Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 184 Do You Want To Come Play With My Sister?

Chapter 184 Do You Want To Come Play With My Sister?

When Huang Xing and his party came to the martial arts arena, the stands were already full of seats.

The Xuanbang Martial Art Field can accommodate about 4 people. Huang Xing looked around and took a rough look. There are as many as three to 4000 martial arts masters who have cultivated strength, and there are as many masters who have cultivated dark strength as a cow's hair.

All the ancient warriors were full of yang energy, and the martial arts arena was filled with heat waves.

Just in response to that sentence, Huajin is as much as a dog, and he walks all over the ground with dark energy.

The gathering of so many ancient warriors was extremely shocking.

If Huang Xing hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have known that there were so many martial arts masters that were rarely seen in the world.

But it's relieved to think about it.

At this time, the world of Confucianism has gathered more than half of the ancient warriors in the martial arts world.

Huaxia has a population of more than one billion, so the proportion of ancient warriors is very rare.

Generally, as long as the disciples of the big forces reach the age of 30, most of them can break through to the cultivation base of energy transformation.

Ancient warriors from small families usually practice until they are 30 years old, and they can also become masters of dark energy.

At this time, there is a meeting of wind and clouds, and the gathering of Confucian sects all over the world can only have such a spectacular scene.

Huang Xing raised his eyes and looked at the high platform. Almost all the people sitting there were innate masters, dozens of them.

Several major forces have their own masters who come to watch the battle of Xuanbang Tianjiao and evildoers.

He felt the murderous gazes from some of them, and looked at each other. It was the seven innate masters on the high platform, including four Dongying masters.

He didn't need to think about it, it was the Blood League and Ying Wuzhai who came to chase and kill his innate master.

Huang Xing looked at them across the air, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he looked away.

Seeing Huang Xing's sneer, several great masters didn't change their expressions. They all remained calm and calm.

"Of course, you go to the stands first." Walking into the martial arts arena, Huang Xing said to Ji Ran and the others.

There is a dedicated contestant area for the Xuanbang Competition. Huang Chen has already bought seats for Ji Ran, Lu Xiaoke, and Luo Xiaoying, and Jia Jing has also bought the seats next to them.

Huang Xing didn't let the three girls sit in the exclusive stands of Ice Misty Sect or Jian Zong. At this time, the grandmasters of the Blood League and Yingwuzhai were present in person. If they were allowed to go there, it felt like Ice Misty Sect and Jian Zong would protect them .

In order to prevent accidents, Xiao Qingchen gave Luo Xiaoying two sword pills that could cut off the seventh level of innateness to ensure their safety.

"Come on." Ji Ran said softly to the three who were about to start the competition.

Lu Xiaoke also cheered up and said, "Brother, Sister Xiao, Sister Jiang, come on, beat them up."

"Come on... Come on..." Luo Xiaoying said in a hoarse voice.

Huang Chen smiled, and said confidently, "Go up quickly, with our strength, as long as we don't meet in advance, we will definitely pass the customs all the way."

Not only did he have confidence in himself, he also had confidence in Xiao Qingchen and Jiang Yunxiao.

"Jia Jing, if you dare to run away, I will not peel your skin."

The three girls were about to go to the stands with Jia Jing, Jiang Yunxiao said to Jia Jing with a frown.

She was not by Jia Jing's side, she seemed to be afraid that he would run away, and warned him.

"Don't run, don't run, I definitely won't run." Jia Jing bowed her head and said with a flattering smile.

Looking at the two of them, Huang Xing remembered the first time he met them. Jia Jing seemed to have escaped and was caught by Jiang Yunxiao.

Once the couple transformed into their current personalities, they didn't look like normal couples at all.

After Ji Ran and the others left, Huang Xing and the second daughter walked towards the contestant area with their heads up.

Three peerless evildoers are about to show their brilliance to the world.

Holding the Silver Dragon Spear, Huang Xing walked like a dragon and a tiger, like a peerless God of War.

Xiao Qingchen and Jiang Yunxiao tied their long swords on their backs, and followed Huang Xing from left to right.

