Chapter 228
Same name, same place, same wound.

The small figure overlapped with the figure in front of him.

The memory of her childhood has been blurred, and she only has kendo in her life.

When she met Huang Xing again, the blurry figure deep in her memory gradually became clear again.

Only then did she realize that there were more important things in her life besides kendo.

If life is just like first sight, why is Qiu Feng sadly painting a fan.

Seeing you again is like meeting you for the first time.

Huang Chen hugged Xiao Qingchen and held her tightly in his arms.

"I protected you once when I was a child, so in this life, you are destined to be protected by me."

His voice was gentle yet firm, flowing into Xiao Qingchen's heart, melting her.

She quietly leaned in Huang Chen's arms, and she depended on each other for life and death, never leaving her.

"Don't cry, I like to see you smile."

Huang Xing gently held Xiao Qingchen's face, and wiped away the tears on her face.

A smile bloomed on her face, a smile that captivated the city, and another smile that captivated the country.

He looked a little fascinated, the frosty killing god, let go of her coldness, let go of her restraint, and let you pick in his arms.

If it wasn't for the injuries, if it wasn't for being tied up like a mummy, he couldn't help but eat the beautiful woman in his arms.

He lightly bit Xiao Qingchen's cute little ear, breathed hot air in her ear, and whispered, "The first thing I will do when I recover from my injury is to eat you up."

Xiao Qingchen raised his head, looked at Huang Xing with eyes like water, and replied seriously, "Yes."

She looks serious and pious, as long as Huang Xing wants to do, she can do anything.

Huang Xing couldn't help but gently lifted her delicate chin, and kissed her pink lips.

The mouths of the two kissed were sour, and only then did Lu Xing ask Xiao Qingchen to go to the hall and call the girls in.

Five girls with their own merits filed in. Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen sat next to Huang Chen, one on the left and one on the right. Luo Xiaoying couldn't help showing envy in her eyes.

Lu Xiaoke looked at Huang Xing with a smile, and kept winking at him, as if praising her brother for being so good, and immediately found her two sister-in-laws.

Fujino Noriko stood aside quietly waiting for orders. Among the five girls, she had the lowest status and could only be regarded as Huang Xing's subordinate.

After experiencing a life-and-death battle, they have matured a lot.

Choosing this path is full of excitement and danger.

In front of everyone, Ji Ran took Xiao Qingchen's hand and gave her the remaining suet white jade bracelet.

The three jade bracelets were originally one, but now each has its own owner.

They are the three most important women in Huang Xing's life.

Looking at them, Huang Xing felt warm in his heart. As long as they are all well, what does it matter if he suffers this little injury?
The appearance of the blood spirit let him know that he is still too weak, and a more powerful enemy is still hidden in the dark.

The danger is only temporarily lifted, and the storm will come at any time.

Only by making yourself stronger can you have the strength to protect them.

In the afternoon, Jia Jing and his wife came to visit Huang Xing together.

Ji Ran and the others returned to the living room first, only Huang Xing and his wife were left in the room.

Jia Jing and his wife looked at Huang Xing and found that his injuries had stabilized. They couldn't help but be amazed at his recovery ability.

He took out a bottle of elixir and handed it to Huang Xing and said, "Here are three pills of emptiness, which have miraculous effects on healing internal injuries. It's a wish from Yunxiao and me, please take it, Brother Lu."

Huang Xing didn't refuse, took the pill bottle and said with a smile, "Thank you both for your kindness, then I won't be polite."

Jia Jing said, "Yesterday, it was inconvenient for Yunxiao and I to help, brother Lu, please don't take offense."

Huang Chen smiled and said, "Brother Jia, I would like to thank Miss Jiang for letting me know in advance that the strength of the person who comes out from the other party will only surpass the innate strength at most, so I dare to risk my life and death with confidence."

It turned out that before the martial arts competition started yesterday, Jiang Yunxiao told Huang Xing through voice transmission that the other party had a blood spirit coming out, whose strength surpassed that of the innate.

