Chapter 268
After hearing Huang Chen's words, Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke felt at ease.

Xiao Qingchen also smiled softly at them, expressing that he was fine.

"Let's go."

Huang Xing took the three girls and continued to walk to the tenth floor.

Even the three holy monks dare not set foot on the tenth floor of the Demon Suppressing Pagoda, which shows the strength of Buddhism.

The Dharma here has been so rich that it has turned the emptiness into reality and become a gas.

To the naked eye, it looks ethereal, like a Buddhaland.

Huang Chen casually stepped in, the misty Buddha energy dissipated automatically, and he couldn't get close.

When Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke stepped in, it was like entering a fairyland, which was beyond words.

The lingering Buddha spirit makes them feel empty and forget to return.

The king's sword intent and natural sword intent suddenly rose from their bodies, cutting off the Buddha energy lingering on them, and restoring their state of mind to the original state.

When Xiao Qingchen stepped into the tenth floor, the Sanskrit sound shook the sky, and Buddha Qi gathered in the sky above her head.

The rich Buddha Qi condensed into a golden Buddha palm that covered the sky and the sun.

Tathagata's divine palm, suppressing demons with one palm.

The Buddha's palm descended from the sky and slapped Xiao Qingchen.

The power of this palm is overwhelming.

Both Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke looked at Xiao Qingchen worriedly, fearing that she would not be able to resist.

The Buddha's palm brought the whistling wind, blowing Xiao Qingchen's black hair flutteringly.

She raised her head suddenly, her eyes were like stars, containing supreme power.

The magic flames surrounding her condensed into a sword.

The Slaughtering Demon Sword soared into the sky, slashing towards the golden Buddha's palm.


The entire Demon Town Tower was shaken violently.

On the ninth floor, the three holy monks felt the power of the collision of Buddha and demon, and the voice of Buddha in their mouths became louder.

Li Tianqiao seemed to be inspired by Xiao Qingchen's magic, he looked up to the sky and laughed, and struggled even more frantically, trying to break free from the suppression of Buddhism.

The sound is silent.

The golden Buddha's palm was slashed by the Slaughter Demon Sword, and then scattered into smoke, unable to stop Xiao Qingchen for half a step.


Huang Xing continued to take the three girls to the eleventh floor of the Demon Town Tower.

The Dharma on the eleventh floor has been so dense that it is like smoke and clouds, and there are golden Buddha clouds.

Huang Xing stepped on the No.11 floor, where he stood, disappeared.

Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke walked into the clouds and smoke, like a dream and illusion, everything is all dharmas and emptiness.

There is no suffering to destroy the way, no wisdom and no gain.

There is no hindrance in the mind, and because of no hindrance, there is no fear.

The moment Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke stepped into the [-]th floor, they felt that everything was empty. Why not take refuge in my Buddha, be free from worries, and be detached from the world.

"Do not."

"How can I not worry?"

"In this world, there are people I love dearly!"

At the same time, Huang Xing's appearance appeared in the hearts of the two women.


The two of them seemed to be in a dream, only listening to the sound of the long sword being unsheathed.

The Longyin Sword and Zhenwu Sword on their backs were automatically unsheathed, and the sword intent cut through the golden Buddha cloud, allowing the two girls to wake up.

"so close."

Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke looked at Huang Xing with lingering fear.

In just an instant, it seemed as if a lifetime had passed.

In that dream, they want to let go of everything and seek detachment.

Lu Xiaoke gently held Huang Xing's arm, and buried her head in his arm.

She will not let go of her brother.

Huang Xing fondled her little head lightly.

Ji Ran also looked at Huang Xing tenderly. At that moment just now, she seemed to have lost everything, and her heart ached.

Xiao Qingchen stepped into the No.11 floor, suddenly the cloud of Buddha rolled, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled.

A vortex appeared in the sky above her, attracting golden Buddha clouds, condensing into a cloud of Buddha Tribulation.