Xiao Qingchen still held an ordinary long sword in her hand, the Phoenix Blood Sword was too murderous, she didn't want to use it on the ring.

The exclusive area is a large ancient pavilion. There are several stone tables and chairs in the ancient pavilion, which are well arranged. There are fragrant tea brewed on the table. More than 20 people are sitting and drinking tea.

The atmosphere looked less like a tourney than a tea party.

Huang Xing glanced at the booth, and there were only 24 of them, and there were only six of them left.

When everyone in the pavilion saw the three people coming in, they raised their eyes and looked sideways. A man in white got up and greeted him, and said in a gentle and gentle manner, "Sword Master Xiao, Brother Lu, Miss Jiang, please sit down and drink tea before the time is up. "

Huang Xing has already read the profiles of the fifteen seeded contestants, and the man in white is the evildoer of the Confucian sect of the host, the half-step genius Su Mubai.

"Senior Brother Su." The three returned a salute to him.

In addition, a man with a long sword tied on his back also got up and greeted Xiao Qingchen with a smile, "Junior Sister Xiao."

Xiao Qingchen replied to him, "Senior Brother Zhang."

He is a disciple of Jianzong who stood out from the preliminary competition, and his name is Zhang Haifeng.

The younger generation of Jianzong's disciples still call Xiao Qingchen as Senior Sister and Junior Sister, but the elders instead call her Sword Master Xiao to express their recognition of her status.

"Amitabha." Xuan Yi also made a Buddha ceremony to Huang Chen and the others.

The three also returned their gifts one by one.

The three of Huang Chen found an empty stone table and sat down. The other evildoers didn't greet the three of them, but smiled when they met their eyes.

Both Huang Xing and Jiang Yunxiao were casual cultivators, and they didn't know each other well.

Although Xiao Qingchen came from the Sword Sect, she is much younger than these monsters, and she was only in the early stage of transformation a month ago, and she didn't have much interaction with these monsters.

In fact, these evildoers felt quite uncomfortable seeing the three of Huang Chen coming in.

Jiang Yunxiao is fine, the 27-year-old half-step genius is not too exaggerated, and they are almost the same level of evildoers.

Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen, one is 21 years old and the other is 20 years old, their cultivation bases are already in the late stages of energy transformation, and they have even stepped out of their own way, leaving them all behind.

Before this martial arts tournament even started, Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen had already been hailed as the number one and number two monsters among the younger generation.

And they had to admit that the aptitude and understanding of these two people were indeed more monstrous than theirs.

Even if they think that their current combat power will be higher than the two, they can defeat them in the martial arts tournament.

But so what?
Even if they get the first place in the Xuanbang, maybe the next time they meet, Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen will already be young masters, but they are still half-innate.

This is the gap between whether you have stepped out of your own path.

Not long after, the other six came hand in hand.

One of them, Huang Xing, was very familiar with him, the young man who followed Chu Yinshan at the airport last time, the evildoer of the blood alliance, the half-innate Ye Shisan.

There was one other woman and four men.

One of the men, Lu Xing, had also read his profile, the evildoer of the Hanging Mountain, Huajin Yae Tuo Ba Ye.

The other three men, Huang Xing, had never met before. One was at the seventh level of Huajin, and the two were at the sixth level of Huajin. To be able to come with Ye Shisan and the others, they should be evildoers who stood out in the preliminary round, and one of them broke through to the seventh level before the battle.

The only woman was alluring and charming, wearing jeans and a small hanging skirt, her two arms like white lotus root and her white and tender shoulders were exposed.

She also has orange-red hair, a pierced left ear, and a big round earring, just like a female gangster.

Huang Xing knew from the information that this female gangster was the young leader of the Moon Worshiping Demon Sect, a half-step genius Ming Yuexi.

As soon as Ming Yuexi saw Huang Xing, her eyes were captivating, she wished she could eat him, and walked towards him with a smile.

"You are the number one monster, Lu Chen?" Ming Yuexi walked up to Lu Chen, blinking her eyes and said, "Would you like to come and play with my sister? Make sure you feel good about it."

(End of this chapter)

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