Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 200 Su Mubai's Way

Chapter 200 Su Mubai's Way

When Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen returned to the ancient pavilion, all the monsters looked at them solemnly.

Ye Shisan's face was very gloomy. According to the rules of the match, if he wins against Long Zhankong in the afternoon, he will face off against Huang Xing tomorrow morning.

With the grievances between Huang Xing and the blood alliance, he will die in an ugly way tomorrow.

He was already thinking about whether he would just admit defeat tomorrow like Yu Qingzhi did.

As for face, what is it compared to survival?
The disciples of the blood alliance carried Mingsha's body down, and Sikong Shang came to the stage to announce the end of the morning competition and let everyone look forward to the afternoon competition.

Lu Chen brought Xiao Qingchen, Jiang Yunxiao, and Ji Ran to meet them, and Jia Jing said with a smile on her face, "Unexpectedly, Brother Lu followed the way of Dharma, and I will definitely ask Brother Lu for advice when I have time."

Huang Xing was not surprised that Jia Jing also knew the way of fingering, and asked with a faint smile, "You couple are proficient in all kinds of martial arts. In fact, I really want to know, is there any martial arts that you don't understand?"

Jia Jing smiled and said, "Brother Lu was joking, Yun Xiao and I have only dabbled in various martial arts, and we are not proficient."

He didn't continue this topic, and said goodbye, "We still have to go out for business, so we won't go back with you, see you in the afternoon."

Jia Jing took Jiang Yunxiao away, not knowing what they were up to these two days.

Only Huang Xing and the four girls were left, Ji Ran looked at Huang Xing who was still looking weak, and asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, it's just that I'm exhausted because of the excessive consumption of my innate qi. I'll be fine if I take a rest."

Huang Xing touched Ji Ran's hair gently, and said softly, "Let's go back first."

The five of them walked all the way back to the other courtyard, Lu Xiaoke pulled Xiao Qingchen joyfully and said, "Sister Xiao, you were so handsome with that slap just now."

She grinned and made a face-smacking motion and said, "Whoa, slap straight away."

Xiao Qingchen looked at the cheerful Lu Xiaoke, and said seriously, "Actually, I regretted it when I finished smoking."

"Why do you regret it?" Lu Xiaoke said with a snort, "That idiot dared to talk cheaply about my brother, he should be slapped to death."

Xiao Qingchen said solemnly, "I forgot to slap his right cheek."

"Hahaha." Lu Xiaoke laughed happily, "Yes, next time we see him, let's slap him on the right cheek again."

When Huang Xing heard their conversation, his hair was black.

Xiao Qingchen only showed her playful side in front of Lu Xiaoke.

Women, it's really scary.

The noon break passed quickly, and everyone returned to the martial arts field to start the third round of competition.

First, there was the contest in the loser group. Jun Shaofan, Shi Hao, and Mingyue Xi had all abstained and left Confucianism, while Su Liu, Tuobaye, and Xuanyi won directly.

Only Zhang Haifeng and Yu Qingzhi were left to compete on stage.

It seems that Yu Qingzhi really put all his thoughts into practicing weapons, and his combat power was not very good. After more than 20 moves, he lost to Zhang Haifeng who had just broken through to the seventh level of Huajin.

Then came the contest of the winner's group.

The first match was between Xiao Qingchen and Fang Han.

Fang Han from the Feathering Dao Sect is considered a strong player in the Nine Layers of Huajin, and ordinary half-step talents are not his opponents.

But facing Xiao Qingchen who comprehended the way of killing swordsmanship, the result can be imagined.

Xiao Qingchen did not use the Slaughter Sword and Phoenix Blood Sword, but used ordinary long swords to compete with Fang Han in ordinary sword moves.

The relationship between Jianzong and Yuhua Daomen has always been good, Xiao Qingchen did not embarrass Fang Han's loss too much, and only defeated him after more than ten moves.

The second contest was also the one that everyone was most looking forward to in the afternoon.