He used the berserk pill to improve his cultivation, and he was fighting to increase his strength to the limit on the front line of life and death. In the end, the recovery pill kept his last breath. Everything was in his plan.

"If it wasn't for Brother Lu's amazing combat power, even if we tell you about the blood spirit, it won't help."

If Huang Xing had lost to Xue Ling yesterday, the couple would not have rescued him, at most they would have helped him save Lu Xiaoke and Luo Xiaoying.

Then, Jia Jing introduced the situation in the cultivation world to Huang Xing.

Huang Xing had been prepared for a long time, so it was not surprising.

The realm of comprehension is dozens of times wider than the world they are in now, and is divided into five major domains.

They belong to the Eastern Great Territory, and the most powerful forces are the Ten Sacred Lands, the Four Great Sacred Lands in the Martial Dao world, the Yuhua Dao Sect, the Confucianism Sect Tianxia, ​​the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and the Misty Palace are also one of the Ten Sacred Lands in the cultivation world.

There are countless other sects, divided into three, six and nine ranks, the first rank is the strongest, and the ninth rank is the weakest.

The nine major sects, the three major families, and the three major forces of evil in the world of martial arts are also super powers (holy land or first-rank forces) in the world of cultivation.

It can be said that these nineteen superpowers in the martial arts world all have extremely strong backgrounds in the cultivation world.

Xue Ling dared to show off his power because the Four Saints and Nine Sects did not understand the situation in the cultivation world, and he did not dare to really fight against the people of the Four Sages and Nine Sects.

Jiang Yunxiao also told him who was behind the killing of Ji Ran—one of the ten holy places in the Eastern Great Region, the son of the Holy Land of Blood, Lan Xiuming.

In their view, it is absolutely impossible for Huang Xing to protect Ji Ran by himself.

She proposed a method to Huang Chen, let them enter the same origin holy land in the cultivation world as the top four holy lands in the martial arts world to practice in a month, and seek the protection of the holy land.

Of course, the premise is that their aptitude can impress those holy places and make them feel that they have the value of protecting them.

The competition in the cultivation world is more cruel than in the martial arts world. As long as you have no cultivation value, those holy places will not waste any more resources on you.

But as long as you have the talent of a monster, they will use all their resources to train you.

Jiang Yunxiao also reassured Huang Xing that this month, the channel of the Blood Sacred Land has already been used once, and it will take at least a month before the next opening.

She has five places for casual cultivators to go to the cultivation world, and she can reserve two for him and Luo Xiaoying, and after they arrive in the cultivation world, they can choose one of the nineteen super powers to join.

Huang Xing thought of Wudiqiang's advice to him not to join the forces in the cultivation world, and he was only referring to him, not saying that the girls around him could not join, so he asked Jiang Yunxiao if he could not join those forces when he arrived in the cultivation world, and the reply he got It's all about his freedom.

Jiang Yunxiao told Huang Xing some things about the cultivation world, and then took his leave and left, waiting for a month later to pick up the geniuses of various forces who are willing to go to the cultivation world.

In the next few days, Lu Xing enjoyed the blessings of being equal to others, and Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen took good care of him.

He couldn't bear to let the injury heal.

In the past few days, the news of the martial arts tournament has spread throughout the martial arts world, and the monstrous names of Lu Chen and Xiao Qingchen have shocked China.

The Tiandi Xuanhuang List was unveiled as scheduled after the martial arts competition.

Before the heaven list was established, there were twenty innate masters on the earth list, and Lu Chen was ranked first, followed closely by Xiao Qingchen, who was ranked second.

One shot per person can cover one case and one door.

One person and one sword can cut down all enemies in the world.

The strength of the two peerless evildoers has been recognized by the entire martial arts world, and no one doubts or denies it.

After three days of cultivation in Confucianism, Lu Chen's injuries were no longer serious, so he bid farewell to Confucianism, and returned to Linjiang with his daughters.

 I found out that "橴" is still reading my novel
  Remember you are my second helmsman

  It disappears after rewarding

  I always thought you didn't watch

  Today I unexpectedly discovered that your fan value has actually increased
(End of this chapter)

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