Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 202 One night into strength

Chapter 202
Half an hour passed quickly, and Ji Ran finished washing her marrow. She opened her clear eyes and saw Huang Xing standing in front of her and looking at her.

She smiled and looked at Huang Xing happily.

She could feel the internal force flowing through her meridians, which was very warm and comfortable.

His body is also full of strength, this should be what Huang Xing called a master of dark energy.

He finally became an ancient warrior himself.

Huang Xing looked at Ji Ran, his heart was full of shock.

After Ji Ran washed his marrow, it turned out not to be a dark energy, but a transformation energy.

When he and Lu Xiaoke used the marrow-washing pill, they were only upgraded to the first level of dark energy, but Ji Ran directly broke through to the first level of energy transformation.

Her physique is too perverted.

Knowing that there was a secret in Ji Ran's body that shocked even Wudiqiang, Huang Xing calmed down, and said with a smile, "Hurry up and wash it for nothing, your body stinks."

Only then did Ji Ran realize that his whole body was sticky with excreted impurities, so he hurried to the bathroom to take a bath in embarrassment.

In a secret room, a handsome young man was practicing when he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

His consciousness came out of the secret room, and he sent an order, "Come and see me quickly."

Soon, the door of the secret room opened, and an old man in black walked in, and asked respectfully, "This old servant sees the young master, what orders does the young master send the old slave to?"

The young master looked coldly at the old man in black, and said in a cold voice, "Outside there are direct bloodlines of the Ji family who are still alive."

The old man in black said in surprise, "22 years ago, this old slave sent people out to wipe out the Ji family outside, killing not one left according to the name list."

The young master said coldly, "I practice "Blood Nerve" with the blood of the Ji family. As long as I have the blood of the Ji family to practice, I can sense it. There must have been fish that slipped through the net back then."

The old man in black knelt down fearfully and said, "This old slave is not doing well, please forgive me, my young master. This subordinate will send someone out to kill the fish that slipped through the net."

As long as one has the blood of the Ji family to cultivate, the higher the cultivation level, the greater the impact on the blood nerves, and it is necessary to eradicate the roots.

The old man in black exited the secret room, and the subordinates who were sent out to carry out the mission were heard.

He is no longer as humble as he was when he was facing the young master. He has an astonishing aura, and he looks like he has been in a high position for a long time.

He asked coldly, "Did the Ji family slip through the net back then? If you still dare to hide it, I'll beat you up."

When the subordinate saw the old man in black mentioning this matter, he was frightened out of his wits.

Knowing that he couldn't hide it, he told the story about Ji Ran's still alive with trepidation.

"Damn things."

The old man in black slapped him until he vomited blood, and said angrily, "Go out now and kill her."

The man got up and said mournfully, "The blood spirit left outside by my subordinates was killed today."

Without hematopathy, it is very difficult to go outside.

Back then, they also spent a lot of money to send him out, otherwise such an important matter would not have been done by only one person.


The old man in black raised his hand, wishing he could slap him to death.

He said coldly, "I will train you to become a blood spirit right now and send you out. If you can complete the task and make up for your mistakes, you will have a chance to become an adult again in the future. Otherwise, just wait for your soul to fly away."

The channel opened back then to connect to the outside is still there, and it is very troublesome to send a living person there, but it is still possible to send a blood spirit there.

"My lord, spare my life... ah..." When the man heard that he was going to be refined into a blood spirit, he was frightened and begged bitterly.

After being refined into a blood spirit, it is almost impossible to become a human again in the future, and even if it can be restored to a human body, it cannot be regarded as a real human being.

Regardless of his wailing, the old man in black surrounded him with blood mist, refined him into a blood spirit, and then brought the blood spirit to the passage connecting the outside, spent a lot of resources to open the passage, and sent him to the outside world.

After taking a shower, Ji Ran walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

Huang Xing looked at her, his eyes were a little straight.

After Ji Ran washed his marrow, his whole body's skin was suffused with suet, and his body had a detached aura, which made him even more attractive.

"Of course, come here and give me a hug."

Huang Xing opened his arms and shouted anxiously.

With a blushing face, Ji Ran slowly walked up to Huang Xing.

Huang Xing held her in his arms, pinched her little face, it was so tender that it could squeeze out water.

He untied Ji Ran's bath towel, held her in his arms, and began to pamper her.

Early the next morning, everyone gathered in Huang Xing's room, and the three girls could feel the change in Ji Ran's temperament.

Seeing their doubts, Huang Xing explained, "Of course I also used the marrow washing pill last night."

"Yeah, that's great." Lu Xiaoke happily held Ji Ran's hand and said, "Sister-in-law is also a master now, and I can discuss with you in the future."

Xiao Qingchen and Luo Xiaoying's strength is much higher than hers, and to compete with them is to seek abuse.

"Then you have to work hard and practice." Huang Xing said with a smile, "Your sister-in-law is now a martial arts master with the first level of strength, and can knock you down with one move."

"Ah!" Lu Xiaoke exclaimed in surprise, "Sister-in-law, she has already turned her strength up?"

Xiao Qingchen and Luo Xiaoying also looked at Ji Ran in amazement, it was an exaggeration to turn him into strength overnight.

Xiao Qingchen had taken the marrow washing pill before, and knowing its effects, it was absolutely impossible to raise an ordinary person to the first stage of energy transformation all at once.

"Hmph, bro, you're too biased." Lu Xiaoke said with her mouth curled up, "You must have given my sister-in-law a panacea that can improve her cultivation."

Xiao Qingchen and Luo Xiaoying also thought that Lu Chen would give Ji Ran a pill that could improve his cultivation.

They have also seen the power of Lu Chen's elixir. Luo Xiaoying's serious injury has almost recovered after taking his elixir. It's not surprising that there are elixirs that can quickly improve her cultivation.

Huang Xing didn't explain too much, and smiled happily, "I don't have any pills to improve my cultivation now, but I will have them soon, and everyone of you will have a share."

"Yeah, that's great." Lu Xiaoke smiled proudly, "Then I don't have to practice in the future, as long as I have brother to give me pills to improve my cultivation."

"You dare." Huang Xing said with his eyes wide open, "Why don't you practice hard and see if I don't beat your ass to pieces."

Lu Xiaoke grabbed Ji Ran's arm and said aggrievedly, "Sister-in-law, brother is going to play hooligan on me."

Then she blinked provocatively at Huang Xing.

Only then did Huang Xing realize that Xiao Ke had grown up and couldn't spank her anymore, so he said angrily, "Let your sister-in-law spank her."

"Sister-in-law is reluctant to spank my little ass." Lu Xiaoke asked Ji Ran coquettishly, "Isn't it, sister-in-law?"

Ji Ran smiled and said, "Stop talking to your brother, listen to your brother and practice hard, and no one will spank your ass."

When Lu Xiaoke heard that Ji Ran didn't defend her, he said angrily, "Hmph, sister-in-law, you have betrayed."

 200 chapters of the main text, sprinkle flowers to celebrate

  Thank you for your support all the way

(End of this chapter)

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