Su Mubai played against Jiang Yunxiao.

Jiang Yunxiao's strength is obvious to all. He stood in place calmly to block Shi Hao's fierce and unparalleled attack, and even gave advice to let Shi Hao comprehend his Dao of the sword and break through to the innate master.

Su Mubai is also hiding his secrets, and has never used his true strength.

Everyone was eagerly waiting for the duel between the two, hoping that Su Mubai could also surprise them.

On the martial arts stage, Su Mubai hugged the guqin, and said in a gentle and gentle manner, "I have created a piece of my own, and I invite Miss Jiang to taste it."

Jiang Yunxiao asked, "The six arts of Confucianism have long been broken. If you want to use the qin to enter the Tao, you can only explore it yourself. Aren't you afraid that you will not be able to enter the Tao for the rest of your life?"

When Kou Wenzhong on the high platform heard Jiang Yunxiao's words, his expression changed.

The six arts of Confucianism are indeed mentioned in the ancient books of the Holy Land, but there are no detailed records. Jiang Yunxiao actually knows that the Confucianism has this inheritance.

Su Mubai smiled elegantly, "I'm just a good piano, it doesn't matter if you can enter Taoism or not."

Approval appeared in Jiang Yunxiao's eyes, and he said solemnly, "Please."

Su Mubai sat cross-legged on the ground free and easy, with the guqin on his lap, gently stroking the strings with both hands.


The strings moved, and the melodious sound of the piano sounded.

There is no vigor in the sound of the piano, it is just the purest sound of the piano.

The soothing tone and the soft sound of the piano made the whole martial arts field fall into tranquility and peace.

Everyone's hearts also calmed down with the sound of the piano, listening quietly, forgetting the tension of the competition.


The sound of the piano is as fast as thousands of troops and horses galloping, and the gold and iron horses swallow thousands of miles like a tiger.

Everyone seemed to see the soul-stirring contest again.

Everyone is intoxicated by the sound of the piano, and their emotions change with the high pitch and low pitch of the piano sound.

After the song, Su Mubai got up holding the qin, and saluted Jiang Yunxiao, "Can the sound of the qin be heard by Miss Jiang?"

Jiang Yunxiao commented appreciatively, "This song should only exist in the sky, it is rare to hear it in the world."

Su Mubai smiled happily, "Thank you, Miss Jiang, for tasting."

Then he took the initiative to admit defeat, and flew back to Guting with the piano in his arms.

There was no exciting fight in this competition, it just ended with the melodious sound of the piano.

Su Mubai lost the competition, but he won himself.

Because Jiang Yunxiao didn't teach him how to play the piano.

If Jiang Yunxiao gave advice, he would definitely be able to break through the innate master.

But she didn't.

Su Mubai's ability to come to this point without any inheritance of Qin Dao proves his genius.

This road is very difficult, without someone to guide him, it is very likely that he will not be able to get out of it for the rest of his life.

But if he can take the last step, it will be the Tao that truly belongs to him alone.

It can even be said to be self-created.

In the afternoon, there was only the last competition left, Long Zhankong, who had the eighth level of strength, and Ye Shisan, who was half-strength and talented.

The result was drawn quickly, and Ye Shisan easily won.

All the top four were born.

Everyone was very excited when they thought of tomorrow's martial arts competition.

Xiao Qingchen played against Jiang Yunxiao.

Both of them are peerless beauties of unparalleled beauty. What will be the outcome of the contest between them?

Can killing swordsmanship make Jiang Yunxiao go all out?

What is her true strength?

Will the long sword on her back be unsheathed and fight the Phoenix Blood Sword?
Not to mention another contest.

Huang Xing faced the Blood League Ye Shisan.

This is another battle of life and death.

 Thanks to "LiaN、白" for being the rudder of this book

  These days two more a day

  Don't rush everyone
  Wait until my surgery is over
  Will try my best to update and repay everyone's support
(End of this chapter)

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