Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 284 Crazy Devour

Chapter 284 Crazy Devour
The elder in charge of Yuxin Hot Spring opened the cave door, and Huang Chen and Xiao Qingchen walked into the cave.

He cautiously looked around with his delusion-breaking eyes.

This is the foundation of the Shinto Temple. If there are agencies ambush, they will be in great danger.

Walking from the entrance to the hot spring, Huang Xing didn't find any ambush.

It seems that the Shinto Academy really doesn't want to be his enemy.

The hot springs are natural and have been passed down for thousands of years.

Dim and dense, silver light shines.

The water of the hot spring comes from the ground, and the smoke is filled with mist.

Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen walked into the hot spring together.

The water temperature is about 70 degrees. If ordinary people enter it, at least a layer of skin will be scalded.

However, those who are eligible to enjoy the Yuxin hot springs must at least have cultivated strength, and the temperature is quite comfortable.

They have already used the Xisui Pill, and the Dao Heart is also indestructible, and the Yuxin Hot Spring has basically no effect on them.

The two of them didn't come in to cleanse their flesh and mind, but purely to enjoy the hot spring.

The mist is hazy, like a dream.

Huang Chen looked at Xiao Qingchen, and said with a playful smile, "Did you feel bored without fighting with the Shinto Academy?"

Xiao Qingchen wanted to prove the Tao by killing during this trip, and she just killed more than 20 innate masters in Yingwuzhai.

I thought there would be a fierce battle at the Shinto Academy, but I didn't expect that the Shinto Academy would be so cowardly and directly negotiate peace with them.

Huang Xing and the Shinto Academy had no enmity, and the other party greeted them with a smile, so there was no need for him to kill.

Xiao Qingchen replied softly, "As long as I'm by your side, I won't be bored."

Huang Xing pinched her little nose and smiled, "Silly girl, who did you learn from, that your mouth becomes so sweet?"

"I learned from you." Xiao Qingchen said with a smile.

Huang Xing raised her chin, and said with a playful smile, "Show me how sweet it is."

As he said that, he kissed her superficially.

He didn't dare to kiss too fascinated, otherwise he would lose control of himself.

The two soaked in the hot spring quietly to relieve their fatigue.

About ten minutes later, Huang Xing saw a gentle air flow seeping into his body, washing away his flesh.

He traced back to the source, checked the source of this stream of air, and found that it was gushing from the ground.

He performed the "Natural Scripture of Creation" exercises, trying to actively absorb these air currents.

Sure enough, his body was like a whirlpool, absorbing these air currents like crazy.

He already knew the cultivation method of "The Heavenly Scripture of Creation", because Wudiqiang told him that it would take several 10 years of cultivation to reach 99 levels, so he gave up cultivation.

Now after taking the Creation Pill, he has only risen to the sixth level, which corresponds to the late stage of Qi refining.

According to this calculation, if you want to become a Nascent Soul monster in the cultivation world, you only need to reach the sixteenth level.

Compared with the peak 99-weight "The Heavenly Scripture of Creation", it is just getting started.

It was also the first time for Huang Chen to practice "The Heavenly Scripture of Creation" today, because the quota given by the system today was spirit stones, and he couldn't consume them before he went to the cultivation world, so he had to use them to practice and absorb them.

After absorbing 256 low-level spirit stones, he found that the aura in his body had improved a lot.

Huang Chen let go of Xiao Qingchen in his arms, and asked seriously, "Qingchen, have you noticed a stream of air seeping into your body?"

Xiao Qingchen nodded and said, "Well, there is a ray of air entering my body to cleanse the flesh, but I have already taken the marrow washing pill, and now it has no effect on me."

Huang Xing said, "Try to absorb it actively, and see if you can transform it into your innate true energy."

"it is good."

Xiao Qingchen sat cross-legged in the hot spring, trying to use the exercises to absorb the air currents.

She had already noticed the abnormality of the air flow just now, it seemed that many of them gushed out and were sucked into Huang Xing's body.

After practicing for a while, she stopped, shook her head and said, "No."

Huang Xing frowned. Could it be because Xiao Qingchen's cultivation technique level was too low, so he couldn't absorb these air currents and transform them into spiritual energy?

He thought of the Qingchengzhilian in Xiao Qingchen's body, and suggested, "Borrow the power of Qingchengzhilian, to see if you can absorb these air currents and refine them into innate true energy."

Xiao Qingchen resumed his cultivation as he said.

The power of Qingcheng Zhilian is extremely terrifying, and she still can't fully control it, but with a slight movement, a sharp sword intent emanates from her body, filling the entire hot spring.

Huang Xing observed the changes of these air currents, and his method was indeed feasible. These air currents were absorbed into Xiao Qingchen's body and refined into pure aura.

However, the speed of her absorption is very slow, far inferior to her gluttonous devouring, but it can almost catch up with his cultivation with intermediate spirit stones.

Huang Xing also sat down cross-legged and began to practice.

The airflow from the ground rushed out frantically, and Huang Xing's body absorbed them in like a vortex, refining them into spiritual energy.

Time passed by, and the two quietly practiced in the hot spring.


The innate aura suddenly rose from Huang Xing's body, covering the entire secret cave.

He actually took advantage of the airflow from the Yuxin Hot Spring to break through to the Foundation Establishment Stage without using the Good Fortune Pill.

After breaking through, 36 spiritual veins appeared in his body, filled with spiritual energy.

Huang Xing stopped practicing, his face was full of surprise.

Unexpectedly, the aura contained in these air currents was so abundant that it directly allowed him to break through the first level, saving 32 Good Fortune Pills.

Xiao Qingchen was awakened by Huang Xing's breakthrough, and a look of joy appeared on his face, feeling happy and proud of his man's breakthrough.

Huang Xing touched her black hair gently, "You continue to practice first."


Xiao Qingchen responded and continued to absorb those air currents.

Although her absorption speed was not as fast as Huang Xing's, it was already countless times faster than usual, which improved her cultivation a lot.

Huang Xing did not continue to practice, because he found that the speed of the air gushing out from the ground gradually slowed down. If he continued to refine it crazily, it would dry up that power, and Xiao Qingchen would not be able to practice anymore.

He thought in his heart, if the Shinto Academy knew that the air flow from the Yuxin Hot Spring to wash and cut the body was absorbed by him very little, he wondered if he would vomit blood angrily.

This is equivalent to directly destroying the foundation of the Shinto Temple!
Huang Xing sat on the side quietly watching Xiao Qingchen practice, fascinated.

Xiao Qingchen, who was practicing seriously, exuded a more charming temperament, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

After a while, the air no longer gushed out from the ground.

Huang Xing felt a little puzzled, those air currents should have been absorbed.

Xiao Qingchen stopped practicing, with some doubts on his face.

Before they had time to think about it, they felt that there was a mysterious power washing their hearts.

This feeling is very gentle, very comfortable.

Even Huang Xing's delusion-breaking eyes couldn't see what kind of power it was.

He has broken through the Foundation Establishment Stage, and even he can't see through it, which shows that this kind of power has at least reached the level above the Nascent Soul Stage.

This kind of power is the real foundation of Yuxin Hot Spring - to cleanse Dao Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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