chen also flew over, catching Luo Xiaoying with one hand and the Silver Dragon Spear with the other.

He hugged Luo Xiaoying in his arms, and said in a soft and magnetic voice, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

He was very remorseful.

If I had guessed her thoughts earlier, I wouldn't have hurt her so badly.

In the end, it was because I looked down on her from the bottom of my heart, thinking that a killer like her had lost her humanity and would never repent.

Luo Xiaoying raised her head with difficulty, a bright smile bloomed on her pale face.

She stared at Huang Chen, and said in a weak voice intermittently, "I did not disappoint you."

"I know." Huang Chen looked down at the weak Luo Xiaoying, feeling pain in his heart, and said pitifully, "Don't talk."

Then, he raised his head and looked at Yogen Ito with cold eyes, his eyes full of killing intent.

"Hua Xia Lu Chen."

Ito Yangyuan looked at Huang Xing fiercely, and called out in a cold voice.

He was already familiar with the face in front of him, Gui Shiliu and Gui San both died at his hands, and even Gui Yi rebelled because of him.

With one arm around Luo Xiaoying, Huang Chen pointed a gun at Ito Yangyuan with the other, and said murderously, "You must die today."

Only killing can appease his anger.

"Hahaha." Yogen Ito laughed loudly, and said in a gloomy voice, "If there is a way to heaven, you don't go, but if there is no way to hell, you just want to go through it. Today is just to send you on the way together."

As soon as the ghost rebelled, he was worried that no one among ghost killers would do anything to him, and he was about to become the laughing stock of the killer world.

Now that Huang Xing sent him to his door looking for death, it happened to suit his wishes.

Luo Xiaoying returned to her peak state after taking the pill, so he didn't know that Gui Yi was almost nailed to death by Huang Chen, and thought that no matter how strong Huang Xing was, he would at most be a little stronger than Gui Yi.

How can he be afraid of a master of martial arts who is transformed into strength?

Even if Luo Xiaoying accidentally cut his left hand just now, he still has full confidence in killing Huang Xing.

One hand is enough to kill him.

Huang Xing looked at Ito Yangyuan coldly and said, "I've never killed a Xiantian master before, so I'll use your blood to sacrifice the spear today."

The blood alliance, Yingwuzhai, the mastermind who bought and murdered Ji Ran, and the mastermind behind the extermination of Ji's family 22 years ago.

Now that he has decided to confront these forces, his gun is destined to drink the blood of the master.

The gun moves, ten heavy waves.

Huang Xing shot out in anger, he held the gun with one hand, his power remained undiminished.

Sweeping towards Yogen Ito like a stormy sea.

Desperate ghosts and gods cry.

Feeling the power of the gun, Ito Yangyuan's face changed, and he didn't dare to underestimate Huang Xing anymore. Slashing with a knife was his strongest trick.




The collision of the gun and the knife created waves of air.

Ito Yangyuan's sword light has turned into reality, and Huang Xing's gun broke through his sword light with a hissing sound as if it had been inserted into a solid body.

"how is this possible?"

Ito Yangyuan's mind was shocked, his sword and gun collided, his strength was actually a bit inferior to that of Huang Xing's.

A blow with 55 times the power directly pierced Yogen Ito's sword light, and blasted his infuriating body protection, rolling his viscera and six organs, spurting blood and flying backwards.

Huang Xing was also injured by the sword force, a mouthful of blood gushed out of the corner of his mouth, and said coldly, "The fifth level of innateness is nothing more than that."

Ito Yangyuan looked at Huang Xing and Luo Xiaoying in his arms angrily, and said angrily, "If my left hand wasn't cut by this bitch, would you be able to hurt me?"

He was furious in his heart, the majestic grand master of the fifth level of innateness was first beheaded by half-step Xiantian, and then spurted blood by the ninth level of Huajin.

When did the evildoers of the younger generation become so powerful?

Is it really because I am old?

He refused to admit defeat, refused to admit his old age, so he angrily made excuses for himself.

Huang Xing looked at Ito Yangyuan calmly and said, "If your strength is limited to this, save your life today."

"Whose life will stay, it is not certain."

In the darkness, a wanton laughter suddenly came.

Chu Yinshan, who was following behind, appeared, walked towards them slowly, looked at Huang Xing with a big smile and said, "Young man, we meet again."

Then he said to Ito Yangyuan, "Brother Ito, why don't we teach this young man how to retain due respect for the master."

Lu Xing looked at Chu Yinshan with disdain, and said with a sarcastic smile, "The fourth-level congenital master followed all the way but didn't dare to make a move. Now he has to join forces with the fifth-level congenital master to fight me."

His eyes were full of sarcasm, and he asked mockingly, "The blood alliance masters, are they all shameless and courageous bandits like you?"

Chu Yinshan was not ashamed, and said with a smile, "The only purpose of the blood alliance is to kill the target, and only those who survive are eligible to speak."

He followed all the way, not because he didn't dare to attack Huang Xing, but because he wanted to know what made him risk his life to leave the Confucian holy land.

Just now when Chu Yinshan saw Lu Chen shoot Ito Yangyuan, he was shocked. He was glad that he didn't shoot him directly on the way, otherwise he might not be his opponent.

He knew that Ito Yangyuan, who had already injured one hand, was not Huang Xing's opponent, so if he helped him at this time, he could not only kill Huang Xing together, but also sell his favor to Ying Wuzhai.

"Mr. Yinshan, I'm here to kill the traitor, and you are here to hunt down the target. It just so happens that we can join forces."

Ito Hiroyuki knew that he was no match for Huang Chen, so he didn't care about his master's demeanor, and wanted to join forces with Chu Yinshan, but he still made an excuse for himself, saying that what he wanted to deal with was only Luo Xiaoying in Huang Chen's arms.

Huang Xing looked at the two pious innate masters mockingly, and smiled proudly, "A real villain, a hypocrite, you think you can kill me together?"

Imposing, he thrust the Silver Dragon Spear into the ground, and said softly to Luo Xiaoying in his arms, "Let me borrow your knife."

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  such a happy decision

(End of this chapter)

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