Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 270 Eight-story Demon Suppressing Tower

Chapter 270
After hearing the conversation between Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen, Lu Xiaoke asked suspiciously, "Brother, do you mean that there is an organ on the Buddha lotus?"

Huang Chen said with certainty, "There must be another mystery in Folian."

Lu Xiaoke asked curiously, "Is the Buddha bone relic that brother took real or fake?"

Master Xuyuan said that it is recorded in the scriptures of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss that the Buddha bone relic is on the top of the Demon-Suppressing Pagoda. If it is not on the top of the tower, then the Buddha bone relic may be a fake.

Huang Xing deduced, "It should be just an ordinary relic."

At that time, his delusion-breaking eyes could see through the extremely powerful Buddha power contained in the Buddha bone relic, which shows that its level has not exceeded his own two great realms.

If it is the Buddha bone relic transformed by the legendary true Buddha, he should not be able to see through the Buddha power on it.

Lu Xiaoke said regretfully, "Why didn't that brother take us up to the real Buddha's summit to get the Buddha's bone relic?"

Huang Chen said frankly, "The twelfth floor is already our limit, and we will not be able to get the real Buddha bone relic if we go up any further."

The Demon Suppressing Tower further up is mysterious and unpredictable, Huang Xing will not let the three girls get into danger easily.

He did have a chance to climb to the top of the tower, but he always felt that there was a pair of eyes watching them in the Demon-Suppressing Tower. If he climbed up the tower again, his secret might be exposed.

Lu Xiaoke said dejectedly, "It's a pity, it's only one floor away from reaching the top."

Huang Xing smiled, "Actually, we have reached the top."

"Ah!" Lu Xiaoke asked puzzledly, "Didn't brother say that there is no tower top?"

Xiao Qingchen explained for Lu Chen, "According to the visual height, there is indeed the top of the Demon Suppressing Tower we saw."

Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke still lack experience, but Xiao Qingchen has very rich combat experience. Whenever he goes to a strange place, he will carefully observe the terrain for the first time, and be ready to fight at any time.

Lu Xiaoke's eyes were full of little stars, and he said aggrievedly, "Brother, I've been confused by you."

"Silly girl, let me ask you." Lu Xing said with a smile, "What's the name of the kung fu practiced by Jiujie?"

"Hell-suppressing magic power."

Lu Xiaoke didn't know why her brother suddenly asked about the little monk's exercises, but he answered honestly.

Huang Xing asked again, "How many floors are there in hell?"

Lu Xiaoke blurted out, "The eighteenth floor."

Everyone knows the eighteen levels of hell.

After she finished answering, she widened her eyes and said, "Brother, you mean that the Demon Town Tower also has eighteen floors?"

"Smart." Huang Xing nodded in praise.

Lu Xiaoke rested his chin on his hand and thought for a while, then questioned, "No, I counted it outside, there are only thirteen floors in the Town Demon Tower."

Her doubts were also the doubts of Ji Ran and Luo Xiaoying.

"Didn't I tell you the common sense in the cultivation world last time? There is a thing called a storage ring. It works on the same principle as the back floors of the Demon-Suppressing Tower. It is also in a space that we can't see."

Huang Xing has already relayed what Jia Jing and his wife told him about the cultivation world to the four girls. They have never been to the cultivation world, and their thinking consciousness is still in the current cognition, so they didn't think about it.

He looked at the three women with shocked faces and said, "Don't make a fuss, there are more amazing things waiting for us in the cultivation world."

Huang Chen told the four daughters his guess about the Demon Town Tower, told them not to spread it, and specifically told Lu Xiaoke that the little monk could not speak.

They were a little tired from climbing the tower today. After talking about the Demon Suppressing Tower, everyone went back to their room to rest.

In the past few days after returning to the devil's capital, Huang Xing promised to accompany Ji Ran alone.

They hadn't been alone for several nights.

When the two returned to the room, Huang Xing grabbed Ji Ran like a big bad wolf, carried her to the bathroom to wash in vain, and bullied her until she was exhausted.

The next morning, Huang Xing boarded the Oriental Pearl Tower with a few girls.

This is Lu Xiaoke's long-awaited wish.

The last time they came to Shanghai, they rushed to Yuhua Daomen before they had been to the Oriental Pearl Tower because of the Blood Killing Order.

Huang Chen accompanied the four girls to the Oriental Pearl Tower, overlooking the magic city, the world became small.

This world is indeed very small to him.

The realm of comprehension, even a world wider than the realm of cultivation, is his world.

Xu Shasha also came out to play with Ji Ran.

The two girlfriends haven't seen each other for a long time, Ji Ran directly threw Huang Chen aside and got tired of being with her.

In the evening, Ji Ran invited friends who usually hang out with him to come out for a party.

Formally introduce her boyfriend - Huang Xing to her friends.

Her friends were also curious about what kind of man captured Ji Ran.

Ji Ran told them how he and Huang Xing met, and everyone almost vomited blood.

In the past few years, many tall, rich, handsome and talented men have pursued Ji Ran, but she has coldly rejected them all.

Everyone always thought that Ji Ran and Xu Shasha were a pair of lilies, so they were not interested in men.

Unexpectedly, the school belle of the Magic City Conservatory of Music had her heart stolen by a king-beater two years ago.

If the tall, rich, handsome and talented people who have pursued Ji Ran all these years knew about this, they would probably jump into the Huangpu River one by one.

After spending two days with the four girls in Shanghai, Huang Chen asked Luo Xiaoying to drive the Pagani Fengshen back to Linjiang first, while he took the three girls to the Ice Mist Sect.

Ruxue, the lord of the Binglan Sect, received them personally.

Huang Xing asked her for a place to go to the Ice Misty Sect in the cultivation world for Lu Xiaoke.

Fei Ruxue agreed without hesitation.

The Ice Misty Sect chose five places to go to the cultivation world this time, and they originally listed Lu Xiaoke in the pre-selection list.

Lu Xiaomay let the real martial arts sword recognize the master, and the natural sword intent displayed in the martial arts competition is enough to prove her talent in swordsmanship.

Besides, Huang Xing, the number one master in China, even spoke up, and the Binglan Sect naturally gave him face, and readily agreed.

Then Huang Xing visited Xiaoke's master, Fei Ruyu, and gave her a Nine-Turn True Yuan Pill to thank her for taking care of Lu Xiaoke.

After leaving Lu Xiaoke in the Ice Mist Sect, Lu Xing brought Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen to the Yuhua Dao Sect.

He discussed with Daoist Fengqing about Ji Ran's plan to join the Ascension Daoist sect in the cultivation world to seek asylum.

Taoist Master Fengqing knew that the real mastermind behind the scenes was the Holy Son of Blood Sacred Land, so naturally he would not stand idly by, and asked Ji Ran to worship the Supreme Elder Zhenqing as his teacher, and took her into the Taoist sect of Yuhua.

He still didn't recognize Ji Ran, and he didn't know what kind of story was behind it, which made him dare not even recognize his own granddaughter.

As for Huang Chen stepping on two boats, Daoist Feng Qing didn't say much, but as an elder, he told him earnestly not to let Ji Ran be wronged.

After leaving Ji Ran at the Yuhua Dao Sect, Lu Xing accompanied Xiao Qingchen back to the Sword Sect to get the sword.

The Phoenix Blood Sword is a magical weapon in the realm of comprehension, he is a little curious, what kind of magic sword will Xiao Qingchen take out from the sword mound this time?
(End of this chapter)

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