Jieyun contained a terrifying fury of thunder.

The golden Buddha cloud turns purple.

The Buddha robs and kills the devil.

There was a loud thunder from heaven and earth.

A purple lightning with supreme Buddha power descended from Jieyun and struck towards Xiao Qingchen.


Draw the sword out of the sheath.

Xiao Qingchen held the Phoenix Blood Sword in her slender hand.

Sword eight.

Cut the sky and draw the sword.

This sword contained all of Xiao Qingchen's power, and it was cut out the moment the sword was drawn.

This sword can cut heaven and earth.

The blood-black sword light faced the purple lightning.


The sky and the earth turned pale, the sword light cut through the lightning, and rushed straight to Jieyun.

A sword breaks the robbery cloud.

The eleventh floor of the Demon Town Tower returned to calm.

The robbery clouds turned into buddha clouds again, floating in the air.

Xiao Qingchen slashed out with the sword, as if she had exhausted all her magic power, her cold face became very pale, and the magic flames surrounding her were dim, ready to be extinguished at any moment.

Her sword is not using the power of innate zhenqi, but the power of demon heart.

But she still looked at the stone staircase leading to the twelfth floor unyieldingly.

She will continue to accompany Huang Chen to the top of the tower.

Looking at her determined eyes, Huang Xing knew that she would not give up just now, so he walked towards the twelfth floor.

The three women also accompanied him and continued to climb the tower together.

The No.12 floor of Zhenmo Pagoda, where the Dharma has become rich.

This is a sea of ​​Buddha, if you enter it, you will be submerged.

Standing on the last step, one step up is the golden ocean.

Huang Xing looked at Xiao Qingchen, as if asking her if she was ready.

Xiao Qingchen nodded firmly.

Huang Xing stopped talking and walked up.

The sea retreated, giving him a path leading to the top of the tower.

When Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke stepped on it, they felt as if they were drowning.

No matter how good their water skills are, it doesn't help.


A dragon roar sounded.

The king's sword intent turned into a golden dragon.

Ji Ran stepped on the golden dragon and overwhelmed the river.

The natural sword intent turns into a yin and yang Taiji diagram.

Lu Xiaoke sat on the Taiji diagram, the water of the Buddha Sea entered from the yin eye and came out from the yang eye.

Xiao Qingchen stepped into the sea of ​​Buddha.

The wind and waves suddenly rose, and the waves continued to rage.

She is like a solitary boat in the raging wind and waves, ready to be swallowed at any moment.


A phoenix sounded.

The killing magic turned into a ghost from hell.

Its body is burning with the flames of hell.

Burning the sky and boiling the sea.

Xiao Qingchen stood on top of the underworld phoenix, and the water in the surrounding Buddha Sea was boiled and evaporated.


Huang Xing gave an order and walked to the top of the tower.

The golden dragon carried Ji Ran to take off, the blue phoenix carried Xiao Qingchen soaring, and Lu Xiaoke sat on the yin and yang Taiji diagram.

They followed Huang Xing to the top of the tower.

The top of the Demon Suppressing Tower was silent, eerily quiet.

This place is like the most peaceful paradise.

Huang Xing frowned, his delusion-breaking eyes couldn't see the existence of Buddhism on the top of the pagoda.

There are only two possibilities.

The first is that there is really no Dharma on the top of the tower.

The second is because the power of the Dharma on the top of the pagoda has exceeded his two great realms, and his delusion-breaking eyes cannot see through it.

Huang Xing knew without guessing, it must be the second type.

He looked at the three women and began to worry about them.

Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke have experienced climbing the tower layer by layer, and have grown a lot.

They all looked determined.

It is only the last step, how can they back down?
Not to mention Xiao Qingchen, her Taoist heart goes forward bravely, the sky is unstoppable, and the earth is unstoppable.

Huang Xing understood their determination, they would never stop here.

He took a step forward and led them to the top of the Demon Town Tower.

(End of this chapter)

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