Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 182 Expecting a Wonderful World

Chapter 182 Looking forward to a wonderful world (first update)
With Huang Chen around, it's hard for Luo Xiaoying to die.

Her injury is difficult to heal in the martial arts world, but he has a mall, and it's just a pill.

If one doesn't work, then two.

Luo Xiaoying's consciousness has been blurred, Huang Xing spent 800 gold coins to buy a recovery pill, then gently squeezed her small mouth open, and put the recovery pill into her mouth.

She swallowed subconsciously and swallowed the elixir.

The power of the medicine dissipated and quickly repaired the injuries in her body.

Luo Xiaoying felt her body warm and slept more comfortably in Huang Chen's arms.

Huang Xing helped her deal with the knife wound again, and then destroyed the corpses of Ito Yangyuan and Chu Yinshan.

For the time being, he doesn't want to reveal the strength that can easily kill the innate mid-term.

After dealing with the scene, Huang Xing first called the three girls to report their safety, so as not to worry them, then carried the unconscious Luo Xiaoying into the car and returned to the Confucian Holy Land.

When Huang Xing returned to the other courtyard, it was already past two o'clock in the morning, and the three girls were still gathered in his room waiting for him to come back.

They had reported their safety just now, so the three women were not worried about Huang Xing, and sat together watching movies on their mobile phones to pass the time.

They saw Lu Chen coming in with Luo Xiaoying in his arms, and asked quickly, "How is Xiaoying's injury?"

"I've already given her the pill, and it's not life-threatening." Huang Chen put Luo Xiaoying on the bed, and said to Xiao Qingchen, "Qingchen, help her re-treat her wound."

Just now, Huang Xing simply treated the wound, and the three girls were already on the phone to get ready.

"Okay." Xiao Qingchen responded, and began to help Luo Xiaoying treat the wound.

Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke were also helping at the side, and Huang Xing went to the outside yard first by himself.

Xiao Qingchen checked Luo Xiaoying's injuries, and found that her meridians and internal breathing were very stable, except that she was still in a coma, there was nothing serious.

She was very curious about what kind of pill Huang Xing gave Luo Xiaoying, and the healing effect was so good.

She herself has also taken the marrow washing pill that Huang Xing gave her to remove the remaining impurities in her body, directly making her innate qi more pure, breaking through to the ninth level of energy transformation.

After more than ten minutes, the three girls helped Luo Xiaoying treat the wound and walked into the yard.

Huang Chen looked at Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke who looked tired and said, "Of course, it's getting late, you and Xiao Ke go to Qingchen's room to sleep first, Qingchen and I still have something to talk about."

Lu Xiaoke yawned and said, "Then I'll go to bed first, I'm so sleepy."

"Go to bed early after you finish talking." Ji Ran knew that Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen were going to talk about the Blood Alliance and Ying Wuzhai, so he didn't disturb them, and went back to bed with Lu Xiaoke.

Lu Xiaoke wanted to sleep in Xiao Qingchen's room, and the Confucian sect had moved another bed in two days ago.

After she and Ji Ran returned to the room, they slept together on her bed.

Only Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen were left in the yard, the moonlight was hazy and the breeze was blowing.

After Xiao Qingchen washed his marrow, he became a bit more beautiful, his skin was smooth, and his delicate face could not find a trace of blemish.

He checked Xiao Qingchen's cultivation, and he had already broken through to the ninth level of Huajin.

The two looked at each other, staring quietly in the quiet and cold night.

Huang Xing broke the silence and said, "I just killed Ito Yangyuan and Chuyinshan."

Although Xiao Qingchen was mentally prepared, he was still quite surprised.

Huang Xing's cultivation was still suppressed at the ninth level of Huajin, and he could kill a fifth level of innate and a fourth level of innate strength.

What's even more frightening is that he doesn't look injured at all.

How terrifying would it be if he broke through his innate ability?
She said in a sweet voice, "Yingwuzhai and the blood alliance found out that they are dead, and they will definitely send the masters of the late Xiantian stage. How sure are you to deal with them?"

In the world of martial arts, there are only two or three superpowers who are superior to the innate, and they usually cannot retreat. Unless they are in danger of extinction, they will not be easily dispatched.

The masters in the late Xiantian period are already equivalent to the strongest combat power in the martial arts world.

Huang Chen replied confidently, "As long as you are not at the peak of innate ability, you can kill as many as you come."

Then he asked, "What about you?"

Xiao Qingchen said, "Before the martial arts competition is over, you should be able to comprehend the fourth level of swords, and you can fight the seventh level of congenital."

She said yes, so she must be sure.

Staring at Xiao Qingchen, Huang Xing asked, "There is a more powerful black hand behind the blood alliance, are you afraid?"

Xiao Qingchen looked up at the moonlight, and said lonely like water, "There are some ancient swords buried deep in the sword mound, which are older than the history of the Sword Sect. From those ancient swords, I saw many things that I couldn't imagine."

Knowing that she already knew some things outside the martial arts world, Huang Xing said with emotion, "Yes, this world is far bigger and more exciting than we imagined."

Xiao Qingchen said longingly, "I really want to see those wonderful worlds."

Huang Xing said with certainty, "There will definitely be such a day, and that day will not be too far away."

Xiao Qingchen smiled sweetly, looking forward to that day.

"Go back to your room and sleep first, I'll go and see Xiaoying."

"En." Xiao Qingchen responded lightly, and walked back to her room.

When Huang Xing returned to his room, Luo Xiaoying lay quietly on the bed, unconscious, with a smile on her face.

The next morning, Luo Xiaoying woke up leisurely. She opened her eyes and found that she was still alive, and her physical condition was far better than she imagined.

She turned her face slightly, and saw Huang Xing who was lying on the table and sleeping.

She just looked at him quietly like this, feeling very sweet and satisfied in her heart.

After a while, Huang Xing also woke up. He saw that Luo Xiaoying had already woken up, and walked towards her.

Seeing him coming, Luo Xiaoying moved her body slightly, trying to sit up.

"Don't move around." Huang Xing gently pressed her shoulders, let her lie down again, and said, "The injury is not healed, don't move around."

He looked at Luo Xiaoying who was still very weak and said, "You can rest here to heal your wounds, don't think about anything, everything is over."

"En." Luo Xiaoying looked at Huang Chen with eyes like water and replied softly.

When it was dawn, the three girls also got up, and they were very happy to see that Luo Xiaoying had woken up.

Today is the fifth day of the martial arts tournament, Xiao Qingchen stayed to take care of Luo Xiaoying, while Lu Chen took his second daughter and Jia Jing and his wife to the Huangbang martial arts arena.

Ito Yangyuan chased and killed Guiyi, and Chu Yinshan chased and killed Huang Chen. They lost contact without returning overnight, which attracted the attention of Ying Wuzhai and the blood alliance.

The two major forces acted one after another and began to investigate.

They soon knew that at around two o'clock last night, Huang Xing returned to the Confucian Holy Land with an injured woman.

Ying Wuzhai and the blood alliance guessed that Ito Yangyuan and Chu Yinshan had fallen, and they sent the master of the eighth level of innateness to the world of Confucianism.

They did not suspect that the two great masters were killed by Huang Xing, but suspected that Huang Chen's master, Li Tianqiao, the sixth-level spear master, secretly shot and killed Ito Yangyuan and Chu Yinshan.

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(End of this chapter)

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