Chapter 216 Blood Shura (55)

The flagpole of the flag is made of oak, tough and elastic, and it can't stand under such a strong impact, which is enough to see that Huang Xing's control over the strength of the Silver Dragon Spear has reached a subtle level.

Yamano Soffo was nailed to the flagpole with a single shot by him, which shook the flagpole, the flag was rattled by the wind, and the big "Wu" fluttered in the wind.

In this way, the master with the eighth level of innateness was nailed to the flagpole to show the public, announcing his fate as an enemy of Huang Xing.

The gun shadows pierced holes in Yamano Soffo's body, and the gushing blood stained him into a red blood man.

Blood kept dripping from his body, hitting the ground with a ticking sound.

call out.

The Muramasa Demon Sword in Yamano Soffo's hand sensed that its master was dead, and he broke free from his hand and flew towards those Japanese geniuses.

Those Dongying Tianjiao were so frightened that they trembled all over, fearing that it would harm Chiyu, they would not dare to pick up the Cunzheng Demon Saber.

One by one scrambled to avoid this demon knife.

They are all the strongest of the younger generation of Dongpu No. [-] Academy, Sangong Sizhai, and have a very high status in Dongpu.

But what does their background count in front of Huang Xing?
Genjo Tenzuo, the descendant of the Shinto Temple, was beheaded by him, and Ying Wuzhai's innate eighth-level master was nailed to death by him for public display.

As long as he becomes his enemy, he doesn't care who the other party is.

The Muramasa demon sword circled in front of them, but no one caught it, so it turned and flew towards Noriko Fujino.

It can sense the blood of Dongpu and look for its master.

Noriko Fujino looked at the demon sword floating in front of her, hesitating whether to follow up, and looked at Huang Xing for help.

Lu Xing said lightly, "Since the Muramasa Yaodao chose you, accept it, and let it be your saber in the future."

Noriko Fujino said respectfully, "Yes, sir."

She didn't hesitate anymore, with a look of joy on her face, she held the Muramasa Demon Sword.


Starting with the demon sword, a strange and powerful dao of the sword spread into Noriko Fujino's mind, luring her to obtain this dao of the sword desperately.

"Stay true to your heart, don't be fooled by the demon sword, use people to control the sword, not use the sword to control people."

Huang Xing saw that the Dao of the sword on Muramasa Yaodao was going to merge with Fujino Noriko, so he pointed out.

Hearing Huang Chen's words, Fujino Fazi woke up and kept his heart. When he felt this saber intent, there was a gentle smile on his face. The husband promised to teach her the supreme sword. What is it?
She thought so in her heart, let Muramasa's demon sword be tempted in every possible way, but she will not be moved by it.

Fujino Noriko put away the Muramasa Demon Saber, and Ji Ran, Lu Xiaoke, and Luo Xiaoying beside her were all shocked by Huang Chen's strength. It turned out that he was not joking when he said in the morning that he was the best at gun skills.

Tens of thousands of people in the auditorium looked at Satsuo Yamano, who was nailed to the flagpole, and the chill rushed straight to their foreheads.

The strength that Huang Xing suddenly showed has far exceeded their imagination.

As soon as they were shocked by Xiao Qingchen's slaying of Tantai Mieshen with a sword, they were immediately frightened by Lu Chen's spear field.

In Huang Xing's gun field, they seem to be in a forest of guns, and he can't help me.

As long as Huang Xing has a single thought, he will be pierced through thousands of holes.

The grand masters on the high platform also felt a kind of sadness in their hearts. Usually, these grand masters are high above them, and they are respected and admired everywhere.

In today's competition, the Xiantian Grandmaster was just the target for Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen to compete.

The majestic eighth-layer innate master, who is the most powerful elder in any major force, is now nailed to death on the flagpole and hung high for public display.

The majesty of the grand master plummeted.

Those Tianjiao in the ancient pavilion no longer dared to call themselves monsters. The gap between them and Huang Xing, Xiao Qingchen, and Jiang Yunxiao was too great, it could be called a world of difference.

These are three big mountains standing in front of them, and they were born in the same era as these three big mountains. It is their misfortune and their luck.

It's a pity that these arrogant arrogances will be nothing more than that in the eyes of others in the future.

Fortunately, there are three bright moons in the sky, pointing out their direction, giving them a goal and motivation to chase.

Jiang Yunxiao looked at Huang Xing thoughtfully, the power of this spear had reached the realm of the realm, this kind of genius, even there, could be called a monster.

She looked at Xiao Qingchen again, this kind of swordsman monster, even in terms of swordsmanship, she couldn't compare to her.

Just now she watched Xiao Qingchen kill Tantai Mieshen with one sword, and knew that Xiao Qingchen could easily kill him because he saw through the weakness of Miishen's sword.

If Xiao Qingchen was fighting against Yamano Sao, it would not be so easy to win.

Huang Chen's sudden display of power made everyone almost ignore Xiao Qingchen's ability to kill the late Xiantian with a sword.

Xue Xiuluo looked at Huang Xing, his face had returned to calm, Gujing Wubo couldn't see any emotion.

Huang Xing also looked at Xue Xiuluo, the first time the two met, the first time they looked at each other, their faces were very calm.

Everyone looked at the two people who were looking at each other, knowing that there would be a fierce battle between them.

The grievances and grievances between him and the blood alliance will end today.

From the very beginning, they thought that Huang Xing was seeking his own death, and then they thought that he had a strong support behind him.

Finally, until now, they realized that Huang Xing's biggest reliance was himself.

The corner of Huang Xing's mouth was raised, revealing a smile, and then flew towards Yamano Zaofu who was nailed to the flagpole, grabbed the Silver Dragon Spear, and let his body fall down, hitting the ground with a bang.

He turned around and flew back to the martial arts stage, and said to Xiao Qingchen with a faint smile, "I lost."

Three to four, he did lose.

Xiao Qingchen said coldly, "The contest is not over yet."

Huang Xing smiled and said, "Then continue."

Then he pointed at Xue Shura, and said in a cold voice, "22 years ago, the Ji family killed their family, and today I will seek justice for them."

As soon as Huang Xing's words came out, the three Fei Chang'an, who were disguised as hiding in the audience, burst into tears. They never imagined that one day someone would seek justice from the Blood Alliance for Ji's family.

There were tears in Ji Ran's eyes, even though she had no memory of Ji's family, the blood of Ji's family flowed on her body, the blood enmity between her parents, the feud of exterminating the family, is not shared by heaven.

Daoist Feng Qing looked at Huang Xing with guilt, he did what he wanted to do but didn't dare to do.

Xue Xiuluo showed a sneer on his face, his body turned into a blood shadow and landed on the martial arts stage, looked at Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen and said indifferently, "Just the two of you are not qualified."

After finishing speaking, he showed his aura recklessly, and the whole martial arts field was instantly plunged into a sea of ​​blood.

blood domain.

The power holders of the major forces looked at Xue Shura in horror. They never thought that he had been hiding so much that he had already broken through to the innate level.

In the martial arts arena, the sea of ​​blood was overwhelming.

The Taishang elders of the Confucian sect who were in seclusion sensed the aura above the innate, broke through the barrier, and went to the martial arts field to sit in command.

 write dizzy

  sorry for the late arrival
(End of this chapter)

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